Why Cnt We Change Our Life

What can I do to change my life?

Hi Dear Friend,follow below setps and see magic in your life…1. Detoxify your speech. Reduce the use of cuss words. Be polite.2. Read everyday. Doesn’t matter what. Choose whatever interests you.3. Promise yourself that you will never talk rudely to your parents. They never deserve it.4. Observe people around you. Imbibe their virtues.5. Spend some time with nature everyday.6. Feed the stray animals. Yes, it feels good to feed the hungry.7. No ego. No ego. No ego. Just learn, learn and learn.8. Do not hesitate to clarify a doubt. “He who asks a question remains fool for 5 minutes. He who does not ask remains a fool forever”.9. Whatever you do, do it with full involvement. That’s meditation.10. Keep distance from people who give you negative vibes but never hold grudges.11. Stop comparing yourself with others. If you won’t stop, you will never know your own potential.12. “The biggest failure in life is the failure to try”. Always remember this.13. “I cried as I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet”. Never complain.14. Plan your day. It will take a few minutes but will save your days.15. Everyday, for a few minutes, sit in silence. I mean sit with yourself. Just yourself. Magic will flow.16. In a healthy body resides a healthy mind. Do not litter it with junk.17. For one month, eat home cooked meals.18. Keep your body hydrated at all times. Practice drinking 8–10 glasses of water.19. Make a habit to eat at least one serving of raw vegetable salad on a daily basis.20. Take care of your health. “He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything”.21. Make a hobby (like dance/guitar/skating/singing/language learning etc.)22. Life is short. Life is simple. Do not complicate it. Don’t forget to smile.

How do I change my life?

I born into an emotionally abusive family with hardly any money and I can’t move out because no one is hiring me?
I have 0 qualifications, barely any job experience, no friends, live in England which I hate, don’t like the way I look, my own family hate me and don’t bother with me, I’m better off dead. I used to pray, got ignored completely, didn’t get happiness, the job I wanted, friends, close to family, social life, money, nothing. I didn’t get peace either. My life is hell.

Has the Bible changed your life?

Yes, the bible has changed my life.

First, pray whenever you read the bible, that the LORD may reveal unto you wisdom regarding the meaning of His inspired word.

Also, know that all the law and the prophets are based on two great commandments:

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Matt 22:36-40 (KJV)

Therefore, when you read the bible, read it with this perspective in mind, and everything should then make sense for you. Love God. Love your neighbor.

When you read the bible, you'll either read a passage that reinforces this, or you'll read where someone has erred regarding this. Either way, there's something to learn about how better to love God and to love our neighbor, and just how much He loves us.

Why do people change?

Good question. I had a sociology class in high school, in my 12th grade year. I have the answer for you.

There is many things, issues, and situations, that can cause a person to change. A person can change, for a number of reasons, and in many different ways. Often a person changes, from experiences he/she learns from. All through life, you are going to learn things, from different experiences. These different experiences, can be good or bad. Experiences can teach you, how to deal with certain changes in your life. Learning from different experiences, can change the way a person thinks and feels about something.

The way a person thinks, is a huge factor on his/her life, and the factor on the people around that person. The way you act and think, effects people you are around often. If you treat people calmly with respect, they will know you truely know how to treat people the right way.

Some people don't care about respect, and they treat others, the way they want to treat them. I am preety sure, that we all have seen people like this. If a person is careless about respect, they soon will learn how to give respect. Then they will change for the good, and take that lesson and think about it for the future.

A person can also change, mentally and physically. Good or bad, this can make a difference in the particular person and for the family of that person. For an example, when I was a child, I was very greedy and was very bratty to a lot of people. I was like that for years, until I decided to change my personality. For whatever reason why I wanted to change my personality, I am now a calmer, more polite person.

A person can change his/her appearence. Let's say one person goes on through life, not caring what he/she wears and doesn't care about looking sloppy. One time in that person's life, he/she could decide to buy neater looking clothes, and starts to care about looking neater. That person could start dressing neater, and taking more care of what he/she looks like. Later on, that person could be 100% neater looking, then 2 weeks ago. This person just change a physical out-look, on what his/her appearence. This is something other people will see, and this obviously is a change for the good.

I gave you some examples, and I hope they explained good enought. See, there's dozens of way a person can change, bad or good.

