Why Do Abdulmalik And King Always Fight

Why do I always argue with friends?

I'm going to answer from the perspective that you are a normal functional human being with no particular disabilities or complexes.The reason you argue your friends is because you are ignorant of how arguments start, and/or you don't know how to talk with out arguing (bad conversational skills, nothing else to talk about but your opinions) or how to “soften” your opinions. Which are all important in daily conversation and help in “getting your point/s across.” So keep that in mind.Since I'm not a psychiatrist I'm not qualified or knowledgable to say you have an “Inferiority Complex” or anything else. So I wouldn't trust anybody else who answers that either. Esspecial if they aren't a psychiatrist.And even if they are, take it with a grain of salt because you've given no personal details on the matter that have indicated this and it is entirely normal to argue with friends at some point in someones life.So don't self-diagnose.

What is the truth about Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab? Did he Create a New Sect (Wahhabi Islam)?

I cannot write a history about him here.. Simply I ll brief about what is the big thing about him.Some one rightly said“There is never a man who brings some goodness to this world but he has enemies among mankind and the jinn. Even the Prophets of Allaah were not safe from that.”Muhammed ibn Abdul wahab is the one of the main figure/scholar who preached Islam in its true sense in a period when Islam has been modified, changed and deviated from it its real teachings by numerous ignorant and arrogant Muslims.hence when he made the objection openly to those false Islamic beliefs and their followers and tried to make them understand what they are following is not actual Islam, people obviously condemned him and started to spread hatred against him and his followers. The result of that Hatred is the tag “Wahhabis”.Actually there is nothing called Wahhabi Islam. He followed and preached the true Islam. But it is sad that due to the Ignorance about him among Muslims themselves, along with the fact that bid’ah (Innovation) was so firmly entrenched in their hearts and the jealousy of some false scholars, he has been always shown in bad light. people too, without knowing the significance of the work he has done in Islamic teachings believes everything they hear bad about him blindly which is wrong in all sense.I strongly recommend to those who read this to study and learn about him and his work as a neutral Muslim who wants to know the truth.

[Ramadan] Ahh - This scared the brains out of me .....?

Assalam Alaikum. Sister, I gave you before knowledge on this topic from authentic ahadith and how scholars understood them. Now you have a video here :

> Which does not give sources or authentication for any hadith (but a general biblio at the end)
> Or where the understanding of those ahadith are from
> And uses a lot of personal interpretation and presents it as fact, without proof

Do not be misguided, dear sister. And Darkbreeze... it is not right to show others what doesn't have proof from Qur'an/Sunnah.

The Dajjal is something to fear as a trial, the worst trial, since Adam (as), and we also need to fear the fact we can die at any moment - and if we did not fulfil the obligations of worship or commit sins without repentence and forgiveness, we are facing Hellfire. So you should be scared of these Facts, not random videos of people's personal opinions. (However, if you are pious and fear only Allah swt, seek knowledge and remain pious and patient, then Allah swt will protect you from everything - Always remember Allah swt is God, the King of the Universe - and nothing is strong in front of Him, and that He protects His friends who are His sincere worshippers)

Learn about Dajjal here : "The Signs of the Hour"

How is it that ancient kings hardly got injured in battle or died? They always came out unscathed after most wars. Did they really fight at all?

The premise of your question is false.Ancient kings got killed, captured or wounded all the time. The King of France, King John, was captured at the Battle of Poitiers then held for ransom. In 1066, King Harold II was killed during the Battle of Hastings by an arrow thru his eye. Richard III was hacked down on the battlefield. Vertcingetorix ( "Warrior King" who led a force of 200,000 Germans) was captured by the Romans, tortured for five years, then executed. Queen Bodiccia was captured by the Romans, tortured, and forced to watch a Roman soldier rape her teenage daughter. When the Vikings captured a Saxon king, the would pull his lungs outside of his body. King Alexander the Great was probably the greatest fighting soldier that ever lived before or since. He died of wounds received in battle. The list is long...

I have fights and argument with everyone. How can I stop this?

