Why Are Feminist Groups So Much More Violent And Aggressive Than Mens Groups

Why did the Incel Movement start as a positive feminist movement but changed to aggressive woman hate?

Incel is a state of being. Not a women hate group.If you want women hate groups, you can find them in most societal sectors.Incel made the rounds now because a few guys went on a rampage and killed people. Fair enough. They were extremists in their group. You go to any group and you get the same thing. Including feminism. The term Feminism is also poisoned.The problem is media sensationalises the worst or most bizarre people of any group because it sells. And its true…an incel killed some people. But so has many depressed people that may or may not be incel. Many people are killed by non-incels.I wouldn't say Incel was a feminist movement. it was simply a young woman who realised, rightfully, sex/intimacy isn't a choice. She started forums for people like herself and everything was fine. Statistically, men are more prone to violent crime than women, so it would be almost predictable that male incels, more than female, would create a group of hate. And yes, a branch did go that way.My opinion from observation and what I studied, is because many women and some men (who are supposed to be empathetic with their fellow brother) think men are losers and entitled assholes when men discuss their lack of fortune with sex and intimacy. Men have no outlet. In fact, men are not allowed to be Incel, or you are but you have to be positive about the fact you are unattractive and/or will never know love on your terms. With the increase of Feminism, we are seeing more disgruntled male groups in all sorts of variations, from black pills, to incels to red pills, to MGTOW to increase in human sex trafficking etc. Men have nowhere to go and feminism isn't helping.

Violence against men?

Ladies, what's your opinion on this issue? Do you think that violence against men is wrong and not to be tolerated or is it just funny, and you don't care at all what happens with men?

What's the most radical feminist group?

The Gulabi Gang in India. They wear pink saris and carry lathis (bamboo staves) for protection against physical attack. They punish abusive husbands, publicly shaming and sometimes beating them. They also watch out for and expose dowry beatings, dowry death, rape, child marriages, desertion, depriving girls of education, child molestation, and sexual harassment. They have invaded police stations to demand that police investigate these matters, and other things that affect the community such as corruption. India’s police are notoriously corrupt and sometimes only the threat of a full-scale female riot will get them to act.Nobody knows quite how many of them there are. Estimates range from 270,000 to 400,000. You don’t want to mess with women under their protection, or they will fuck you up.They are among the Heroic Women to Inspire Game Designers.

When looking at violent crime, we see that males commit more violent crime than females.?

When looking at violent crime, we see that males commit more violent crime than females. Assuming that males are more violent than females, does that mean crime has a biological rather than a social basis (because males and females share similar environments)?

What is your opinion of male feminists?

Pro-feminism refers to support of the cause of feminism without implying that the supporter is a member of the feminist movement. The term is most often used in reference to men who are actively supportive of feminism and of its efforts to bring about the political, economic, cultural, personal, and social equality of women to men. A number of pro-feminist men are involved in political activism, most often in the areas of gender equality, women's rights, and violence against women.

As feminist theory found support among a number of men who formed consciousness-raising groups in the 1960s, these groups were differentiated by preferences for particular feminisms and political approaches. However, the inclusion of men's voices as "feminists" presented issues for some. For a number of women and men, the word "feminism" was reserved for women, whom they viewed as the subjects who experienced the inequality and oppression that feminism sought to address. In response to this objection, other terms like antisexism and pro-feminism, were coined and defended by various groups.

There are pro-feminist men's groups in most nations in the Western world. The activities of pro-feminist men's groups include anti-violence work with boys and young men in schools, offering sexual harassment workshops in workplaces, running community education campaigns, and counseling male perpetrators of violence.

Pro-feminist men also are involved in men's health, men's studies, the development of gender equity curricula in schools, and many other areas. Pro-feminist men who support anti-pornography feminists participate in activism against pornography including anti-pornography legislation.

Would Women's Own Group Preference be a prime example of toxic femininity?

Women's Own Group Preference is a form of in-group bias or tribalism where people innately prefer those who share the same walks of life with them. However Women's Own Group Preference is a very large and very well kept form of in-group bias because it practically requires nothing else but for women to share the same gender for them to naturally form bonds with one another.

To those still scratching your heads, patriotism is a form of in-group bias where people prefer and roundly support others within their own country of origin. Women's Own Group Preference is a form of patriotism where the female sex is the country in which they roundly prefer and support.

Women's Own Group Preference can also be referred to as the "sisterhood" and in many cases has seen to the success of women right's advocates, women support groups/networks and other such exploits as it allows them to easily organize and rally in support of one another and in defense against real or perceived enemies.

However there are numerous examples of it going to far and the numbers of incidents of this double with each year.

Example 1: Woman A is a jerk towards everyone at the office even towards woman B, Man A has had enough and stands up for himself and calls out Woman A for her poor behavior and conduct. Instead of seeing this as an oppurtunity to air her own grievances against woman A, woman B sides with woman A and both women A and B are now ridiculing man A