Why Do I Always Feel More Awake At Night

Why am I Always awake during the night?

That's perfectly normal for someone your age. When you're a teenager, your brain does something called "phase shift." This is when the period of time (or the phase) that you normally sleep in moves forward (shifts...), making you want to sleep during the day. It's because you've been growing and your hormones are changing and finding different routines to adapt to your transition to adulthood. It's called teen insomnia (what an inventive name) and it happens to about 50% of us. You will probably grow out of it within the next year or two.
If you don't, then you probably have a form of insomnia that doesn't relate to being a teenager. If it is interfering with your schoolwork, I would recommend going to your doctor and getting some medication for it.

To try and fix it, you want to try and improve how you're sleeping. Do some intense exercise during the day, to burn up some more energy and make you more tired by the time evening comes. Keep your room very dark. Use your bedroom only for sleeping and relaxing things (so if you play video games in your room, shift them elsewhere). Have a set bedtime routing, for example dinner -->homework -->calm leisure time (maybe talking to people on the computer) --> get ready for bed at perhaps ten --> get into bed and try and sleep at around the same time every night. The routine will give your body cues so it knows that you are getting ready to sleep, as well as help you to relax.

Sorry this is so long, but the sleep cycle is a rather complicated mechanism.

Why am I tired in the day but wide awake at night?

Well, I found out the question I had for you, by looking at your profile…You are 16…Teenagers commonly deal with this, because of body chemistry. It's funny, because I've answered a lot of melatonin questions lately, and this is another melatonin related question.Everyone produces melatonin. It is their chemical responsible for telling us when it's time to go to sleep. Not everyone produces enough though, and that causes sleeping issues. The elderly, especially, have issues, since as you age, you produce less and less, which explains why grandparents go to bed late (or early), but are always waking up so early. Hahaha!Teenagers, however, go through a period where the melatonin production is a bit out of whack. I'm sure it's to do with puberty and whatnot, but either way, it isn't in a properly set structure during this time of people's lives. This causes teens to not be tired a lot later into the evening, when it finally starts telling you it's time to sleep, which makes you more tired in the mornings, having to get up early for school. Some other countries get this, and their school day starts later in the morning, and a lot of U.S. cities and states are realizing this too, and are starting to change school times to start later, around 9:00/9:30am, instead of 7:00/7:30am.Ultimately, it's not your fault. You've done nothing too cause this, and it's completely “normal”, for teenagers to not be tired at a typically normal hour of the evening, as adults do, and of course be tired having to still wake up at a typical early morning hour to start your day.Give it another year or two, and you should have a fairly balanced melatonin cycle. If after a couple years, you still have issues, you might want to consult a sleep specialist, to determine if you have a sleep disorder, or a low melatonin production, but until then, this is just part of growing up a human. ;-P

Why do I feel so sleepy in the evening but in the night I'm wide awake?

It doesn't make any sense. At around 3:30-7:00 in the afternoon, I feel so sleepy and I just wanna go to bed... but I can't because I need to wake up for dinner. If I feel sleepy from 3-7 p.m, I'm wide awake at 9 pm and I can't fall asleep. This is really affecting my school. I'm wide awake at night time and I can't even fall asleep, so I end up sleeping at like...1:00 in the morning and then I need to wake up for school at 7 a.m. How do I make my system feel tired at night instead of the afternoon?

Why do I always force myself to stay awake at night?

I'm not an insomniac, I CAN fall asleep if I lie down and close my eyes, but I always force myself not to. I don't know why. I go a whole day without any sleep and then the next night I get a few hours before it starts again. I keep myself occupied with reading, writing, going on the computer until it's either time for me to get ready for school in the morning or about two hours before that.
I thought that maybe it was my fear of sleeping from when I was a child coming back, but I'm not feeling scared of anything.
Has anyone ever heard of this before?

Why do i feel more active at night?

like if u ask me to go for a jog at 2pm i will say no thanks but for some odd reason at 2 am i just feel like running and doing active things like im motivated its weird and i wanted to know why? because usually at 2 am its too late to go out because i don't live in the best neighborhood and everyone in my house is asleep.. it is just weird and when i feel active like this its hard to settle down and get to bed .. i have to lay in bed for at least an hour for me to fall asleep ...