Why Do I Have A Huge Ego

Why do men have such HUGE ego/pride problems?

That is a question many women have wondered about!!! ;) I think a lot of people have egos, it's just that men are probably more outspoken about it. And more headstrong. (Although I do know some women who are worse than a lot of men!! lol) but sometimes people put up a "front" so people don't see that that person is really insecure & weak inside.
But it varies from person to person.

Why do Leos have big egos?

I'm a Leo and read that we're supposedly egotistical. If any sign is Egotistical I would say it's the Aries lol. I don't think I have much of an ego, if I have one at all. I'm not self absorbed or self centered. According to my friends I'm too quiet and laid back. Could someone tell me what ego means, and why Leos supposedly have them?

Leo sun 0.59 degrees 1st house
Cancer ascendant 2nd decan
Capricorn moon 6house
Leo mercury 2nd house
Virgo venus 3rd house
Virgo mars 3rd house
Aquarius saturn
Scorpio pluto
8th and 9th house in Aquarius
Midheaven in Pisces
11th house in Taurus
6th house in Sagittarius

Why do Leo's have such a huge ego?

You must be a sign that doesn't match with Leo's traits. If you don't like their overpowering personality there are always other guys, but I'm sure they can't be just as loving, generous and devoted as the Lions.

"Whether the Leo man is truly a king, or just a pretender to the throne, we may never know. But there are several things you do know about your own lion. He has insatiable appetites, and he's as proud as a peacock. He has am enormous need to command and to be loved by those he rules. Remember that Leo secretly fears he may fail and be ridiculed. It's a constant inner torture, and the true source of his vanity and exaggerated dignity. Yet, when his nobility has been aroused by a great cause, he knows no fear. Only then does the lion learn that the magnificent strength and courage he's been pretending to have has really been there all along.

Your Leo may drive you wild by his antics during courtship, but he's not at all a bad mate for a long term possibility. If you don't mind submerging your ego, and building your life around his, once you've tamed this man, you'll be adored and youll never be lonely again. Besides, he can fix those bathroom faucets."


Why do women have such huge egos?

Aww, now that's not true hun. I'm sorry if you've had bad experiences with egotistic women, but not all of us are like that. I may be younger than the crowd you go for, but still, I am actually very un-egotistic, for one. I place others above myself, and feel bad if I even think about me being better than anyone else. I'm quite low on self-esteem. Ha.

But I have a wonderful boyfriend, and we are both very happy doing casual stuff, like picnicking at the park or the lake, doing things we both enjoy that don't have to cost a cent (other than maybe the gas to get there...). And we often compliment each other, instead of just the guy telling the girl she's beautiful all the time. What are some things you enjoy doing? Go out there and perhaps you'll find a nice lady who shares that interest, and will be happy to join you in it.

Don't worry! There are plenty of us out there. Many women are sweet and humble in this world. You just have to go to the right places to find them! Make sure you are sincerely sweet and humble yourself, as well, as ladies find that very attractive. And don't be so stereotypical next time! I promise, not all women are like that! In fact, several men have huge egos too! (My ex was one of them, and he always put me down...I stayed with him for a year simply because I cared more about him despite how badly he treated me. Yea, some of us don't have it so easy either). But don't be one of them, and stay optimistic! Best of luck to ya, hun! :]

Why do americans have such a big ego?

dont forget that America also won the revolutionary war.

Why do I keep attracting people with huge egos in my life?

