Why Do Coral Reefs Need To Survive

Why do seahorses live in a coral reef?

In addition to specialized feeding needs that Yoeri identified, they also have specific needs in environment. They need to be in quiet water as they are not strong swimmers, and need a lot of anchor points to hold on to with their tails. Anchor points can be coral, seaweed or anything else they can easily wrap their tail around. This type of environment is available in a lot of area beside a coral reef. The Sargasso sea has very specialized seahorse that have evolved to resemble the seaweed they live in.

How would geoengineering coral reefs to save them work?

Coral reefs don’t need geoengineering to survive. Reports of imminent demise are Fake News.Coral Adaptation and Epigenetics

Why do coral reefs need sunlight? How do they use it?

Coral reefs require sunlight because the individual polyps of the coral contain symbiotic algae.  The algae need the light for photosynthesis.  The coral benefits by using some of the photosynthates that leak from the algae and the algae get a safe place to live in the polyps.  Many of the colors of corals are due to different species of algae with slightly different pigments.  There is currently a devastating bleaching event globally as many of the coral are being killed by the warm water (global climate change and El Nino) and a change in pH (the water is more acidic due to increases of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere).

Coral Reefs- how are they being threatened?

Global warming introduces sea level rise, effectively asking the coral to grow faster to keep up. Also, the sea temperature increases, which is very disturbing to the coral.

To protect coral reefs, people can stop using chemically enhanced fertilizers and pesticides that might drain in waterways that end up in the ocean. When shopping for an aquarium, they should only buy coral that has been grown in an aquarium and not harvested from the ocean. When diving, people should resist touching coral and other reef organisms and just enjoy their beauty. Recycling is a great way to prevent waste from ending up in the ocean and landfills. When visiting the beach, everyone can help by picking up trash you see to prevent it from going into the ocean.

How much sunlight does a coral reef get?

How much sunlight does a coral reef get?Coral reefs are typically in relatively shallow water where a lot of sunlight makes it to the reef. The coral whose calcium carbonate “skeletons” make up the bulk of the reef are small animals that exist in a symbiotic relationship with algae that requires sunlight for photosynthesis.

Are there really no coral reefs in the Sundarban Delta?

This would be correct. The Sundarban Delta is the largest in the world, and the rivers that feed it dump huge quantities of sediment and freshwater into the Bay of Bengal. Reef corals are very intolerant of both - they require undiluted, clean seawater in order to survive.What Do Coral Reefs Need to Survive?

****Why do coral reefs prefer salt water over fresh water?

Because corals are marine animals, just like scallops, lobsters and swordfish. It isn't just a "preference". It is where they are designed to live. They could not survive in fresh water any more than a fresh water bass could survive in the ocean.

How is the coral reef threatened by global warming ?

(1) Increased ocean temperature directly killing off the coral animal
(2) Rising sea level reduces the amount of light available to the reef
(3) Changing currents remove nutrients from the area
(4) Increased river flow can increase sedimentation, which simply buries a reef
(5) Increasing acidity (generally carbonic acid) leads to "bleaching" and death by starvation
(6) Temperature and lack of nutrients kill off or drive away the mobile, larger marine species that the coral reefs need to maintain themselves (cleaning, feeding, protection, etc.)