Why Do I Have Insomnia If I Am 12 Answer My Life Is Getting Ruined

I think I've had insomnia my whole life?

Lately I've realised I might have insomnia because I can't sleep. Most nights I'll go to bed at 9 30 and can't fall asleep until 1. Then I realised I've had it my whole life. The earliest I can remember it happening was in 3rd grade. Every night I can't go to bed until 12 to 1. And I remember it happening for my whole life so far. Some days I wake up not tired but other days I'll wake up really tired but at the end of the day it's always the same - I'm always really tired when I get home from school. What is happening?

My insomnia is making me suidical/depressed?

I'm 16 and I have been getting poor sleep for about 4 years now. I feel as if I've permanently fcked up my brain due to not getting enough sleep. I've read studies on how lack a sleep for a long period of time will damage your brain permanently and I feel as if I've ruined myself for life. Effects include Stunted growth, lower intelligence, terrible concentration, no effort to do anything. Hell, I've even felt that my memory is worse now. I have been taking 0.5mg melatonin for about a year and it hasn't done much for me honestly. I don't even get tired until about 11 and it takes a while for me to fall asleep. My parents don't give a **** about my sleep problems and say that I'm "always complaining" and "won't shut up about it". I'm pretty sure I have ADD and possibly Narcolepsy which would explain why I am tired during the day until about 5pm and will be alert until about 11.

Sometimes I'll take Benadryl to help me sleep, and in the past week I've been taking dosages between 300mg-400mg to help me sleep and it hasn't worked that well. Last night I took about 350mg. For years I've been considering if I should kill myself and how I would do it, what I would write on my note. The thoughts can appear even when I mess up on something really minor. I've been thinking about death everyday for years now. I don't really want to die, it's just whenever I mess up suicide pops into my head. Sometimes I go from being really happy one minute to having suicidal thoughts the next.

Porn , Masturbation , Sleep & Procrastination ruined my life?

I am really tired of my shitty shitty life ,

this is my 3rd year at uni and for the past year and a half I have only passed one subject , I really was better , I really had hopes , dreams

today I missed another test , and now 4 pm I just woke up and having the cheapest thing I could afford toast and vegemite!

I have been masturbating for 2,5 years excessively , not to metion sometimes I sleep 12 hours or more cause I am deppresssed

I am failing uni , I have no job , no money , even my immunity is ****

I am sick of eating canned Tuna , toast , cheap food , cause its the only thing I can afford

I dont work , when I feel a a bit better I start applying for jobs , but they never call back or when I get an interview after one million tries , I never make it to get selected.

I have been living off center link , and if they cut I will be on the streets , literally , no my parents dont have money !

I get really jealous seeing my flat mates waking up early , surfing , then they go to uni , then work , gym , party , friends

where I stay in bed all day , watching porn , masterbeating , even when I get up and have shower I then procrastinate on the internet

I would never start , I have one million thing to study , I dont want to fail another semester ! Im sick of applying for jobs

sick of being **** and living like ****!

sick of not having friends ! really! not even one ! my phone doesn't ring for weeks.
I dont know what I want , just felt like talking!

I think I might have insomnia, but I'm only 16 years old?

Okay, before you can really say that you have a problem, then you need to look at some aspects in your life first. Here is a list of things that can give you insomnia, or just make it hard to get to sleep on time.
-Eating a large meal less than 4 hours before you go to bed
-Winter blues (can be resolved by using a sunlight simulator or "blue light" around a hundred bucks)
-Exercising close to when you should be going to bed
-Taking afternoon naps (this really confuses your circadian rhythym, avoid at all costs!)
-Having an unbalanced diet (high on junk, low on nutrition)
-Stress (do you ever stress at night thinking,"I have to fall asleep or i'm going to have a bad day tomorrow" and then think about how you might have a real problem? This could be keeping you up at night)
-Have too many electronics and lights around you before you go to bed
-Drinking or eating some source of caffeine before you go to bed (coffee, chocolate, some teas)

These are just some things that you should consider before you think that you have a full-fledged problem. I do think you should mention it to your doctor tomorrow, in fact, you must tell him, you should always tell your doctor these things. Also, you might want to ask your doctor about seeing a TMJ and sleep disorder specialist, but only if your insomnia hasn't improved.
Tonight, try drinking some caffeine-free tea, or a glass of milk. Also, you should take a warm bath, then make your room cool, but not warm, and relax. Read a book, or watch TV, something that makes you sleepy, think about nothing else but the TV or book, and don't think about yourself being sleepy, just close your eyes, and clear your mind. Hopefully you should fall asleep, and wake up a little more refreshed. Also, try to wake up and go to bed at the same time everyday, otherwise this can also mess up your circadian rhythm.
I wish you all the best of luck!

Sleep is literally ruining my life. What can I do to stop feeling sleepy all of the time?

I am always, always sleepy. I usually sleep 12-15 hours per night and sometimes I take naps during the day. I've seen a doctor about this, and we've tried several different things:

- Testing my blood for an iron deficiency (there was none)
- Drinking green tea
- Keeping sleep logs (no conclusions could be drawn)
- Anti-depressants
- General multi-vitamins
- Supplement drinks (such as Acai)
- Trying to get on a "normal" schedule (go to sleep around same time each night/wake up around same time each morning)
- Etc., etc.

I don't think that the problem is that I'm oversleeping, as many people have suggested. I try to get up earlier and not sleep so many hours, but it doesn't work. I literally CANNOT function. I'm too tired to think, I feel really out of it, I can't even operate a vehicle safely. I'm just too sleepy, and I need to go back to bed.

My sister has suggested that I take a specific vitamin for the problem, rather than a multi-vitamin that just has a little bit of everything. She thinks that I'm lacking something because I'm a vegetarian, but we're not sure what (we're not doctors, ha!). Do you know of a vitamin that would be good for a vegetarian/aids in higher energy levels or less sleeping? I don't think that any vitamin will fix my sleeping problem completely, but maybe something will help.

My only other option left is to go to a sleep lab where they hook me up to some machines and monitor my sleep throughout an overnight stay. However, I don't have insurance and the lab costs a lot of money. I don't know what to do. I can't commit to a regular 9-5 job. I don't see my family or friends often because by the time I wake up and get ready, there's not enough time left in the day to go out and see them. I can't even run simple errands because I usually oversleep business hours. Sleep is literally ruining my life. Please help.

Thanks for any suggestions!