How can we change our lifestyle?

You can slowly change your lifestyle by creating good habits. Simple, but not easy. It’s up to you if youra) Willing to change your regular routineb) Willing to work hardc) Willing to be disciplinedWilling to Change Your Regular RoutineIf you’re looking to change your lifestyle that means you’re going to have to change up your routine. Whether it’s from eating habits, procrastinating or avoiding time-wasters, you must be willing to change parts of your life that you’ve grown accustom too. Living consciously, rather then passive living. Saying no, when you’d usually say yes. Feeling comfortable with the uncomfortable (at first).Willing to Work HardAt first, changing your habits will be difficult. You’ve gotten this far without diving into the consequences of your actions at it’s lead to the lifestyle you live now. But changing your lifestyle that has become a machine, running unconsciously on autopilot will take time and effort. Be willing to work hard.Willing to be DisciplinedIt will take discipline to change your lifestyle and implement good habits into your routine. At first it will be a constant struggle between your old habits and new habits you’re try to learn. Changing your routine will test your discipline and mental toughness.CREATING GOOD HABITSNow that we have the fun stuff out of the way and you’re willing to change your regular routine, work hard and practice discipline, let’s dive into how you can start changing your habits. Charles Duhigg wrote the book “The Power of Habit” and came up with this sexy flow chart on how you can create/change a habit.Save it, print it out and use it. This is not me trying to cop out of telling you how to create good habits, but instead providing you with the knowledge of someone who has studied habits for as long as I’ve been alive (no offense Charles)…. . . .Learn more about Self-Discipline and check out this post for 3 Habits That Will Transform Your Life. Cheers!

Can you change your life's destiny?

NO! You cannot change your life's destiny.But, you can change the way you take it.Let us suppose, person X and person Y are playing cards.Now person X gets amazing cards in the beginning itself and it seems like he has more chances to win. While on the other hand, person Y did not get very good cards and his chances to win are quiet difficult seeing the initial distribution of cards.However, person X does not understands the game well and does not use his intelligence well enough to play the game. While person Y despite of having difficult cards, uses his intelligence and plays the game very well and that changes the game completely. So person Y ends up winning and X losing.Similar is with our destiny. Some people are given more opportunities and facilities in life, but that is not necessary that they might understand the game of life well enough to play it intelligently and win. While there are people who are not born with a silver spoon in mouth but with their intelligence, power and an understanding of the game of life they change the way things were to happen.Destiny depends on our past life deeds. It brings us to a certain level or platform in life. However, how we perceive it, differs person to person.

What are the things that can't be changed in life?

Your DNA. This is familiarly referred to as, "You can't choose your parents." Your hair color, height, body type, skin color, eye color. These are able to be modified, but they are yours for life. Your DNA as a fetus and your DNA when you die are always the same.Your birth location. By that I mean the country in which you are born. This is the second most influencing factor of your life.Your birth sex. Some go to great lengths to examine who they are. More power to them!Your natural talents. Some of us are born with an ability to draw, imagine, create, play a musical instrument or carry (sing) a tune. We've all seen examples of those who are trying to acquire this innate talent. Most are only mildly successful- more power to them also.The past. Always there, always permanent, and we do well not to dwell on the past. We can't change it, unless we do something positive today to make our next thought of the past more pleasing...tomorrow.The future. Never guranteed. Use the present to make changes for the future, if you get there. Tomorrow is unchangeable until we are lucky enough to arrive at tomorrow. You don't want to arrive unprepared, do you?

How did having a baby change your life?

Having a baby completely changed my life. It's indescribable how seeing my daughters face light up makes me feel. It's the best feeling in the world. I love taking care of her. I truly think God has made my purpose in life to be a mother.
My hubbs and I have been with each other for 11 years now. Having a child together has been the best experience/ event so far. I am glad we waited 10 years!
I've changed a lot since my daughter was born. The biggest change would have to be that I don't take any crap from my in-laws anymore. I don't want my daughter to be around their bull. I'm also more aware of the world around me. I have started recycling more. She's going to be here longer than I am so I better do my part for her.
My daughter turned 6 m/o on how time does fly. If you would have asked me while I was prego if I wanted another one/ would I do it again I would have said no. Now that my daughter is here I want another one in a few years. I'm already bugging my hubbs about names! hehehe