Why Do I Keep Dreaming About My Ex

Why am I dreaming about my ex?

Like many others have wrote, it definately means that they left some type of very deep impact on you, wether you are totally aware of it or not.I’ve been in a great and satisfying relationship for nearly 3 years now. Yet what triggered me to write today, is because I dreamt about my ex, for the hundredth time tonight. And whenever I dream about her, I miss her. I miss her quite a lot, to the point that it is distracting.The funny part is, it was short relationship. 4 months tops. So this has no impact on it at all, this I can tell you straight away. What does have an impact, is how strong and how novel the emotions you had during that time.My ex was an emotionally damaged borderline woman who wanted an open relationship. She was the sexiest thing I’ve ever met, and she knew how to manipulate men to a scary level. She made me feel like I was constantly chasing her in that time; wanting more, and I found myself loving every little bit of it, even the emotional torment at times. In relatively short time, I became almost the equal manipulator. The reward was usually mind blowing sex, but it could also be something as little as an acknowledgement or a reluctant kiss, and in the end, I won her as an exclusive relationship, which was another great ‘victory’.. She broke it off shortly after that. I did one wrong move in trying to force my emotional needs on her for a little too long. It was simply a bad moment in life, but it takes very little to scare off some of these individuals. Trivial things can be enough, so I learned.But yea, I’ts been 4 years now. 3 years in a healthy, back and forth relationship. Sex life is a bit lackluster on my life, as she is not very sexual or confident in herself. Possibly the reason why I still dream back to that time. The dreams are always with her as the focus; me chasing her or impressing her, or even seducing her for sex, using her weaknesses.. Often times I succed even in the dreams, but it’s never enough. It’s a drug. A complete addiction, to try and win over a borderline. Make them whole, emotionally. Satisfy them. Make them stray away from the damned Emo personality that is so addictive in the first place.If this woman went up to me today and asked me for sex, despite never having cheated or had intention to cheat in my life, I am so sure I would cheat in a heartbeat. It’s not even funny, it’s actually scary to think. Humans are flawed beings indeed.

Why do I keep dreaming of my ex boyfriend?

One angle with dreams is the idea that they are messages to ourselves, from ourselves. Our thinking and understanding of the world around us is divided into levels (conscious and subconscious are common names for this). Think of dreams as a sort of debriefing. Your subconscious searches your memory for images and situations to create what seems, on the surface, to be very bizarre stories. This is because the basis of the dream is built on symbolism.These symbols, even their colors, every detail holds meaning. The things that stand out most are the most important. Maybe you dream of people in a room, but all you can Think about after waking is that icky brown couch they sat on. You would want to learn about party, couch, and brown.The hardest part is that tour mind's communication with itself is unique to you. I may have a totally different feeling about a roller coaster than you do, for example. So if we both dream of this, it will have 2 different meanings.However, some things have been shown to be reliable when it comes to dream interpretation. I have been learning about this for many, many years and I always use a certain website for my own dreams. After searching out the symbols that stand out, I take time to reflect on what this means in my daily life. What am I trying to tell myself?The analysis is a starting point but taking it a step further and finding what It's about for you, specifically, is what matters the most.The first thing I suggest is a quick note where you will list every single thing you can remember. Forget the story, start with only items and people (you have ex-boyfriend to start with). This is actually a very specific and common one! I am going to refer you to the site I use and you can see for yourself what this is about.I do not work for them, I receive no benefit from you visiting them. And if you find a better site or a book insstead, go with that! But dreams are important and learning to understand them is a highly beneficial way to live your best life. The mind doesn't do things for no reason. Dreams are an advanced tool to help us see past the fully layers of our day-to-day thinking that is clouded by our issues and experiences. Dreams are shots of fact and advice from your own, hyperintelligent source.Try starting at dreammoods dot com. Use the search bar to enter your thing. (Type ex to start).Good luck!

Why do I keep dreaming of my ex husband?

I was looking for the answer of why I am dreaming of my ex boyfriend and I found this: hope it will help you:

To dream about your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend or that you and your ex got back together again, suggests that something or someone in your current life that is bringing out similar feelings you felt during the relationship with your ex. The dream may be a way of alerting you to the same or similar behavior in a current relationship. What you learn from that previous relationship may need to be applied to the present one so that you do no repeat the same mistake. Alternatively, past lovers often highlight the positive experiences you had with that person. It could also signify aspects of yourself that you have x'd out or neglected.

To dream that you are making out with your ex, signifies your acceptance of certain characteristics of your ex. The dream does not necessarily mean that you want to get back together with him or her. Consider what were the things you liked and disliked about him. These are the same qualities that you are finally acknowledging within your own self.

WHy do I keep dreaming of my ex and his family ?

Maybe something you saw or experienced trigger a memory of him or his family. Like if scary movies remind you of him and you saw a scary movie commercial, you may have him in your subconscious. Other triggers can be music, sounds, or subtle like a smell.

I keep having dreams about my ex?

Dreams are how your subconscious mind works out issues. They don't necessarily have to mean anything, it's just your mind's way of playing out scenarios you would never think of performing. Don't sweat it...if you're happy with your new beaux, enjoy it. And enjoy the dreams as well...heck, have a grand old time with both of them IN THE DREAM WORLD ONLY!

Why do I keep having dreams about my ex and how can I stop it?

