Why Are Guys So Emtional

Why us girls are more emotional than guys?

women are able to show their emotions and its acceptable, men are not able to show theirs as much.
we have weird hormonal swings related to our menstrual cycles, and we are more apt to get stressed out just by the way we are built. This is not to say there arent women out there who can keep their emotions in check, i just think in general, we tend to be built with these emotions.
also we empathize better than men do, so when others are hurting we take some of their emotion into ourselves as well.

Why are girls so emotional and guys not.?

Honestly, neither of you are the problem!
girls are more emotional and sensitive, guys are less emotional which can lead to anger being the only shwon emotion.

these are NOT stereotypes and im not being sexist or stereotypical. it comes down to our chemicals in our body..
girls have estrogen which MAKE us mroe emotional and prone to sensitivity.
men have testosterone which makes you guys the way you are..

and honestly, i dont think theres anything wrong wiht that.
everyone is different, no matter what gender. we all show emotion, but in different ways.

Why do guys not show emotion?

guys don't show emotion because they think that it will make them look weak. It's like we expect them to be buff and stong...and they just accept that. Now, they think it is thei responsibilitie to hold all their emotions in.

Why are girls so emotional?

Cause we can show our emotions without reserve better then men.

Are emotional guys a turn off?

I was wondering because twice in the last two years I've become good friends with a girl and then asked them on a date. The first girl wouldn't talk to me after I took her to a movie (I didn't try to make any moves, we decided to go just as friends), but before that we talked quite often. The other girl I went on three dates with and then she stopped talking to me.
I guess it could be some horrible flaw in my personality, but why is it that both of them talked to me until they found out I liked them? By the way this has acctually happened 4 times that I've been friends with a girl until she found out that she liked me it's just that the other 2 times they didn't stop talking to me(but they didn't really like me any more).
I have to admit I am emotional and I know that one of the girls didn't like me because I was emotional.

Why do guys tend to hide their emotions?

Some men don't want to appear weak, maybe in front of their partner or friends. That's true of women I know as well.On the whole men don't hide their emotions they just don't display them, there is good reason for this. It solves nothing, displays of emotion do nothing but confuse the situation and make things worse. Just like most men don't want to go to therapy as it solves nothing. For example, when I was serving in Iraq during the time saddam was captured, we got incoming every day for weeks and a lot of us got hurt badly, more of them got hurt worse though.Now I want you to tell me, if I went to therapy and expressed myself and cried over it, what would that solve other than to drag up things I don't want to think about or talk about, what would it change. Would it change friends getting hurt or me doing my job. No so why waste time going over things that can't be changedNow you might say that it would help me to get perspective on what happened, well I have plenty of perspective I was there I lived through it.You can say it might help me to deal with current issues in my life, I doubt it I'm not in the army anymore and nobody is trying to kill me.On another note, men don't have the hormones running through our bodies that women do, well not in the same quantites anyway, we have the greater amount of testosterone which is a mood stabiliser when it's in its natural form, for men anyway. This happens during puberty we start to get massive amounts of this hormone flood our bodies this leads to mood swings and often fighting because of its very nature, but as we mature it stabilises and we learn to cope with it so we often go from placid and calm to very angry and violent and back again if we have to. On the whole though this does lead men to a place where we learn that emotions running unchecked are dangerous for us and other people so we learn to check them.It's really that simple, has more to do with growing up and less to do with other men thinking your weak for crying. Although there was a time when that was the case it isn't so much now.It's often something I hear more from feminists as though that's why men need feminism but it actually isn't when the truth is that men going over old wounds that change or solve nothing practical makes men feel worse not better, unchecked emotions are dangerous for the man and other people so we check them. It's really that simple. When other people tell you otherwise you really shouldn't believe them.