Why Blame The Mother Or The Child

How can a child get over being blamed by her mother for her husband divorcing her?

sure some dads are total ahols butdads NEVER divorce kidsthey divorce their wives so a momblaming a child for a divorce is absurd

Is there the unfair blame on the mother if the child is autistic?

This used to be the case; Kanner came up with the idea of “Refrigerator Mothers” in about 1950, and this laid the blame squarely on mothers. You can read more about it here:The “Refrigerator Mother” Hypothesis of Autism . Happily, this appalling theory has now been abandoned with anyone of any sense (it is thought that if anything, Kanner was probably mixing up cause and effect), so if you meet anyone who is still pushing this argument, you can cheerfully dismiss them as complete idiots who don’t know what they are talking about.Autism is known to be genetic, but as nobody has been able to identify a specific gene, there is nothing anyone can do to avoid its apparently random appearance in families where it had not previously been noticed; in any case, it is a spectrum, and most if not all of us are on there somewhere, to some degree. So no finger-pointing at anyone, please.

Why mothers are blamed for their misbehave children?

Well when a chid does good the father goes,hey that's my child.
And if anything goes wrong the father comes back and say,hey you look at what your child has done.Better get used to it.That's the way it is.That's the tradition mothers spend more time with their children than fathers so I guesse that's where it comes from.No father would want to be associated with a misbehaving child.

Why do White Mothers Kill their Children?

There was this one Black woman who had put her baby in the microwave and killed it.

There was also a Black woman in my hometown, DC. who had killed her 4 daughters and locked their corpses up in the basement of the house for 4 months.

I remember that White woman in Texas who drove her children into the river and killed them and she blamed it on a Black man.


I think that all of these women who kill their babies/children are suffering from some postpartum depression or they are just insane.

My Mother is blaming me for something I didn't do?

So yesterday my mom's "friend's" house got broken into and she blamed me even though I didn't do anything! I'm 13 years old she's being ******* RIDICULOUS. I was with my friend all day. My mother knows that. Furthermore if we did why the hell would we go by an hour later? It had to be someone with a key. Nothing was stolen either. I don't have a key. At first she thought it as some kid named Brian (probably correct because he's a HORRIBLE person and his parents did a terrible job of raising him in my opinion) but then she accuses me of it! She's not even a good mother! She's never home, doesn't take interest in her children or their lives, is completely selfish and passive aggressive, and she talks about people with her friends and says horrid things about people. I didn't even KNOW people could be that mean before I heard the way she talks about people. She thinks that she's always the right. When our house stopped being cleaned by her she complained that she did all the work and she didn't ever have any help but she did. If we ever tries to argue with her or tell her about the way she acts she doesn't listen. She and her friends are ruining my life! What should I do?

Mostly mothers are blamed for their kid’s autism. Why does this happen even today?

This happens because people tend look for the easiest person to blame when something goes wrong. When anything goes wrong with a child, the easiest person to blame is the child’s mother.Mothers are typically considered their children’s primary caregiver, even today. Even if a woman works and her child goes to daycare, she will be held responsible for everything that happens to her child, because it is assumed that her choices alone affect the outcome.If a babysitter or her boyfriend harm the child, and if the other person’s involvement can be proven, she may or may not be cut some slack. If her child gets a viral or bacterial infection, there will inevitably be people who accuse her of not dressing her child warmly enough. Our social instinct to protect children often results in children being perceived as hopelessly fragile, and the person “holding the fragile object” (by default, the mother) is blamed for the tiniest chip or bump.When it comes to autism (and other biologically based behavior disorders), the child’s abnormal behavior has no obvious cause. There’s no boyfriend, babysitter, or microbe that can be assigned any of the blame. Long ago, it was possible to blame the fairies for replacing the “real” (non-autistic) child with a changeling. But now that no one believes in magic, and Dr. Spock terrified a generation with the horrors of inadequate parenting, everything about a child’s behavior is the fault of…mom.One of the heaviest burdens that mothers of kids on the autism spectrum carry is the judgment of other people.