Why Do I Always Feel Sleepy

Why do I always feel sleepy?

As the title says, I always, ALWAYS feel like I'm tired and need to sleep.
This started when I turned 17/18 (I'm 20 now)
I don't get it, I go to bed around 10:30/11:00PM every day, I wake up for work at 7:00AM
Most of the time I sleep very well (I don't wake up during my sleep or w/e)
And yet I still feel so tired every day..
What is going on? I really don't know what to do, and this is starting to become a problem.

Please help,
thank you.

Why do i always feel so sleepy and tired?

It is your diet and lack of exercise.
The processed food people eat a lot of, is not supplying you with the necessary nutrients for you to feel well, it isn't working for anyone.
You can change all this.
I will give you the ideal things you can do , and you can modify them to suit yourself.
One, get a treadmill and instead of sitting all day, set up your computer so you can walk a tread mill while you work on computer.
Start shopping at a health food store and reading labels, anything processed , white , sugar , remove from your diet, Substitute Stevia for sugar, a natural herb it is very healthy , tastes great, and doesnt spike blood sugars.
Eat healthy fruits and veggies at least 2/3 or your diet , and the rest 1/3 your diet.
Check out a diabetic diet , or eat japanese, a good food plan.
Check out michaelthurmonds plans for food also or something.
Find a good all around multi vitamin /mineral and take extra vit D, omega 3's ViBE, and other products as example.
If you don't tread mill all day, then walk at least 30 minutes a day, and stand up and stretch every hour .
Do that for the rest of your life , and you will feel good.
If you don;t understand the nutrition, take a nutrition class.
Otherwise a well rounded life , a balanced life works the best for health.
If you don't do these things you are at higher risk of prostrate cancer, diabetes, hormone and other health problems eventually.

Why do I always feel sleepy after I take a shower?

this happens to me sometimes too but yea take a cold shower if u wanna wake up usually but a hot shower feels super good especially if u were just in the cold. also u might be just not gettin enough sleep so sleep a lil more and see what happens. another idea i used was try keepin ur eyes open and put ur eyes in the water. it wakes u up.

Why do I always feel sleepy after eating sushi?

There are several factors that contribute to this post-meal phenomenon.Our digestive systems can trigger all sorts of responses to our bodies, including sleepiness.Though all foods are digested in much the same way, some foods can affect your body differently. Some foods can lead to feelings of tiredness and sleepiness, especially food that have high levels of carbohydrates, such as SUSHI.Typically, sleepiness happens when we are also overeating because our bodies utilize more energy to break down the food. Could it be that when you eat sushi, you tend to eat more than usual? It is always good to listen to our hunger signals and stop when we feel comfortably satisfied, to avoid feeling overly tired after a meal.Read more about sleep on the health blog of Vita Talalay.

Why am I always sleepy and how can I avoid it?

There are a few reasons you are feeling tired without any reason. One of them is anemia, which is a lack of red blood cells and conversely, oxygen from the lungs is not properly brought to the tissues and cells. Anemia may be caused by deficiency of vitamins or minerals, internal bleeding or chronic diseases. Women who are at “that time” of the month are susceptible to anemia as blood is lost during menstruation. Still, iron deficiency due to menstruation is less than in pregnant women or lactating mothers, as their body needs extra iron to maintain healthy blood levels.Things may also go wrong when your thyroid glands refuse to cooperate with you. Thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) are responsible for metabolic processes in the body. Too much thyroid hormone causes hyperthyroidism which speeds up metabolism while too little thyroid hormone slows down metabolism. Hyperthyroidism causes fatigue and muscle weakness and starts in the thighs. Doing energy demanding activities become difficult and other symptoms include weight loss, feeling warm, shorter menstruations, increased heart rate and thirst. Hypothyroidism also causes fatigue and muscle weakness. The symptoms are reversed to hyperthyroidism such as weight gain, feeling cold and longer menstruations.Diabetes, notorious for causing a range of problems in the body, is also related to fatigue. As glucose is the staple fuel of the body, it is not utilized properly in patients with type 2 diabetes as the absence of insulin causes the glucose to build up in the body. Without its staple fuel, the tissues of the body are not nourished properly and causes fatigue.Sadly, being sad can also be the reason you feel tired. Depression induces negative feelings and also has negative effects on the body as it causes a reduction in energy levels, changes in sleep and eating patterns, decreased concentration and overall laziness and worthlessness which keeps you in bed all day.Reference: Is It Fatigue? Why Am i always Tired

Why do I always feel sleepy when I'm studying!?

I dont understand it. Everytime I sit down to study, I get sleepy within the first 30 minutes or so. I'm taking some hard classes this semester and it is SOOO frustrating! and its not that the classes are boring, I find the subject matter very interesting.

I NEED to be able to study for at least 3-5 hour blocks. I get plenty of sleep, I've started doing cardio at least twice a week, and still I feel this way.

Lately, its gotten to the point where if I know I need to get some serious studying done, I go out and buy redbull. I hate having to rely on Edrinks...

Please, if anyone can offer me some insight or advice, I would appreciate it a LOT!!

thank you

Why do I always feel sleepy without coffee?

Not enough sleep.

I got off coffee because I was sick of the roller coaster ride. Drink coffee to wake up, not get to sleep, because I drank coffee. Coffee is addicting. You do get a hangover, an after effect when you stop drinking it.

Now the good thing is, when you don't drink coffee daily, you can get a major boost off it. So when you need it (like an all nighter whether for a test or just fun), you have it.

So get some more sleep. If you're getting drowsy in classes, try a little morning exercise. Pumping blood and an increased heart rate will sharpen your focus, just as if you were an animal in the jungle.

Coffee's a drug, William Burroughs was talking about heroin when he said this, but it is just as true about Coffee "Soon you're not taking it to get high, you're just taking it to get normal." Regular caffeine use sets your normal artificially high, so save it for ten years from now when you lose that youthful energy.

Why do I always feel sleepy when I'm studying?

Ask your doctor, at best a psychologist or neurologist. There are a handful of serious diseases, e. g. Narcolepsy, which have the symptom of sleepiness. But they are often not taken serious.Your doctor will probably:Ask you about your sleep habits: how long do you sleep, how regular is your schedule, how fast do you get to sleep when in bed, how refreshed are you when you wake up.Ask whether people sleeping near you have noticed anything, for example that you are snoring or stopping to breathe amidst your sleep.Ask you about symptoms correlated with sleepiness in different diseases.Check you blood, especially Ferrum and Ferritin, but also other values, to check for malnutrition.Depending on the results he might send you to a sleep lab and you might spend one or more nights there. Maybe, he'd also do an EEG or in some cases even an MRT.More probably, he will advise you how to sleep / eat / exercise better.There are medications for all of these sleep diseases. It might not be enough to simply have a good sleep schedule, but you might need medications if it is a physical condition. But a good sleep schedule is always the first step.I am no doctor but just a non-med student & this is in no way complete, therefore: Ask your doctor.

Why does my boyfriend always feel sleepy when he's with me?

i think maybe u r those shy girl ,don't talk to much...***talk to him when he is around***
did both of u chat when u both being together...

*ask him how is his working?*
*ask him wether he want to stay at house cook or find something to do so he wont be boring*


Why do I always feel sleepy after swimming in the beach?

For me, I have noticed that being out in the sun for a few hours makes me sleepy. This is compounded with the heat at the beach (heat makes you sleepy, that's why in most countries they (at least used to) take a nap in the middle (ie hottest part) of the day. Also, you have the physical exertion of swimming in the ocean, which will also make you physically tired (although might wake you up if the water is cold!). It shouldn't have anything to do with the saltwater though...