Why Did Obama Ignore Maliki

Why did no one get offended when Obama ignores & snubs the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al Abadi at the G7 Summit?

There was no snub. Al Abadi simply didn’t make his presence known.This clip shows Obama huddled in conversation conversation with Christine Lagarde (Managing Director of the IMF) and Italian PM Mario Renzi when al Abadi sits behind him and waits for him to turn. Even when they stand up, however, the huddle continues, and Obama never turns around. There’s no indication that Obama even knew al Abadi was waiting.On the other hand, Mario Renzi probably did see al Abadi. While it would have been gracious of Renzi to greet the Iraqi PM and give him a moment to speak with Obama before the group photo, he does not. This makes for an awkward and embarrassing moment for al Abadi and gives Fox news an excuse to call Obama’s manners into question.

Why can't liberals admit once and for all that George Bush was right?

Yes, about Iraq.

Would Obama defy the recommendation of the top military commander in Iraq?

And if so on what basis?
Obama has ZERO knowledge of Iraq's situation on the ground. Would Obama sight his postcard trip as the basis for his decision making?

The top U.S. military commander in Iraq isn't buying the increasingly popular idea of a withdrawal timetable for American troops.

Gen. David Petraeus , the Iraq commander, said in an interview with McClatchy that the situation in Iraq is too volatile to "project out, and to then try to plant a flag on a particular date."

With violence at its lowest levels of the war, politicians in both the United States and Iraq are getting behind the idea of a departure timetable. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was first, suggesting he would have combat troops home within 16 months of Inauguration Day . The idea got a big boost during his overseas trip last week, when Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki indicated support for that general timeline.

Is President Obama to blame for the emergence of ISIS?

Absolutely. I love some of these answers from Obama apologists; they all come down to "blame Bush." Well, this one falls squarely on Barack Obama. The Bush administration invaded Iraq to stop the growth of terrorism. Saddam had been trolling around for a way to win greater acclaim in the terrorism world and WMDs were it. He'd been working with the small fry, funding suicide bombers and the like for years, but with Osama kicked out of Afghanistan, Saddam had a major opportunity. With a supposed disarmament that everyone knew was badly bungled (and 250 chemical weapons were found ) and enough evidence of a biological program to at least appear realistic, he knew real terrorists would be interested. But so was Bush and he invaded. The Bush administration did make a major mistake by dissolving the Iraqi military. This was a major cause of the Iraqi insurgency. However, in spite of heavy domestic opposition, Bush appointed new generals, reset the strategy, and by bringing the Sunnis into the government neutralized the vast majority of that insurgency. It was, in the words of Barack Obama, "an Iraq that is sovereign, stable, and self-reliant." ( That was January of 2009. According to an article from Der Spiegel,  the leaders of ISIS where jailed during the Bush administration (during 2006-08). They even survived the last gasp of the US military in 2010 as military leaders tried to eliminate the worst of the terrorists before the withdrawal. But afterwards, that is during the Obama era and with a timeline driven by Obama's fumbling foreign policy, ISIS grew and formed into the terrorist threat it is today. ( lastly, a word about the withdrawal and the SOFA. Bush negotiated several of these during his administration. Each time the Iraqis asked for full judicial power over US troops and each time Bush turned them away. Each new SOFA came with an extended timeline. In 2008 Bush was trying to negotiate a six year deal, but had to accept a three year extension. In the State Department's final handover briefing they specified how to negotiate a new one with an extended deadline and very limited jurisdiction. Evidently Hilary shredded that. In Jan of 2009, ISIS's leaders were just getting out of detention. They formed, reformed and grew ISIS entirely on Obama's watch. 99% of the blame goes to Obama.