Why Did Both Dem And Republican Talk And Preach Immigration Reform When They Both Had No Intentions

What is the worst thing about being a Republican?

I'm a minority.I could really just leave it there, and I think you could fill in the blank.I'm a libertarian, registered Republican (think Ron Paul or Rand Paul). So you would think that my constant advocacy for prison reform, legalization of certain drugs (decriminalization of others), accessibility to worker visas, and education reform would garner support from liberals. You would think that my proposals to help disenfranchised minorities (mostly blacks and Hispanics) would show my concern for unequal opportunity. My proposals are often in contrast to the traditional liberal talking points, and I find liberal proposals (and continued support of affirmative action) to be racists.So despite all of the above — despite being a minority who constantly advocates for reform that would help our communities — I am called a racist or bigot. I've been called racist against Mexicans, blacks, and anti-immigrant. I've been called privileged because I was born here and didn't immigrate. I've been called white-washed and worse.When I became more vocal, I listened to and read a lot of Larry Elder and Thomas Sowell. They talked a lot about how they were attacked for their beliefs and their positions, and the racism they encountered. I can't tell you how much I respect them for their bravery and ability to continue to express their views despite what they face… if you ever want to see what real racism looks like, watch how leftists treats minority Republicans.For me, that's the worst part about being Republican.

Isn't it an oxymoron to be a liberal (democratic) Christian?

When I was younger, I thought virtually all Christians were Republicans because Republicans didn't support Abortion and Gay Marriage. Being that these are Christian beliefs, ESPECIALLY the abortion issue, I simply thought most Christians were on the conservative side.

Well, in the election, I've learned otherwise. I'm seeing a lot of people who are Christian democrats and when I ask why they would support a President who pushes abortion rights and gay marriage as much as Obama does, they don't give me a direct answer.

So, isn't being a liberal Christian an oxymoron?? Not only that, but wouldn't it be a bad example to the non-Christians that we aren't supporting what our own faith teaches??