Why Are Some People Slow

Why some people eat slow?

I have a cousin who is always the last one to get up from the table. At first I just thought she was avoiding in picking up and helping in washing the dishes. She eats too slow and usually finishes eating 10-15 mins after everyone. By the time I am thinking of getting seconds, she is not even half way done!

I was wondering if this is some sort of brain physiological problem she has or something that works slower in her brain when it comes to meal time. (I know that just sounded ridiculous).

So what causes some people to eat ridiculously slow then!!?

Why do some people talk slow?

Because every ones different! That's like asking why do some people look different! to some this can be annoying,to others people who talk fast can be annoying.Although certain drugs can make people talk slowly,there are also drugs that can make you talk faster! So don't let people fool you,its not always drugs!Some are just too fast to assume things they know nothing about! It could be what state there from,certain learning behaviors from a young age,anxiety,or maybe there just very mellow/calmer than most.Depression can cause this is some people,but I think its mostly just in the genes.I know people who talk both very fast and very slow. .ex..when my brother was around ten yrs.of age,he asked our dad - .daddy why are they in slow motion? haha (referring to a couple who talked very slow).everyone is different,and you just learn to appreciate them for who/how they are!

Why is it that some people hate slow people?

I think it has to do with expectations.I value my time, so when somebody is taking an unnecessarily long amount of time walking, driving, or doing menial tasks in front of me… they inadvertently impede my progress. I don't mind if you're a slow person or if you need a bit more time to do stuff. It's when it adds up and starts to become ridiculous.This usually happens when something that would take you X amount of time winds up taking much longer (say 10X).That's when frustration can mount.

Why are some people slow at their work?

There are many reasons for people being slow in their work. Some are listed below:Lack of interestBeing over perfectionistLack is motivationLack of concentrationInbuilt nature of being slow in all activities of lifeLack of knowledgeLack of proper work environmentLack of systematic work systemAnd many more reasons based on the situation and psychology of the person

Why are some people slow thinkers?

I am a slow thinker and not particularly academic either. I second and third guess myself to make sure that what I do or say is truthful and or correct.For me I think it is a deep insecurity from childhood. In school you were beaten at a young age for getting things wrong or not paying attention. I was a dreamer and would be beaten often. It was how the intellectual elders showed example back then. It's legacy remains to this day and I am nearly fifty.That said , I am good at proofreading documents. I will find the “ the the ” in a paragraph or quote marks not closed.I would say my IQ is probably only average at best. But I try to make up for it by getting good at other things like maths and music. I know I will never be a Leonard Euler or a Mozart but I can be better than what I already am. I am slow but I am heading in the right direction for self improvement most of the time.

Why do some people drive so slow?

We feel ya, "lakecity21"

UNFORTUNATELY, for the rest of us drivers like yourself...SOME people (figuratively speaking) are hopeless butt-heads....serially & spitefully mooning us with their A-H mentality.

Apparently, for whatever reason, it is an effective means of feeling in control. Surely, they have to know that they are impeding and/or preventing other people (sometimes, EMERGENCY/RESCUE vehicles) from "necessarily" getting from point A to point B in a timely manner.

Upon driving up next to them and overtly observing them, they may at times make eye contact with you in a manner which may sometimes convey an ego trip of the "psychosis type"...and apparently, "just don't give a hoot". There are many who will check their mirrors & "awaken" out of their trance as if to say, "Oh! I'm day dreaming a traffic jam into existence, behind me."...and will thus, promptly move one lane to the right. This, after you've given them a discerning stare.

Still, there are the other type, who is observed staring straight ahead and seemingly is paralyzed by some sort of "tunnel vision" trance.

Maybe, such behavior is drug induced or just a lack of attention or perhaps, is the product of a past traumatic or regretful experience, or for a few of them, simply is a matter of exercising their freewill to impose their wounded ego upon the masses as entertainingly (for themselves) as possible - (Mooning us, with their A-H mentality).

Why do some people learn slower than others?

Given the right environment and means of knowledge access, I suspect we all have the potential for genius, to learn fluidly and easily.I suspect the greatest impediments to this are childhood trauma (household violence, mobbing, bullying, exclusion), the educational methods applied (short-term ‘cerebral’ exam-driven rote learning vs open, ‘assimilated’ self-chosen task-oriented learning) and the degree to which we are schooled to think in simple, visual models (assimilation 60,000 times faster than text).A child exposed to harm will grow up clinging to the safe, the known, the familiar. Learning is impeded through fear of failure and over-attention to detail. Their learning is marked by doubt: they tend to see ambiguities where none were imagined or intended. Communication is more difficult, frustrating teachers.Someone learning through own motivation will progress more quickly, will become skilled in filtering out the immaterial, and will learn to achieve concrete goals rather than simply acquire knowledge. They are better able to select their own collaborators on such projects, and, where necessary, to work independently.Visual models are an abstraction of ideas. Moreover, anything that can be visually modeled can usually be classified. Learning is often akin to doing a jigsaw puzzle. There will be times when essential information is unavailable. Shifting mental model grains is helpful to recognizing and working around these shortfalls, the cognitive structures greatly aiding in relating what is learned to prior knowledge.

Why are some people fast runners and some people slow runners?

Good question, I often wonder this myself.

Could be part genetics, but then again my mom and brother are terrible at any kind of sport and are slow, and my dad and sister are decent but not the fastest. However, people always comment on how fast I am (I played soccer too and now play hockey). Though I do suck in long distance...But if you're built a certain way (due to genetics), then that could make you faster or slower.

I think one can train to be faster too though of course, at least at running distance, maybe sprinting. But I don't hear of too many slow people suddenly gaining a lot of speed just because they start running more.

So it's probably a little bit of both. And maybe just a bit of luck.