Why Do Conservatives Have A Strong Hatred Of Science

Why do so many Christian Conservatives hate Ancient Egyptians?

Don't' worry, it's not just Egypt. It's ALL other cultures and religions BUT their own. They treat celtic pagans, norse heathens, hellenistic pagans, roman pagans, slavic pagans... the exact same.
In their eyes, we're all stupid and wrong and blind and idiotic for not worshipping THEIR god. Well, tough luck, in our eyes, they're all that too. We are perfectly happy with our gods.

If you feel such a strong connection to ancient egypt, it's obvious the gods have called for you. Go for it. You know what feels right for yourself - don't ever let anybody influence you or discourage you. Just be yourself and do what feels right for you.
good luck!

Why do conservatives suffer from negativity bias?

They have a larger (more grey matter) Amygdala than Liberals. The Amygdala is responsible for things like threat recognition, fight or flight response, fear, anxiety and aggression. Effectively their brain is hardwired to see non-conformity as a threat to their very existence. That is why they prefer strong authorities which mimic their own parents relations to them.

Alternatively, Liberals tend to have more grey matter in their right neo-cortex, which is likely why Liberals are more attracted to positive stimuli, are more open to new experience, are generally more trusting of people outside our own social group, and are more likely to make abstract art and thought experiments.

Can a highly-educated idealist be a conservative?

Knowing in advance that I'm making an over-generalization here, I'm going to start with the presumption that MOST academics would consider themselves to be "liberal." I want to know whether or not its likely that a highly educated idealist would be a conservative.

In order to answer this question successfully, I think it's important to, in your answer, also answer this question: What IS it that makes a conservative or a liberal? Those are labels that we throw around all the time, and I'm not sure we all really know exactly what that means. What are the KEY differentiations between liberals and conservatives?

Does each group stand for and behind a group of principles, or are they just busy hating the other group?

Answers that are thoughtfully articulated will be considered for Best Answer.

Do conservatives dislike Neil DeGrasse Tyson?

Well, this is one Libertarian leaning Conservative who LOVES NdGT!  I find him very entertaining and informative.  A true heir to Sagan.  He's even pretty even handed to Republicans and has stated that science funding has been historically higher under Rep. presidents.  People who interpret the Bible literally won't really care for any scientist who doesn't support their views, of course, so he gets heat as a highly visible representative of that demographic.  Yeah, he does lay it on pretty thick on AGW but the data does support that view right now.  I do think the scientific community is over selling the effects warming might have right now just as population growth was over sold in the past, so he's not that unusual in that respect.  He's really a positive, and politically balanced guy, even though I suspect he tends left personally.