Why Did George W. Bush Permit Unemployment To Soar On His Watch

Why would Keynesian Economics work?

Only everything.

Actually, Keynesian Economics has NOTHING to do with taxation. It has to do with getting out of a recession, of which taxation is a detriment. Hence no wide scale tax raises have occurred recently.

Keynes simply wanted government to take up the slack in economic spending that individuals and businesses were no longer doing. That's it. Neither business nor individuals can prime the economic pump during a recession.

Edit: Huh? Tax cuts? Really? You have to have income to tax for there to be cuts. Last I checked cutting the tax rate on zero income is still zero income. AND it's SPENDING that's the problem in a recession. In a recession, money kept from a tax cut will more likely be SAVED, instead of spent. That feeds the recession.

kind of hard to have productivity WHEN EVERYONE IS OUT OF WORK!!!! Again, Keynesian model has nothing to do with how to get out of recession with taxes. Put ALL taxes to ZERO, knock yourself out. The recession will still carry on. It would have no real effect.

Why does it seem like everytime a Republican is President, the debt skyrockets and the economy goes bad, and everytime a Democrat is President they have to try and fix the mess and end up improving the economy?

A good question and you can tell by the responses that folks do not research this issue much. The Republican Party does have a great slogan of fighting the deficit. But it is not true. What is true is the Republican Party believes in giving wealth to big business. Look at the mess that we have today in 2018. The Republicans came up with huge tax cut to the 1% on the condition that the economy would trickle down to the little guy and the economy would soar. Well I was raised that you do not count you chickens until they hatch. Now they are demanding that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid get gutted to pay for their gift for the 1%.The truth is they take from the poor to give to the rich.The truth is Democrats are always accused of “stealing your tax dollars” to pay for things that they work hard to bring down the deficit.The truth is the military is not using their money wisely. They lose too much money that is not accounted for and there is a limit as to how long we can as a country keep spending so much on military. Especially now that the GOP is not spending it on our soldiers but on private militia mercenaries that are getting rich at our expense while the American soldier uses food stamps to get by financially.The truth is Trickle-down Economics does not work and that is the principle behind the GOP deficit moves since Ronald Reagan.The truth is I was a Republican and then I noticed how Trickle-Down did not work for others. I then noticed how the GOP has some great sound bites and slogans. The problem is their actions do not match their words.

In one word, can you describe why you support or do not support Donald Trump?

Maybe.He is the first president who has not climbed the political ladder to get elected, and he's never been in public office before (congressman, govorner, etc). Hes not a career politician. He made his living entirely in the private sector where other politicians suck the American people dry making their living.He has proven he knows how to efficiently create and manage an organization. He took a million and made it 5 billion. He's objectively smart. He could be able to cut waste in government because he's used to doing it in business.He didn't need to run for president. He is only losing money in office (no company, donating his entire salary, paying for much of his campaign out of pocket). He therefore honestly must believe he will be able to do some good if he's willing to sacrifice personally for it.So far he's done a pretty damn good job at stimulating the economy. Even if you don't agree with his social views, objectively his presidency has added TONS of new jobs and THOUSANDS of points to the DOW.Who knows what the future will bring with him, but he seems to be a pretty down to earth kind of guy, which is admittedly a huge relief from they types of presidents we've had in the past. He'll speak his mind without carefully crafting a bull shit sentence that dodges questions like other politicians do.For these reasons I say maybe. Just maybe. Maybe he'll leave out county better off than before. Maybe he'll be able to fix things that previous administrations couldn't, simply because he's not a politician. Maybe he will make America great again. At least he's willing to try. Maybe. Just maybe.

If you had to vote tomorrow would you give President Trump a second term?

No. Of course I wouldn’t have voted for him the first time, either. His domestic agenda is sort of standard Republican. Any of the 16 Republicans running for presidential nomination would have chosen the Supreme Court justice Trump did. Tax cuts are the gold standard of Republicanism so any of them would have voted for the atrocious tax cut bill. They do this in wartime (G.W. Bush) and in a roaring economy (Trump) I think people don’t know they voted a tax cut with borrowed money. The Treasury Dept. is already raising their bond buying and next year the deficit is thought to rise a trillion dollars. Republicans need a Democratic president so they can rediscover their budget balancing selves.First there is Trump’s lying. But Trump is mean, esp. to women and minorities. I don’t blame him for putting tariffs on China (though there may be better ways), but he has done this to the world - a global tariff war. Putting tariffs on Canada is especially egregious considering we have a trade balance with them. But it is Trump’s collusion with Putin that gets to me. (Many commentators mention Trump’s obsequious behavior with Putin.) His urging Putin to look for Hillary’s 30,000 missing e-mails was unforgivable in my view (also Don Jr’s. meeting with the Russians for dirt). Now what country can the Democrats get to help them to win a presidential election, maybe China because of the tariffs?