Why Are Parents Against Sleepovers

Why do some parents say no to sleepovers?

There might be some underlying issue, like the child has to take medication, they may have bed-wetting issues; they may have night-terrors (start screaming and thrashing with no memory of it afterwards - not just a bad dream because it doesn't take place during REM sleep); the child may sleep walk.  The parent may be willing to take the hit to protect the child from these embarrassments or difficulties. The parent or the child may have anxiety issues.   The parents may feel that they do not know enough about the hosting family.  They may disapprove of some aspect of the hosting family's lifestyle. The parent may fear that lack of direct supervision might leave their child vulnerable to social, physical or sexual abuse; drugs, alcohol, access to guns, pornography or just movies and TV that do not meet with their approval. They may not want their child to go to a home where there is smoking or guns in the house. The parents may have had to get up in the night to go bring home their little darling one too many times from one too many sleepovers and be just sick of it.  Some parents may be perfectly willing to host but not willing to allow their child out of their sight for that long.  Some may be perfectly willing to send their child to someone else's home but be unwilling to host for various reasons.  I started to go on sleep-overs when I was six or seven and I loved them.  My son doesn't do many and he's eleven.

Parents won't let me have sleepovers?!?

I'm sorry for you, but those are your parents rules and you should obide by them. Have you done something in the past that would make them think you cannot be trusted?

I would try to sit down with both of them and talk it out. Figure out what is really the problem and take it from there. Show your parents you are trusthworthy and respect them. I am sure they will change their mind once you can do that.

Why won't my parents let me go to sleepovers with my friends?

I assume you are a teenager (high school student or below), by the “sound” of the question.Maybe it’s because they don’t trust your friends or their families. However, if they have met your friends, then it must be something they see at them that you don’t see, or they just have a bad feeling about them. Are you sure they like your friends? Have they told you so? Because if they haven’t told you, looks are deceiving sometimes.There is a number of thoughts that usually go through their minds in case you have a sleepover: - You will somehow end up being impolite and bring a bad name to your family;- Your friends’ house might get robbed by a burglar;- Someone is going to offer you drugs or secretly drug you;- You will drink alcohol;- Your friends are guys or they will bring guys (if you are a girl) and they might attempt to sleep with you;- Somebody will kidnap you and sell you as an organ donor;- Somebody will hurt or kill you.Yeah, believe me or not, this is what they sometimes have in mind. I would worry too, if I had a child.If you have known your friends for a long time and you trust them, then you can try to convince your parents that it will be just one night and nothing bad will happen. You can ask one of your parents to give you a ride there and pick you up after, so they can feel better. You can also arrange some party at your place and invite your friends’ families, so your parents will get to know them better, strengthen the ties and trust them.However, if nothing goes as you expect, don’t lose hope. If your friends are serious and honest, they will understand. You will have plenty of time for sleepovers when you reach college years.

As a parent, did you allow your kids to have sleep-overs? Why or why not?

A2A. Yes, I did, and I do.The funny thing about all three of my kids is that they rarely wanted to sleep over at someone else’s house. At least, that was/is true of my sons. My oldest boy rarely went anywhere else but always liked having over his friends, especially during the time around his birthday. The only place my younger boy ever likes to have sleepovers is at his cousins’ house, but otherwise he would rather have his own friends stay at our place.My daughter, contrary to the grain of both her brothers, was never interested in either going to someone else’s house or having friends of her own over. Honestly, I cannot recall a single time wherein she had a friend of her own stay our place, preferring to vicariously enjoy the company of her older brother’s friends instead.All things considered, I got off reasonably lucky on the sleepover front. I never had my kids trying to b.s. me about what they were allegedly doing at a friend’s house, and I was always able to keep a modest eye on them as they just hung out around our home instead.

Why don't Indian parents let their kids do a sleepover?

Sleepovers or Slumber party as fancily called sometimes are generally not encouraged or accepted in our indian families.Last couple of years I have time and again faced this situation where my daughter wanted to go for such sleepovers. It has become very commonplace nowadays.As a rule I have never favoured them.I must tell you I am a pretty easy going mom and like my daughter to have fun.But this one thing I was always sure about, it is a matter of safety, but I have had to tweak this rule in favour of my child.So this started 2–3 yrs back with regular requests/invitations coming in. First couple of times she took my no in the right spirit. But as the trend caught on and the instances of sleepovers around us increased she started getting restless and rebellious.Every time this discussion started a mini war in our home. With one or both of us ending up crying and going out of control.So now we have started allowing her with only 2–3 specific friends. Those whom we have met personally, whose home environment we are a bit aware about.This whole thing is not about asserting our parental authority but more about concerns of her safety. Our primary responsibility is towards her safety. We can always argue that instances of abuse occur more with known people but I refuse to expose my daughter to an alien environment in someone else's house.Even I have had some sleepovers at my home but since I am a working person I don't really do it very often.My daughter has a set of friends whom we have known for a good number of years and I am aware of their family members with whom she is allowed to sleepover.#SK

Why don’t Muslim parents let their kids go to sleepovers?

Funny, I am an Syrian American mother who is fiercely protective of her child.I did not allow sleepovers, unless they were at relatives or very close friends whose parenting style was similar to mine (strict/diligent.)These sleepovers were few and far between.Children get a better sleep in heir own beds and they have all day and a good part of the evening to play and have fun.Children that rest well, are calmer, study well, healthier, and happier.Guess what, I’m not Muslim. Christian here.I know many mothers that feel the same way, it’s not just me. They aren't all Muslim either, but some are.

Parents who don't allow their kids to go to sleepovers: why? what's the big deal?

Same my mom says i cant have a sleepover at my friends house too. Well because sometimes they think their gonna loose you. Or your gonna sneak out with your friend or something.

Is having sleepovers against Islam?

It is not permissible for male and female non-mahrams to be alone together if that’s what you mean. I think you should ask a scholar by submitting the question on IslamQA - Create NewQ - and give further details such as the age of the people having the sleepover and if they need a mahram to go with them, as well as any other relevant information.