Why Are So Many Christians Conservative

Why are so many Christians conservative?

Decades of brainwashing by con artists.

Why do so many Christians/conservatives use all caps? Is there caps lock broken?

They love to yell. whine, and claim to be the victim of "others".

Why do so many conservatives and right wing Christians like Ayn Rand?

I just love the assumption that Christians are the only group advocating anything Ayn Rand who are conflicted in their views of Ayn Rand.  I recently wrote an article on a chapter in Rand's book in which she not only encouraged judging one another which seems to be an anti-liberal/libertarian value, but she also suggested every thinking person is morally required to extol ethics and morality and to constantly speak their judgments.  I title the piece 'Atlas Judged' and you can find it at provided an atheist's justification for the grand American experiment.  That is, she presents a comparison of statist control and individual self will.  Her observation of the two systems at work as she reflects for the reader, note the far superior benefit to the individual via Capitalism.  Maybe she rejects Christian belief but much of the Christian practice she extols as illustrated above.  The work is for many Christians, a logical verification of being on the right track with regard to minimal macro policy set and a witness against state established micro policy set.

Why do so many conservative Christians support Donald Trump, still, to this day?

Corruption. The worship of Mammon.

Trump's main argument? The stock markets are wild. Growth! +tax cuts.

(Deficits? What deficits? What's a deficit? Stop putting all those negative people at the Fed and print more money).

It's all a circus show. We are embarked on mad looting madness.
But conservative Christians have come to identify "the will of God" with ""personal power for them as a group".
They'll trade everything for the wink and the nod.
And hey! If it's profitable to me, it must be God's will.
It's all very convenient theology.

Why are so many traditionalist/conservative christians so judgemental?

Judgementalism (is that a word?) is a natural byproduct of an incorrect focus on religion. My experience has been that it's far too easy to fall into a life view that religion is all about rules and lifestyles. Some people call this legalism.

Legalism leads to "my way is superior to your way" thinking. I read a story recently about a single mother's experience with a church. She said that while they were helping her, the church members subtly delivered to her the message that her lifestyle (single mom) was not preferred. She eventually left the church. I don't blame her.

Jesus Christ offers so much more than a set of rules. He offers a way to heal our fractured hearts and lives. He offers a way to meet the needs of the hurting so that they can "go and sin no more". He went right to the sinners of his day because they were real. The religious establishment was more focused on how they looked - he called them "whitewashed tombs" and cups that were clean on the outside but filled with crap on the inside.

Your observation is far too accurate. It pains me that my fellow Christians behave this way. Don't give up on Jesus because of their poor witness.

Why are Christians so conservative when Jesus very clearly was not?

Scooterpoop, fiscal cliff diver, how could Jesus be pro capitalism when capitalism as a government didn't even exist in Jesus's time. You very clearly read your bible, but didn't read a single word of it. Are you evangelical? Evangelicals thing Jesus was put on earth to further the efforts of the American Republican party, lol

Why do Christian Conservatives worry so much about being tempted into a homosexual lifestyle?

To all you who have made some comment or other,you cannot be tempted into a homosexual life you dummies because you are born homosexual from day one of your birth ok.and if anyone tells you they were tempted they were gay to start with ok,and I have never read in the bible one line of print where it say's god is opposed to homosexualallity,another example of christians putting their own words to their interpretation of the bible ok.

Why do so many Christian Conservatives support military intervention and wars when the Bible makes it clear that murder is wrong?

christianity has nothing to do with wars, the leaders of nations makes war ,was is big business for bankers they finance both sidesChristianity is each person responsible for his faith in jesus christ to believe and help him to jesus teachings as per the bible,war is a mans greed for others resources at less costChristianity is a person choice by a person to the person jesus never to any church or institute , the responsibility is also on a person too onlythanks oswald india