Why Do Conservatives Want To Ban Birth Control

Why are some conservatives against contraception and birth control?

Actually, most conservatives AREN’T against contraception and birth control. It’s usually religions that put that down.If anything, conservatives believe that birth control should be the idea that gains ground instead of abortion. If keeping babies from being born unwanted is the goal, it’s cheaper to buy a condom than to pay for an abortion. And if the taxpayer is going to fund babies not being born, it makes more sense to make sure people have access to that birth control.But what about rape and incest, you ask? Most people agree, abortion may be acceptable in those cases. And rape and incest are less than one percent of why abortions are done. You can’t trot out the exception and say it’s the norm.Conservatives don’t always have the best ideas. Neither do liberals. But in the arena of keeping babies from being born, they stress something a lot of people today are trying to avoid….personal responsibility. The government can’t tell you who to go to bed with, what your sexuality is, or how many times a week you can have sex. They don’t have police going door to door making sure everyone is practicing safe sex. That part IS UP TO YOU.You ladies want the old farts in DC to stay out of your vagina? Then quit making them pay for your irresponsibility, and start making better choices to keep unwanted babies from being born.Remember: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.This is what conservatives want.

If Conservative Republicans want abortion banned, why don't they come up with a better alternative?

Well, the better alternative is comprehensive sex education, beginning at a young age, and free access to contraception for men and for women. And Conservative Republicans also oppose these.I remember a time when my son, age 3, was very tired, fussy, and upset. He was getting ready for bed, and he did not want his pajama top on, so when I tried to put it on he got angry and cried. So I took it off, and he got angry and cried. He seemed to want it on and want it off at the same time: impossible.Conservative Republicans on these issues are like my son with his pajama top, but I will point out that my son was 3 years old. I understand why he might want and not want the same thing at the same time. I do not understand the reasons (if any) behind the Conservative Republican stance: no abortion, no sex-ed, no birth control. Just hope and anger. And plans that they already know from tons of evidence do not work: Abstinence education. “Keep your knees together” (to women—by a judge of all things, and said to a rape victim: he immediately lost his job).Conservative Republicans have never had any empathy for the poor (near as I can tell), believing that poverty is always deserved (until it happens to them), but they seem in particular to lack empathy for women in poverty.

Should the US ban birth control?

No. For some people, it should be mandatory.

Why do conservatives claim to be for small government, yet want to control people's private lives?

Another lib question that makes a wrong-headed assertion. Conservatives don’t want to control people’s private lives, they are concerned with public life.Some conservatives object to abortion, some object to gay marriage, some object to having transgender people join the military or use the bathroom of the opposite sex, some object to letting very young children choose what sex they want to be regardless of their biological sex, & some don’t want to cater gay weddings. The GOP isn’t of one mind about these issues and many Democrats are pro-life and against gay marriage etc. None of these beliefs are about controlling anyone’s “private” life. In the case of abortion- they are concerned about the life of an unborn baby. In LGBTQ issues- they are about asking whether private behavior made public can negatively affect society.We no longer really discuss these issues directly. They have become political hand grenades where the left lobs out questions such as this one and play the sexism card and identity politics. No one can truly be pro-abortion. I think most of us can all agree that abortion is a “bad” thing and that, ideally, abortion should rarely be necessary because men & women are extremely careful to avoid unintended pregnancies. Would outlawing abortion bring about a new wave of morality or fastidious birth control? or just a new wave of women dying from illegal, unsanitary abortions? They say “you can’t legislate morality;” we may be able to deduce the answer to that question. The libertarian conservatives want people to be free to live their lives as they wish. But realize that in so doing, societal issues affecting the public may arise that should be examined.Conservatives do believe in a small federal government with only the few powers given to it in our Constitution. Liberals are much more interested in controlling the private lives of individuals. The issues mentioned here aren’t about big vs. small government, they’re about personal freedom, life, liberty, and happiness, and a strong, united country. Somehow we need for Americans and our Congress to get back to civil debate on all issues that arise.

Are conservatives okay with condoms?

Deep down, they probably want them to be banned. Remember, conservatives are the ones who support anti-sodomy laws.

Conservatives: small government but want the government to regulate women's bodies? pro-life but pro-death penalty?

If you couldn't tell by the question, I'm quite liberal. Feminist, pro-LGBT, pro-choice, etc. etc. I'm Jewish and a Zionist, but I take more liberal stances on those. I'm theologically atheist and support a two-state solution.

I have some questions for conservatives (I know that not all conservatives think like this):

If you favor a small government, why do you want the government to control women's bodies? (abortion, birth control, etc.)

If you're pro-life, why do you support the death penalty? (on a side note, I'm pro-death penalty in extreme cases)

If you want to ban abortions, why do you restrict access to birth control and sex education?