Why Are Women Stuck Up

Stuck up young women?

Are we? LOL
I think some young women are, but I don't think 'most' young women are, I see where you're coming from but I've been told MANY times that I'm too nice so I don't think it's 'most young women' I think it's down to each person..
Maturity has a lot to do with it too, having children makes people mature, but then again.. so do other things..

If it's about past relationships… It depends upon the girl, but if she really loved him and can't get over him, the best course of action from You…(her new boyfriend I'm assuming) would be to let her take her TIME! Time is the best healer. Let time take its course.BUT THAT'S ONLY ONE HALF OF THE SOLUTION!!!The other half belongs to you!Talk with her, understand what makes her stuck up with the same person, if she is willing to give you a chance…. Take it!THE LOVE OF MY LIFE WAS STILL STUCK UP ON HER EX WHEN WE STARTED TALKING…. BUT SHE GAVE ME A CHANCE.. GAVE HERSELF A CHANCE AT LIFE… Another shot at love…. Till today I have let her down at times, but I get up and bring myself on her level… Her passion, dreams and her stars lie on a higher scale than mine and I'm proud to have such a motivator as my ‘Jaan’…So u see…. Indian women aren't any different than any other women…. Indian men too get stuck up…. THAT'S LIFE MY FRIEND!MAYBE THAT'S WHY ON A SERIOUS NOTE, I DESPISE SUCH QUESTIONS….‘CHEERS’

I’m curious. What exactly is this “bad attitude problem” you mention? And in what way are they “stuck up”.I’m going to go out on a limb here and take a wild guess:You’ve been rejected, haven’t you? Did some girl/woman dare to say “no” to you? Did they dare not pay attention to you? Even though you insisted and kept trying to charm them with your manly irresisibility?You do know that if someone says “No thank you” (or as we say in Britain: “Bugger off, you”), and you insist, this is the very definition of “being a creep”? And by being a creep, you are forcing the girls/women to be very, very clear and to tell you something like “Get the fuck out of my face or I’ll pepper spray the fuck out of you!” Yes, I can see how that would be a rather bad attitude problem. That’s really not polite, is it?But you see, the thing is, everybody, men, women, boys, girls, strange squiggly alien life forms… all have the right to say “no” (or “quork” if you are a squiggly alien). And in a normal, fair and kind world, they would be respected and you’d say “Okay, no worries. Bye now.” and you’d leave them in peace.Funny thing: I find that if you treat women (girls) like people and not as if you have a right to their attention, they tend not to be stuck up, and their attitudes tend not to be terrible. (There are admittedly exceptions, but in general, not.) They tend to be just people.Question: Why are so many women very stuck up today with a very bad attitude problem?

Why do some men call women "stuck up" if they don't say "hello"? Please read details:?

If I say, "hello", or "how are you" or any other civil greeting and don't get a civil reply, I will have to assume the "lady" is "stuck-up", and/or very impolite.

What's this have to do with your failed love life?

Perhaps you need lessons in simple etiquette and manners.

You might need to think about why you attract men that you don't seem to like. I certainly wish I had your Psychic power to know what another was thinking.

Hmmm. You sound like some of the women that I made the mistake of dating after my divorce. They were unemployed or underemployed. The had pre-pubescent kids with behaviour problems that were in need of a father figure. They promised how good the sex was going to be when the time came. When and if the time came they were the worst sex I ever had. I wasted a lot of emotional energy and money on these "ladies". I think they were ALL professional divorcees, at best.

Please don't include me in your circle of "friends". Thank you.

Holy paradox, this question melted my brain. Are soaring birds flightless? Are straight roads serpentine? Are we human? Or are we dancer? Modest people are "moderate in the estimation" of their abilities. Stuck-up people "stay aloof from others (thinking themselves) superior." *Do these two things sound easy to reconcile to you?--------------------------------------*Thank you, Google definitions

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.I'm guessing you're male and by “stuck up” you mean doesn't kiss my feet when I deign to give her some attention.The answer is: she has a sense of self-worth and doesn't define herself by her physical appearance.Socially and emotionally mature women do not define themselves by the male gaze. They do not desperately seek and accept any male attention, no matter how degrading. They know that their physical appearance has no impact on their inherent worth and dignity as human beings.For some reason, men (and some women) assume that “unattractive” women should and will be grateful for any male attention they recieve, no matter how disrespectful. No. These women deserve the same effort and respect afforded to “attractive” women. They are not less worthy than other human beings.Newsflash: you can live without sex. Women can. Men can. Women are not going to be grateful for the chance to put up with an arrogant asshole until he tires of them. That's just a bad bargain all around - vibrators don't come with obnoxious personalities.

