Why Did Someone Just Lie And Say Soros Has More Money Than A Thousand Koch Brothers When He

Koch Brothers vs George Soros?

Both parties are very wealthy and influential in politics.
Koch Brothers support the Republican platform of increasing personal profits while decreasing contributions to our government and society in general.
George Soros wants wealthy people like himself to contribute more towards the rest of American society believing that this will enrich all of us in the long run.
Which party would you say is the most moral?

Who are the Koch brothers?

The people who say any one hi-jacked the Tea Party are assuming they are like the left wing zombies who just following their so called leaders looking for their brains because the Tea party are all independent people who love America and want the best for all Americans of all races and beliefs.
So because the left have no clue they have to lie about EVERYONE on the right.
So if the Koch brothers are supporting the Tea Party then they are supporting freedom for Americans and free enterprise while the left support "YOU MAKE AND WE TAKE IT"

Did George Soros ever bankrupt a nation & destroy their currency? Is that his plans for Obama & USA?

that is why he is known as the man who broke the bank of england. he has made billions off of manipulating economies and we are among them.

Soros and his Tide foundation are the primary backers of this administration and liberal media. he used both to promote his 'open society' concept.

it is strange that obama in a cbs interview said he was not experience enough to run for president then after a private meeting with Soros and his peers, announced that he would run for president.

it was no accident that obama renegged on his promise of public financing with McCain as this allowed him to bypass transparency as to how much and who donated funds to him.

i have studied this man, Soros, and his organizations, for a long time now and i truly believe that he is the puppet master and indirectly responsible for much of our current situation. he is cunning and we underestimate him to our own peril.

Do most conservatives really think George Soros is hiring protestors to show up - who otherwise just wouldn't/don't care about these issues? As if they're just actors?

Conservatives, and especially Trump supporters, actually do do those ridiculous things they accuse Soros and “left wingers” of doing.They hire people to line up at rallies:Staffers hire random actors to cheer at Trump rallies too:Trump Paid Actors $50 to Cheer for HimThere’s no evidence that anyone has been paid to protest at Kavanaugh’s hearings though. Snopes looked: FACT CHECK: Do These Photographs Show a Protester Paid to Disrupt the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings?

Does it bother Democrats that George Soros heavily funds groups like the Center for Popular democracy, MoveOn and other PACs that promote divisive partisanship in America?

The Soros caricature is one of the many boogeymen (boogeypeople?) that the RW has cultivated amongst their following to create fear and anger for the so-called “left.” These caricatures have devolved for them into little more than pejoratives, flung around with little actual knowledge of whom they speak, and even less actual interest in the truth.Meanwhile, those same Soros-slingers act with little or no knowledge of the vast sums that RW donors pour into various cesspools, and why.For example, climate change initiatives directly threaten the Koch empire, partly by shifting long-term energy sources from fossil fuels to renewables, and partly by requiring heavy polluters like the fossil fuel industry to clean up after themselves and not to make messes in the first place - such as oil spills, carbon emissions, etc., etc.The genius of the Kochs is that they have used their vast resources (about 9x more than Soros, btw) to re-educate millions of their followers that climate change is a hoax. In doing so they have established a broad base of ‘experts’ who can readily repeat junk science findings on demand; meanwhile, many of these ‘experts’ might have gotten a C in 9th grade physical science, yet they are qualified to spread evidence that climate change is a hoax. But what is the masses’ benefit? Mainly the satisfaction of thinking that they are sticking a finger in some liberal’s eye. The health of their children and grandchildren - and themselves! are of a lesser priority than the anti-liberal fever they feel.And throwing out pejoratives such as Soros! Hillary! Benghazi! emails!! Kenya! Acorn!! Muslims!! Gun control!! Snowflake!!! etc. just keeps the faithful busy whilst those who pretend to be their benefactors are actually cutting the legs out from our society and undermining the economy and our democratic institutions in the process.BTW, it’s simply an adaptation of tactics deployed and applied so effectively by the likes of Lenin - who embraced the importance of the “Useful Idiots” to further his cause - as well as Goebbels; both masters of propaganda.There are none so blind as they who will not see.

Did Donald Trump inherit a lot of money and then increase his net worth at an unremarkable rate?

Let’s assume these things are true:Donald Trump received a “small loan” of $1 million from his dad in 1974. Note: I am not 100% sure exactly when he got this “small loan” but I assume it’s before the time he became President of his father’s company in 1974.Donald Trump’s net worth on June 1, 1982 was $200 million.If I plug in June 1, 1982 to today into an S&P 500 calculator (reinvesting dividends) I end up with $8.8 billion, thanks to an average return of 11.782%.$1 million in 1974, adjusted for inflation, is equivalent to around $5 million today.So Trump could have parked his fortune into the S&P 500 in 1982, while living a lifestyle that isn’t Trump level, but certainly far more luxurious than anyone in the “99%,” sipped Mai Tais on the beach for 34 years just living off interest from that original loan, and be worth almost triple what Forbes claims he is worth ($3 billion), and slightly less than he claims himself he is worth ($10 billion).