Why Are Low Income People So Unattractive

Why are low Income people so ugly?

They cannot afford things other people can: good teeth care, a decent haircut, nice clothes, balanced nutrition, decent body care.....All these things are really expensive if you think of it, ......

Why are low Income people so unattractive?

Well, here's a list of reasons why that is:

- They cannot afford nutritional food.

- They often turn to drugs for solace or money, in which often ruins their looks.

- They often can't afford a proper education which leads to a stressful job, and stress equals rapid ageing.

- Due to lack of a proper education, they often need to work longer hours in stressful jobs which means they have no time for personal care.

- They often have more than 3 kids due to lack of education or in hope of increased government support etc.

- "Ugly" people are usually not considered for employment. Believe what you will, but you don't really see many unattractive people working in clear view these days.

- They often can't afford their medical bills which often leaves them to deal with whatever problem they have, which in turn causes stress.

- They can only afford inferior products that I wouldn't touch with a barge poll.

These are just a few reasons for why they look the way they do. And trust me, there are many more.

Why are low Income people so unattractive?

I had noticed that in lower income areas the majority of the people are not attractive and are very u unkept why is this. I live in an affluent community and its the complete opposite

Are the poor generally less physically attractive than the wealthier?

When I look at mugshots of criminals, or pictures of the homeless or people in trailer parks, most of them are honestly quite hideous.
I went to high school in an area in which the average family made over $100K. It was a public school, but there hadn't been a teen pregnancy, dropout, or fight in many decades. Literally everyone went to college. And people were very good-looking. I'd say a good quarter of them could easily model.
I've seen prostitutes. People pay them for sex, but most pale in comparison to the kids at my old school. In fact, many prostitutes are downright ugly.
It's not like the kids at my old school were getting plastic surgery. They were just tall and thin with clear skin, clean hair and straight teeth.
Low income people have higher rates of obesity, hard drug use, poor hygiene, crooked/yellow teeth, etc.

Why are people from country towns/rural America so ugly compared to affluent suburbs and the city?

First of all, offensive question. I live in the country.

Have you ever been to a country town? Or are you just basing people off of a movie or a stereotype?
Have you ever thought about why they might not look so fabulous all the time?

I'll break it down for you: Farmers get up in the early morning to go farm whatever they're farming. They don't really have time to get all fancy because they work long hours and need to get ready for work. Also, why would a farmer want to wear high heels or jewelry? They're just going to get it dirty or lose it. Also they don't really need or want or have access to plastic surgery and all that crap. They get up early in the morning and go to bed well past what most people go to bed at, just to put food in your stomach! Stop judging them, they are helping you!

FYI, look around you can find fat people anywhere! Look outside every once in a while! People can lose teeth anytime, it may just be from old age, you don't know! Maybe they have problems that make their teeth fall out!

Rural towns and country towns may not have fancy stuff, but they have better heart and better people than big cities and suburbs do! How many murders have you heard about in country towns? Huh? Almost none.

There are beautiful girls and women in my town and the men are well groomed. Even if they don't have outer beauty, they can still be beautiful inside!

Gosh, everyone judges everyone these days just because people might be different. Everyone is a person, you don't have to say mean things everytime someone doesn't look the way other people look.

P.S. Sorry I was so harsh, but you need to think about it. Honestly!