The only reason I can think of is:‘Women are finally behaving like men, and men don’t like it!’Long answer: Many men are hypocrites when it comes to behavior that is acceptable in men and behavior that is acceptable in women. I’ll be talking about these men.They don’t like smart women because they think they are uptight or stuckup. They admire smart men.They don’t like smart women who beat them and are vocal about it. They think men who are beating them and are vocal about it are ‘arrogant but studs!’They somewhere believe women ‘should behave like women’ which means ‘they should behave as I see acceptable for women’ because in reality there is no single way to be a woman and they don’t know that and they don’t care. They categorize women as a whole group and not a group of individuals who think and act in thousand different ways.They don’t expect women to know they’re pretty. There’s a whole list of songs where guys praise girls for ‘not knowing she’s beautiful’ as if not knowing her own beauty makes her pretty and rest other girls who spend time doing makeup, posting selfies, or dressing nicely are ‘vain and stupid and arrogant’ just because they care about how they look. These same guys will never look at a below average looking woman, because who doesn’t like pretty women? But they sure love to criticize pretty woman who doesn’t agree with them.(I’m Indian so specific desi point) Women drinking - bad! Men drinking - oh it’s usual, lets have beer next friday!Main point : They don’t like when women don’t pay attention to them because they think every woman should be nice to them. For no reason. They don’t expect that from men. They don’t expect random men to be nice and polite.But a woman! She should smile while talking and give them her time when they talk to her. She should accept all their advances and never say anything if she doesn’t like it. If she speaks up about ‘I don’t like this’ they easily blame her as ‘too stuck up’ because in their heads they’re very important and anyone rejecting them or their ideas is stuck up.This is a veryyyy basic and simple answer and only mentions a few points. There are many other reasons why girls and women can be stuck up.But main is : They’re starting to act like men, and men don’t like it because men have a fixed idea about women…which is not reality… and they don’t like women who go out of that box.

Why are girls so stuck up?

Of course there will a girls out there. Often it has nothing to do with how good-looking you are or she is, if they come across as what you describe as being "stuck-up" it tends to mean they are very low on self esteem. It is extremely common amongst girls your age and you should not take it personally. The reason they flock to what they see as "good looking" guys is not because they are so handsome but because they have the self esteem that these girls lack.

This is the reason why you are turned down, every time this happens some of your own confidence goes out the window and you start questioning yourself. Confidence comes across mostly through body language, so you may say that you feel very good about yourself, this is probably not reflected through your body language. Don't worry though, this will change just write yourself a list of everything that is good about yourself, everything you like. You mentioned that your courteous and respectful; do not ever 'unlearn' those traits, in a few years time you will attract the real deal for sure!

Secondly, it could be the fact that you are such a gentleman that currently turns these girls away. At that age the majority is looking for dangerous and confident bad boys. In a few years that will change.

Lastly, I am not sure what girls you are going for, but look around. I am sure there are girls close to you who are just like yourself; wondering why those 'hot' guys are not going after them even though they are very pretty. Just like yourself they may have amazing personalities which do not shine through yet, especially in high school.

Remember, savour your friends, savour the fact that these girls want to be your friends. Having friends surround you is such a gift, there is plenty of time for hot girls and the like to come into your life but do not despair. You are so young, why not focus on the things you take real pleasure in, the more you start obsessing about why you can't get girls, the more they will turn away.

Why are girls so stuck up?

I mean, most girls nowadays act as if we guys aren't super rich or stoop to their level, we don't mean nothing to them. Especially here in LA, if you aren't rich or you don't bow down to women, you're not good enough for them. Just the other day, I was coming home from School, and as I was walking along the road, I saw this cute girl. Of course I didn't stare at her, but I took a quick glimpse at her and just kept walking. Well, in the process, she looked at me in a mean way and rolled her eyes. She acted as if I was going to hurt her or something. I was like, 'Damn, I'm sorry if I looked at her, but isn't that what I'm supposed to do?' Guys are supposed to be interested in women, and women are supposed to be interested in guys, or so it seems... If you were to ask me, it's mostly White, Hispanic, Asian, and Middle Eastern women are the majority who are like this. I don't find too many Black women to be stuck up like this. Sure, they're some out there, but I just don't think it's as common. Just today, I was with some friends and we were at lunch, and this Black girl passed right by us and smiled at all of us. Of course, that turned us on because we're men after all right? o.O