I used to be truly argumentative. I got into debates and arguments at every opportunity, and if I ever heard somebody say something I disagreed with, I’d launch, and set out to prove them wrong, and convince them of the correct perspective. Strangely, this rarely worked, despite my best efforts. My intentions were good; I wanted the truth, I wanted an honest debate. And yet, it never really seemed to go anywhere productive. I usually attributed this to my opponent’s basic stupidity and innate obstinacy, and moved on. To be honest, I kind of enjoyed arguing and being right, pointing out others’ mistakes, but I was also kind of frustrated and sick of it, too, because it stopped seeming very fun or valuable. But I kept arguing, because that’s just what I did.Finally, I had the ultimate argument of my life. A friend’s brother-in-law was in town, and he and I got into it. Every single issue that came up, we were totally polarized, completely at at odds, and passionately so. The thing was, I had to admit that he was at least as well-informed as I was, at least as intelligent, and very skilled at logic, debate, and argumentation. And yet, we were in total and utter disagreement on every issue.The battle raged until dawn with no clear winner, no common ground, just a marathon session of disagreement, refutation, and zero persuasion. It really affected me. I could not understand how we could be so competent, yet so unable to agree, or even to understand the other’s basic viewpoint, basic world view. I was troubled, and I meditated on it.Serendipitously enough, a neighbor gave me a copy of George Lakoff’s “Don’t Think Of An Elephant,” and it changed my life. After reading that, I stopped arguing with anybody, ever. I understood what was going on, and why we’d never agree. I would recommend this book to absolutely everyone, as it offers some valuable insight into human nature, human groups, and the dynamics of our most basic disagreements, the real source of, and reason for the total ineffectiveness of, our arguments. Check it out; well worth the read, top ten books of my life.

[ramadan] Do you have to repeat your wudhu if you laugh out loud while doing salah..?

Your laughter doesn't break the wudhu but invalidates your Salat. Repeat your Salat with serious concentration. Here is how you do salats with concentration:

First of all you not only memorize the Arabic text of Surahs from Quran what you are recite during your Salat YOU MUST also learn meanings of Saurah Al-Fatiha in which you talk to Allah. So you talk to Allah from the bottom of your heart with full understanding of what you are saying to Allah. Same way you must understand true meanings of Ayahs of Quran which means you understand what Allah is saying to you also.

Secondly when you perform Salat by yourself alone in your closed room, raise your voice so you can hear yourself. It will block other thoughts coming into your mind during your Salat, This will help you concentrate in your recitation of Quranic Ayahs and you will be conscious of what you are saying to Allah.

If you can do this you will notice that hair on your hands and body will rise, some times a wave flows from head down towards your feet, some times your body will shiver a little understanding the meanings of what you recite. Best thing that you will experience is that tears start coming from your eyes. Believe me then you have established contact with Allah and He is close to you, hearing you and accepting your slat with smile.

If this happens to you even once a week you are doing good and Allah may reward you Jannah as long as you stay away from sinning of any kind.

Remember Allah forgives your minor sins with every Salat you

If the visual representation of Muhammad is an extremely sacred part of Islam among Muslims, how can so many Muslims be named Muhammad? Doesn't that violate the sanctity of Muhammad's likeness by naming an ordinary being after him?

The ban on depicting Muhammad is a fairly recent one in Islam, and throughout many centuries of Muslim history depictions of him were relatively common; what was prohibited were depictions of God as a human, and one of Islam's biggest theological problems with Christianity is that they elevate a man, Jesus, to the status of a God. This was later extended to depictions of the prophets of God by relatively recent Islamic scholars, but depictions of Jesus-as-God abound among the Christians of Jordan and no one seems to have a problem with it. This isn't really a matter of theological consistency as it is a cultural red line for Islamists so they can identify the "heathens". Muhammad is the most popular name for a boy because Muhammad was just a man, but the best of me, so everyone wants their sons to strive toward this ideal (theoretically).That said, there is a set of names that are considered sacred, and no Muslim would ever give one to their sons. These are the 99 names of God, and a child cannot be named using one of them. For example, one of the names of God is al-Malik, which means "the king". You can name a child "Malik" - meaning a king - or you can name him Abdul-Malik, which means "servant/slave of the King". But you can't refer to a man as the King, because only God is the King. None of these 99 names is appropriate as the name for a child. Islam is big on the division between humans and God, and in all Islamic theological readings, Muhammad was just a man, the ideal of human behaviour blessed by God, but a man all the same with no inherent divinity. He was blessed by God, and thus is revered, but even the reverence always is to God's blessing on him and his embodiment of ideal Muslim behaviour, not on him as a divine man himself. The very idea of a divine man is incoherent under Islamic theology.Because Muhammad was a man, his name is an appropriate one for a boy, and it was just a name in pre-Islamic Arabia – Muhammad ibn Maslamah was born well before the prophet founded the religion. There was a dispute about whether depictions of Muhammad would encourage idolatry, as with the Virgin Mary in Catholicisms, but in Shia Islam depictions are relatively common even now. But basically, equating God to any physical or human form is what's forbidden, and Muhammad was human, so God's names are off-limits but Muhammad's isn't.