Why Didnt Muhammed Know About

Why didn’t Muhammad name his successor?

Original Question: “Why did not Muhammad name his successor?”Answer:Based on overwhelming historical evidences from both the Sunni and Shia sources, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) categorically appointed and named his successor after his demise.Meanwhile, it is believed that succession to the Prophet of God is based on Divine appointment. And without any exception, the successors of the previous Prophets (AS) of God were appointed by Allah through His chosen Apostles (AS). In the same vein, the succession to the last Apostle of God was based on Divine appointment and it was not by consultation or coup d'état.The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a) on several occasions appointed Ali Ibn Abu-Talib as his brother, successor, the executor of his wills and the leader of the Muslim community immediately after his demise. The grand finale of this appointment was during farewell Pilgrimage of the Prophet in 10 A.H at a place called ‘Ghadir Khum’. At the ‘Ghadir Khum’, the Prophet (s.a.w.a) based on Divine commandment introduced Ali Ibn Abu-Talib as the Master of the believing men and women.Thus, based on several evidences from the Sunni and Shia sources, I believe Ali Ibn Abu-Talib was the legitimate successor of the Prophet (s.a.w.a) immediately after his demise.Meanwhile, for further readings on the event of ‘Ghadir Khum’, check the following:Ghadir Khumm, Where Religion Was Brought to PerfectionEvent of Ghadir Khumm in the Qur'an, Hadith, HistoryAl-Ghadir in the Qur’an (Part 1);Al-Ghadir in the Qur’an (Part 2);Al-Ghadir in the Qur’an (Part 3)

Why didn’t Muhammad learn to read as he was asked to do by Gabriel, but instead started to dictate?

In the past, not many people were literate. Even if people were literate, there weren’t many books. It’s not like today’s society, where being illiterate is a very serious handicap. Instead, people memorized things. They would memorize whole books. It seems incredible to think about memorizing a whole book, and then being able to recite it back word for word! If you want to learn how to do this, google “memory palace.”Memory palaces aren’t something that modern people are able to acquire easily. Our brains weren’t trained as youngsters. The opposite would be true for people in the past. Their brains weren’t trained for literacy. It doesn’t mean that they weren’t as smart as literate people, or as cool, or as interesting, just that they had a different way of thinking and learning.

Why didn’t Muhammad or even the Sahaba know that he’d be poisoned if he was a true prophet?

Although the story of the woman killed the prophet is not reliable but even if the prophet had been killed, there is nothing wrong with it.According to Quranic teachings, complete knowledge of the unseen only belongs to Allah, and it is Him that knows everything about this world. Some of Allah’s special servants are informed of secrets and knowledge and other impalpable things, they see the unseen and hear what cannot be heard through Allah’s teaching and training and based on the spiritual capability and capacity that they express from themselves.This is a gift that Allah grants to the chosen ones, like the prophets and His apostles. This is why we find that the prophets would speak of revelation (which is an issue related to the unseen) or other issues related to the unseen and foretold the events of the future and these events would take place in exactly the form they had explained. Moreover, knowing that after the prophet, the imams are responsible of guiding man in all physical and spiritual fields, it is necessary for them to know about many issues related to the unseen. Therefore, on certain occasions where it is necessary for them to know about the unseen and they ask for it, Allah grants them the required knowledge.

Why didn't Muhammad pick a successor?

God tends to give his essential tasks to middle-eastern nations and peoples, knowing they will fall into disorder soon after anyway...

1) Adam and Eve were created in heaven, knowing Adam will slip and cause the downfall of humanity. Because of Adam, billions of people will enter eternal hell. Iblis was created, knowing full well that Iblis will later hate God and become the source of all evil and suffering. That means God created evil.

2) God entrusted the Torah to the Jews knowing full well the Jews would corrupt the Torah: Surah 5:44 " for to them (Jews) was ENTRUSTED the PROTECTION of Allah's book, and they were witnesses thereto". It's a bit like trusting a thief with your property knowing they'll steal from you, but giving them the task anyway. He even made them his chosen people, telling them he made a covenant with them and would protect them, knowing full well he wants to kill all the Jews at the end of time at the hand of Muslims (by the prophesy of the Tree and the Stone).

3) God then entrusted the Injeel (Gospels) to Jesus, knowing billions of people in the world would see Jesus as a God, thinking and believing this is the true religion.

4) God appointed Muhammad to be a prophet writing that only the quran would be the authority. Instead 99% of Muslims live the hadiths, even though hadiths give punishments that aren't in the quran at all and that the word 'hadith' doesn't even appear once in the quran. Orthodox Islam is a deviation according to quran-only Muslims.

5) Muhammad likely didn't think he'd die when he did, so he didn't clearly pick a successor. It's not hard to say to huge crowds on several occassions who your chosen successor is in front of everyone. It's a faily simple task.
People who think the succession is just about politics aren't taking into consideration the theological consequences, since sunnism and shi'ism both derive religious authority through the political authority. Eg. in shi'ism the Imams can apply the quran with the correct interpretation; in Sunnism the Caliphs can abrogate the quran's verses saying it is sunnah (Umar abrogated mut'ah half way through his Caliphateship, and only relied on sunnah, not quran, to do it).

Why didn't Muhammad choose a successor?

Shouldn't he have known that the Wars of Apostasy would break out once he died? That's exactly what happens *every* time a strongman dies: there's a power vacuum and his lackeys fight to fill it. The same thing happened with Alexander and the Daidochi. Why didn't he think it would happen with him?

Why didn't they bury Muhammad for three days and left him in the heat of Medina to stink up the whole town?

Even today it takes longer for people to get buried for all sorts of reasons

People were simply arguing about where to bury him.

But they buried him late Tuesday night into early Wednesday morning so.

Jesus isn’t dead. He’s actually in heaven waiting for God to send him back down again incase you didn’t know

Why didn't Mohammed ask for 'forever life' from Allah?

First, he didnt ask! Angel Jibreel/Gabriel offered him to choose between an eternal life on earth as a king or to die as a Prophet, he chose the second.It was similar when He was offered to drink heavenly wine or milk, and he chose milk and dropped wine.There are many teaching lessons to learn from these events :-The modesty and respect of Prophet Mohamed, He knows Prophet Sulayman/Solomon was the greatest Prophet-king, and that Issa/Jesus has already an eternal life so he would not disrupt them as he was sent as the seal of Prophets.-the corruption and ephemerism of this world.-His piety and love for God-His wisdom, in fact, no one ever lived and everyone will die.-advising his Ummah to goodness.-Shows the greatness of Islam which spread rapidly despite the death of Prophet Mohamed salla Allahu alayhi wa sallamAnd many other teachings..