One guess is that you get attracted to some of the other qualities that people with huge egos tend to have at higher percentage than the rest, such as confidence, intelligence, ambition or particularly good looks.Usually when people say "why do I keep attracting people with the X negative quality" it implies that by the time they wondered, they had already allowed that person to become close enough for the realization that he/she had the X quality  to come as a disappointment.So think about all the people that you had in mind when you asked the question and make a list of the attractive qualities they had in common.Then the question will become "why people that share these qualities have to be egoists".And the only helpful answer to this I can think of, is that there might be a higher correlation of these qualities with a bloated ego, however it's never an absolute rule. So you'd either have to take your risks and learn to read the signs early on before you get too attached, or consider compromising on the correlated attractive qualities to better your chances.There are other possibilities of course: it could be that you are either very quick to attribute egoism to people around you, or that something in your behaviour might actually be stimulating egoistic behaviour in them. If you press the right buttons, you can have most people behave egoistically, even if they don't normally behave like that -and some people press these buttons without realizing it. A common example is if the other person gets the feeling that you expect his/her opinion to be wrong or insignificant, or that you expect him/her to fail in some way. In your perspective it could be you being realistic, in their perspective it could be you holding them in low esteem. That can kick-start egoistic behaviour as a defence mechanism big time. So maybe it's also worth trying to think of what specific behaviours on your side could have triggered these incidents of egoistic behaviour, try to imagine how you would react to these examples if the position was inverted and, even if you don't think your behaviour should have this effect, still see if you can find some pattern there. The last possibility is of course, pure coincidence. Some times you can roll too many double-sixes in a row and there's nothing you can do about it, other than keep rolling or quitting the game.

Why do short men have big egos?

It's to go with the huge trucks. Massive dogs and the king size beds they sleep in alone everyday.Just because they are little they can still buy full size stuff. They are used to climbing so crawling up the sides of the gigantic four wheel drives to get into the drivers seat is not a problem.The fifty kilo guys have to hang off almost everything so what does it matter if they look like jockeys next to the Rottweiler dog while it is taking them for a walk.They have heros too like Tom Cruise. He isn't that short but he hooked up with Nicole Kidman.When they held hands walking his was up in the air and her hand was dangling down. Most of you would have missed this but not short guys. They are living for this moment.Those egos are pushing them to get a girl like that to share all the big things with.Short guys are people too so let them be free to live their dreams.

Why do bipolar people have very huge egos and think everything is about them?

Its called mania. Someone who has Bipolar suffers from Depression and Manic episodes. They will go through periods of depression followed by mania usually lasting weeks or months at a time each.

In mania the person will have high amounts of energy which stops them from sleeping, they can go days without sleep or last on as little as an hour a night. They have high confidence and often have grandiose delusions which make them think they can fly or that they are famous or something. They have a high sex drive and crave it a lot, they get irritated and agitated to the point they cannot sit still for 2 minutes, they will talk a million miles fast and have racing thoughts so fast theyc annot keep up with it.

This is why it seems they have a big ego and think things are about themselves. Its mania. Its their disorder. Bipolar really needs to be medicated.

EDIT - The answer above is really ignorant, if you have "real depression"they you would know how hard mental illness is. Bipolar is a REAL disorder and it has ruined parts of my life. We are NOT attention seekers, we have a mental illness like you do.

Do people with high IQ have a tendency to have a huge ego?

I have a high IQ and a pretty small ego.When I was young, my father told me about the problem of “big fish in a small pond.” Sooner or later, I would be in a bigger pond with bigger fish: I would find people smarter than me, and a big ego would not be good then. I took that to heart.Another Quora question asked whether people with high IQs think that typical people are “stupid.” Answer: NO. I recently chatted with a woman who raised three children and cared for an aged parent, as a single mother. She was working as a receptionist, so her IQ is almost certainly a lot lower than mine - but so what? She did something I doubt I could have done, requiring skills and competence at a level I wish I had.When I’m assessing someone, I care whether they are trustworthy; competent; interesting; and friendly. None of those needs a high IQ (you can be good at music or sports or travel, for example, without a high IQ). And I know I fall short of where I want to be in most of those areas; how could I have a big ego?If my self-worth was wrapped up in being “smart,” I suppose I might look down on anyone I thought was less “smart” and live in fear of meeting someone more “smart.” In fact, I’ve met a number of people smarter than me, and I enjoy it (as long as they’re trustworthy, competent, interesting, and friendly). High IQ _sometimes_ makes people interesting, but there are lots of other ways people can be interesting to me.Maybe it’s similar to how small dogs are often more aggressive and touchy than big dogs. Big dogs have nothing to prove. If I had an IQ of 120 I might build up an ego around being smarter than average. As it is, it’s just a fact of life.I’m also taller than average - I can change a bulb in a ceiling fixture without standing on anything. But that doesn’t give me a big ego. Why should it?