I believe dreams are the subconscious mind's way of processing emotions the conscious mind doesn't have immediate access to for one reason or another. Although 6 months isn't a long time to be involved in a relationship, you might have some very strong unacknowledged or inaccessible emotions about the whole situation. If you had a lot of hope for the relationship, it's hard to let go of that hope and the other emotions it might have led you to invest. If there were unpleasant incidents that led to your decision to end the relationship, or if the break up itself was painful in any way, you might need more time to process feelings related to those incidents.In my opinion, connections with other humans have addictive components. For this reason, even if someone you were involved with didn't treat you particularly well, you might still have a strong attachment. Be kind to yourself. Don't assume there's something wrong with you or that you made a mistake in breaking up just because you're having dreams. Give yourself time to process and recover from the whole experience.I'm not an expert on dreams, but I've read a little bit about them and had enough of my own. I've almost always had dreams about people I've been involved with in my life at one point or another, often after they've left my life. I can't always explain the dreams, but I just accept them. Eventually, they become infrequent or disappear completely.

How do I stop dreaming about my ex? It's been almost a month since the break up and I've accepted that she fell in love with another guy but I can't stop dreaming about her every night and even during afternoon naps.

If you are continuing to dream about her, then the dream is using her image in order to get you to see something about yourself. Many times we fall in love with someone, or are attracted to someone, because we see something in them that we do not see in ourselves. In other words, we project unrecognized qualities of ourselves onto others.We do not do this consciously, of course. Rather, it is a mechanism of the unconscious. The goal is to see that value in yourself.So, try to see in her image what you can integrate into your life. What was it about her that attracted you? If she was loving, then you become that loving quality. Very often, for men, the female figures in dreams are qualities that should be a living part of himself.How you relate to this inner figure will affect how you relate to the world around you - especially how you relate to women in general.At other times, the image can represent something artistic trying to come to life. This is where the concept of the muse came from. She’s really an inner figure.On the less positive side, if you have put this woman on a pedestal or were unconsciously unconsciously clinging to her as a mother figure, then you have missed an opportunity to authentically relate to her as a woman.So that was a long answer, but if you figure out what her dream image means, then your dreams will change.

Why do I keep dreaming about my ex best friend?

There are many theories on why we dream.That being said, the meaning behind a dream about an ex best friend could be one or more of the followingUnresolved issuesGuiltEmotionsIt depends on the events within the dreams, and the symbols. Also, the nature of the breakup between you and them may play a role.From another perspective, some people see dreams as much more than the images the brain plays while at rest.Dreaming, to many, is very spiritual.Some may believe that one of you (your ex friend or you), misses the other one. However, that is only if the nature of the dream is good. There's not much evidence to back that up, so I would highly suggest figuring out what the dream itself means.Anyway, you asked why you keep having these dreams.It sounds as if there is an aspect that is reoccurring (your ex friend)Reoccurring dreams are trying to relay a message to you.Even if everything isn't the same in these dreams. If one part of it is, then it's reoccurring.To decode this dream I recommendDocument the dreamsCompare and contrast themLook up the symbols through a dream dictionary (you can find sites dedicated to defining dream symbols in a Google search)Make sure, after you define the symbols in these dreams, you interpret them together. If the dreams aren't all the same, do each dream individually.Defining the reoccurring aspect is the key to the message. However other details are important too because they supply more information.

Why do I keep on dreaming about my ex boyfriend's ex girlfriend who doesn't even matter to me? How do I stop this?

I cannot give a specific answer, it could be for various reasons. It could be because he talks or complains a lot about her, or you had a previous experience where you were in a position of comparison ( which is the last thing anyone wants to be in and you are entitled to your uniqueness) or could be you do not want to be a reflection of her. Something is lingering and your subconscious in your dream is bringing these feelings to the surface in a symbolic form of his girlfriend.There might be a small insecurity of some kind that you did not deal with, and if you do not nip it from the bud it can grow and may affect the relationship. It happened to a friend of mine and at the beginning of her relationship. In time, it became like a demon conquering her mind and always convinced her of scenarios that never took place. Her husband now, at the time did not understand and went on the defence instantly (which is a psychological reflex action). I advised her to speak to him ( as they were on the verge of a breakup) about her fears and when she did he became more affectionate and assuring. He had no idea what was going on in her head, if she only knew!Try talking ( without sounding like you are accusing or placing a blame) with your boyfriend, over a bottle of wine and invite him for dinner. He will appreciate it and actually may assure you there is nothing and he might express his own insecurities.

Why do I keep having dreams about my ex who was emotionally abusive towards me?

Hi Lyssi,Firstly, I am sorry you had to go through emotional abuse. Any kind of abuse, whether physical, emotional, financial, sexual or mental can have severe detrimental effects on anyone who was receiving that animalistic treatment.Because, your abuser has had huge impact on you, and caused a lot of pain, you broke up. So you tried to keep a brave face in your waking life and carried on with your day to day activities forcing yourself to smile and not get defeated. Even though, that is what society encourages us to do, our human ability does not…which is why we have the blessing of our subconscious.Your subconscious is dealing with the situation whilst you are asleep, to prepare you for the waking life. So it is releasing all the angry, sad, anxious, frustrated feelings during your sleep, when you are physically paralysed. It is healthy and it will be a matter of time when it will fade, but since you are aware of it in your dream, try to fight him in your dream.Finally, do not deny your feelings from being released. You need to be angry and sad and let go of them by acknowledging them. It is ok to feel let down, as it is the only way to grow and move forward, especially if you do not want to fall victim in the same kind of relationship except with someone else.