Why Do I Gain Weight So Fast

Why do I gain weight so fast?

You can also try skimmed milk 1-2 glasses a day is sufficient for a healthy muscle gain and body building.200 g sprouts and overnight. The next morning fry it with 4–5 ml olive oil and mix it well with chopped onions and 1 table spoon lemon juice and 1 chopped green chilli . Enjoy and do this everyday.You should eat large quantities .You should wake up at 6:00AM and do yoga in house for 1-2 hour everyday .jogging 1-2 hour early morning.Everyday drink lot of water .You can fruits salad.You can vegetables and fruits juice 1-2 glasses everyday.You can milk banana shake and apple milk shake also try fruits custard .2 egg boil vegetable lemon juice and enjoy.You can eat carrot. NOTE : you should carrots and add 50 g curd and crushed black pepper to carrots And enjoy it.boil vegetable lemon juice and 100 g curd and boil 2 egg add Crushed blackpepper,chopped 1 onion chopped,1 cucumber chopped and mix it and enjoy.You can 100 ml skimmed milk, 1 pomegranate, 2 apple.Don’t eat fast food and junk foodYou can also try poha. Go for 4–5 ml of olive oil only You can add vegetables & add dry fruits Serve hot with lemon juice.You can also try Saahi Paneer.You can also try lemon chicken.This is very very healthy as it has only minute amount of oil. Best for people are health concious and gain weight.  Kanak's Amazing Recipes If you like this recipe then you can visit my website and my YouTube channel if you like this and please do comment and share this recipe .

Why Do I Gain Weight So Fast?

If you're gaining weight like that then you're probably just eating to much without realizing it. You're getting older, your metabolism is getting a little slower now. BUT you are still very young so try not to worry to much. You're at the age where you can start making young adult decisions. Stay away from candy, ramen noodles, slurpees, potato chips, junk food in general, etc etc. Try going on walks with a friend for some good exercise. Start reading food labels on the food and drinks you consume, you will probably be surprised by what your body is taking in! Good luck.

Why do I gain weight/fat so fast?

I sense it seems whatever amount of food you do eat…you gain.I feel it’s an insulin issue.If your body is having issues communicating with insulin…then it will store most of the food you eat.Maybe improve your insulin?You can reduce your carbs to take pressure off insulin. You can exercise to improve its sensitivity. Once your insulin is function properly you should start to notice a difference.If it’s not insulin…then you are eating in a calorie surplus. Meaning you are eating more than your body needs. In this case…figure out how many calories you need and eat less than that. This is called a calorie deficit.Hope this helps. Keep it up!

Why am I gaining weight so fast?

Ok before I forget this part- If you are on a diet and you are serious, you can't have oreos and ice-cream. A lot of people see it as a reward or cheat day, and that's crazy, because you are rewarding your body for doing going by giving it something bad ? And junk foods have set off negative cycles in your brain, body and stomach, that will work against your goals. So cut that out. Reward yourself with a really healthy special dinner or something else that is consitant with your goals. Otherwise your totally messing with your own mind and brain.

You are growing, in ways you can't see, like internally. Weight gain at your age is completely normal. You sound like a go-getter, and that's totally great, so chances are you've gain a little muscle, and that muscle, joints, and your body is holding extra fluids to deal with and keep up with exercising. Scales aren't very accurate and even once you are fully grown your body weight will fluctuate at different times for different reasons. SO just keep focusing on living a healthy life-style, don't set goal weights, because it could be dangerous to your growth on many levels, and unneccessarily disappointing, which could lead to eating disorders and such. Your are incredibly lucky to be getting into health at such a young age ( and have supportive parents, usually it's totally the opposite) Just remember you are going to want to look and feel good for the rest of your life, and it will come with loads of benefits that will give you a better life! So keep your exercise enjoyable, your diet sensible and see the long-term of things. Life is a lot longer than it looks from 13, way, way, way, way, way, longer! Stay healthy and your weight will fall into place where it should.

Why do i lose and gain weight so fast?

Certain people have body types where they will gain weight very slowly, but also lost weight equally slowly. Some people lose weight fast and gain weight fast. Some people gain weight slow and lose weight fast. Some people gain weight fast and lose weight slow.

I am like you, I can lose 5 pounds in a week just by eating slightly smaller portions. I can also gain 5 pounds in a week by doing the opposite. It isn't normal for people to be like this, but it can be helpful sometimes when I realize I have gotten overweight, it is never more than a week or two before I can start eating normally again.

Why am I gaining weight so fast?

Most people put on weight because they eat and drink more calories than they burn through everyday movement and body functions. But in some cases, your weight gain may be due to an underlying health condition. Here are nine medical issues that can cause weight gain.Weight gain is a common symptom of Cushing's syndrome, a condition in which you are exposed to too much of the stress hormone cortisol, which in turn causes weight gain and other abnormalities. You can get Cushing's syndrome if you take steroids for asthma, arthritis, or lupus.Here are some simple ways to shave 100 calories a day:Eat two fewer cookies.Quench your thirst with sparkling water or a diet soft drink instead of sweetened beverages.Leave a few bites of food on your plate.Hold the mayonnaise or cheese on your sandwich.Switch from whole to fat-free milk.For more and latest innovative Tips: YouTube: Hemant Singh Instagram: Hemant Singh (@cs_hemantsingh) • Instagram photos and videos Facebook: Hemant Kumar Singh

Why do I gain weight so fast and easily ?

I understand what you're feeling.

Do you weight yourself after every meal you eat? If you do, then that's a bad idea, because every time after you eat, you will gain weight that varies from 1 to even 10 pounds. Weigh yourself in the morning because that's when all your food are digested and that you don't have any left in your body. And sometimes, all the weight you gain can be water weight. For example, during a meal, you can drink like three glasses of water, that's three pounds already! So you should weight in the morning before eating anything to be more sure. Because the weight in the morning and the weight at night can be a difference of 10 pounds!
And remember, after you eat, don't sit and definitely don't sleep! If you sleep after eating, fat will develop in your stomach. Stand up or walk around but don't do anything strenuous because you can develop appendicitis. That's an important thing that not many people know.

To go on a diet, there's no easy way. Exercise and eat healthy. Same old boring words.
Exercise at least four times a week. Do something strenuous for at least 20 minutes.
As for eating healthy, same old fruits and veggies. When you're hungry, eat an apple or orange, not a cookie or chocolate bar. And stay away from fats, fried food, junk food, soda, cheese, and too much carbs or meat. Also stay away from sodium because they make you bloat and heavier.
So these are the basics. If you want more tips, check out the free and helpful site below.

Hope this helps :)

Why do I gain weight so fast? (11 lbs in 2 weeks)?

I had two weeks of exams so I refrained from going to the gym in order to focus on my studies. I gotta be honest, I haven't been working out, neither have I been eating healthy. I literally gained 11 lbs (5 kilos) in those 2 weeks. It seems like it's such a short time to gain THAT MUCH weight.
Please note that I was obese my whole life and I lost over 95 lbs (40 kg) the past 3 years, but now I gained some of it back. Please help, I can't afford to go through all of that again.

How do the boxers gain weight so fast?

ur watching the sugar shane fight right they lose all there Weight to make the match and after the weight in they load up on carbs before the fight they are on strict diets and cant load up on foods before so after the fight they load up on crabs it gives them energy and they are back at there Original Weight