Why Are All White People Racists

Are white people racist?

The Jan/Feb 2015 issue of Mother Jones has an article by Chris Mooney on the science of detecting racism. I highly recommend reading it. The short answer is there are very few of us humans that have no racist characteristics.

Why are many white people racist? Are they taught to be that way?

Why do you feel like that about whites? I was taught racism back in the day and heard negative name callings about the races from my handsome Black DAD/etc.…... Yes, it was once taught and might still for those that are inferior. It is never ALL.Why are SOME Blacks and other races are racists? But i see more love in this world and care like never before. Just think; if a dog no longer hating the cat and the cat will now be friends with the rat and all three of the mamals that care now - DOG-CAT-MICE- peace….. They play together now. Wake up!!! NOthing lasts forever not even hate.Are you a loner feeling this way? I think all races are doing wonderful in today’s world more so than the other worlds did in this universe years, years, and many years ago. Are you confident and competent?“ Luvya” but you can hate me that’s fine. because…….Tomorrow will still come.!!

Why are nearly all White people racist?

Wow, I really can't claim to know what you've been through. It sounds like you live in a horrible area of the country.

Most white people dislike racism and want it to end just like you and I do. It's the small and loud minority of the people like you mentioned who ruin it for the rest of the race. Some of my best friends and positive characters in my life are all white people. I really cannot stress enough that what you have seen is a bad bunch who happen to all be in one place.

If I were you, I would get out of there as soon as I could. Save your money; do anything you need to. Just get out. There is such a great future for you elsewhere where you don't have to be paranoid about racists on your back 24/7.

Is it racist to say "All white people are racist"?

First off….WOW. It never ceases to amaze some supposed virtous person gets on here with some by deffinition racist comment calling white people as a group racist. Now I thought liberals and progressives are supposed to be smart(oxymoron).Lets get this clear first. You grouping all whites together saying they are racist is by definition rascist in itself. You are assuming a groups worth or moral standing by the color of theyre skin. Whites cant be proud because they are white? Blacks can be proud because they are black and faced “ opression”. Well its a convenient proposition but thoroughly misguided. The very fact the generally white you call whites is a sub set of nationalities including irish, german, jewish, italian… you get the Idea. Now it seems its ok to having jewish pride or proud to be irish but the minute someone says white they are attacked. Why? The BLM and SJW extremists have fostered this race problem. Quiet on all fronts until a black person dies by white cop then being white is shameful and racist somehow. Well if that were tue the amount of blacks killed by their own would make being black shameful. Its a self defeating argument. Its a lust to have your own race be special or stand out above others or demonize another which is……you guessed it.RACIST.No its not racist to be white. 99.999 percent are great people. Just as I assume the same for all other races.

Why do black people say all white people are racist?

Primarily because we all have different ideas of what racism is.Going out of my way to hurt someone different is definitely racism (or bigotry as I prefer to say)Not doing the above, but: Not feeling empathy when something bad happens because the people suffering are not like me - is that bigotry?Not guilty of any of the above, but: Wanting the best and caring the most for my own family - is that bigotry?Caring deeply for others, but: Wanting to be left alone, not forced to sacrifice to help someone unlike yourself - is that bigotry?Willing to sacrifice for others, but disagreeing on the amount and how it is spent - is that bigotry.I’m in line with the last one. I give a lot but I care how it is spent. So Ican still be called a bigot/racist.

Is hiring white people racist?

If skin color is your only criterium and you pass up more qualified candidates due to skin color then yes you’re a racist.

Why is there so much racism towards white people?

Racism and white bashing exist because there are no laws against it. laws created to help end discrimination are laws that if you look at tend to propigate racism against whites. Take a black person being called a racist name, every group or wackjob like Jessi Jackson or farakan, and al Sharpton, leap to promote their self intrest. Yet a black person shouts anti white or anti any other race words and no one will come to that persons defence because that person will certainly be labled a racist. When the all powerful race card is played by those who use it expertly no one innocent white person stands a chance.

Do you believe that white people are racist?

I’m white and I absolutely hate stereotypes. And here is something right off the bat. I was sexually abused. Again I know that’s kind of crazy to just put out there but guess what the abuser was?Yeah. He was black. So what?Its a fucking skin color. Excuse my language but oh my gosh! Why can’t people accept that?It’s just terrible.i hate getting put along with the assholes. I try my best to be kind and i get the look that just because I’m white i must be racist.I’m kind! I swear! Right now it doesn’t seem like it because I’m venting. But I promise that I don’t judge because I do stupid stuff all the time. I’m the “I don’t know you, but I’d love to get to know you.” Kind of person, I’d say.I hate that I sound so rude right now. I’m so naive. I think that someday we could all be friends.I try to make up for the racism that’s put on everyone. I try to look nice, be nice, and act absolutely perfect so people like me.But then I see questions like this and remember that there are people that I don’t know, that don’t have something as simple as a “nice person”I really want people to see that most of us are good. It’s just the jerks that make us look like racists.Im going to get weird for a moment. I like….anime. And I get a lot of crap for it. Because others ruin it for me. They do one thing wrong and everyone gets dragged down with them!Its just like that! Except….less worldwide.Cant just be me that relates to this! I hope you get my point. I’m not being rude to you. I’m very glad you asked this.Thank you for asking this. I get to vent and not get crap for it.I hope you understand. I really hope this restores some kind of hope in humanity. Ya know?