Why Are Teapublicans Afraid To Form Their Own Party. If They Feel That They Represent The Views Of

Why doesn't the Tea Party form their own political party?

This is a very wise thing the Tea Party is doing, for several reasons:

1. Creating a 2nd Conservative party will only split the votes between them and the GOP, resulting in guaranteed wins for the Democrat Party, which is hostile to the ideas of fiscal sanity and reducing spending that the Tea Party favors.

If we take your Green Party you mentioned as the example, the Green Party cost Al Gore the 2000 election. Ralph Nader siphoned off enough votes to keep Al Gore out of the White House. The same thing happened even early in 1992 with Ross Perot and the Reform Party. Their platform was being fiscally conservative, and they siphoned off enough votes from Bush to put Clinton into the White House.

So if you want to advance your cause, forming your own party is exactly the wrong thing to do.

2. Republicans historically have been the party of wanting to reduce gov't and gov't spending. This is a natural fit, and in fact, returns the GOP back to it's Conservative roots.

Why do you support the democrats or republicans?

Why do you support the political party that you choose. Do you agree with all their views? I can't agree fully with either party. I seem to have this ability to make up my own mind as to which position I take toward things. Like take for instance welfare. I think we need to support those who really need it like the elderly and handicapped, but those who don't are abusing the system and it needs to be revamped. So what I am really wondering is how the die hard whatever party members on here that just bash the other party decide which party they are going to support.

Does it seem to you that the Republicans want the dumbest and most obnoxious people representing them?


Count Acumen

It's not that it seems, they do want the dumbest most obnoxious people representing them. Unfourtionaly for most of them they are less informed then there Democrat counter part which is sad.

I'm was really surprised to find your question for I have gave this a lot of thought over the last couple years. In the last few months Ive read thousands of political answers with responding too just few of them. Trying to find a reasonable explanation for this very strange following in our country.

The Following Defined: Believing in opinion that suit them, Not able to rationalize, Like members of a cult

Would like to mention in my research the word nitwit came up hundreds of times referring to the Democrates.Thought if the nitwits have the Presidency, the house and one seat away from super majority in the senate whats that make the Republicans?

This is what I have determined there are three factors involved.

1. Individual geological location: Such as the big red state where the left wing radio is not available. So they only hear one side of a story that's been taken out of contents. This is a fact the republican base is less informed its the only way to keep there members from declining.

2. Individual personality: Hard headed we've all met the type they will never admit there wrong no matter how obvious the truth is.
This is were you will find the "Blue Collar Conservative" a term that's contradictive.
What can you tell a person with two black eyes a fat lip and holding a foreclosure notice? Nothing because hes already been told three times.
The Timid: Blind believers these people will bend over touch there toes because they were told it's not going to hurt at all. There afraid to make a decision or form a opinion on there own.

3.The Just Plan Stupid. This can also be the person with 10 years of college. When it come to certain subject they don't have a clue what there talking about but think they do. This particular person is a follower.

Obama keeps telling Republicans they should cave to his ideas because he won. Didn't they also win?

Why didn't Obama abandon his views to support the past admin. What a flipping jerk, he wants everyone to agree with him else we are losers. Just how narcissistic can one person be. I don't recognize a NON born national citizen as a legitimate elected president. It is unconstitutional. I will never abandon my beliefs to a radical far-leftist libtard either. So mr. Hussein Obama, you can go to hell.

Why are American politicians afraid of Trump?

They are not afraid.The Republicans have been out of power for so long that they will not easily give up that power even under Trump. Without this obsession of being in power Trump would not have been tolerated, so they will continue to ignore his incompetence as long as they can because a bad ending for Trump will see them out of power for another 8 years.

Is Donald Trump really a Republican?

Mr. Trump is a Trumpian, which means he saw an opportunity to do something that would benefit Mr. Trump.  If he were president, he could for sure set up deals that would give him lots of money after he retired.  In that sense, he is for Trump, first, last and always.  I don't think he gives a rip about the Republican party.In the same sense, Hillary isn't really a Democrat, she's  for Hilary, whatever that takes.  She has demonstrated repeatedly that she believes that government should provide a life of ease and comfort to government employees and offer top-level politicians a chance to become seriously rich.  All of her economic ideas are opportunities to solicit contributions to her foundation in return for favors, just as Trump's would be.  The $3 billion the Washington Post said had been paid into her foundation isn't enough for her; the 10 billion, or 3 billion or whatever he has isn't enough for Trump.The Confucian Cycle: China's Sage and America's Decline points out that society collapses when government costs more than taxpayers can afford and gives some solutions.