Why Do Left Wingers Ask Ignorant Questions Like These

Why are American Right Wingers so ignorant about Socialism?

Basically I asked a question involving a question previously that asked why the United States is overall so phobic about Socialism, a system which encourages Universal Welfare, Equal Opportunities etc...
In other words a system that does not focus on the production of wealth but rather the well-being and health care of the people, a fair and equal chance, an emphases on education but the cost should be a slightly austere life style. Many Americans constantly call this a "failed socio-economic" idea yet typically (and ignorantly) fail to explain why, which frustrates me. Then they compares themselves with other countries and claim they are more advanced then Europe but again fail to explain how. I think its fact that Socially Europe is more advanced considering it has better quality Education, higher life expectancy, higher literacy and so on as it is a hybrid of Socialism and Capitalism, America is considered socially and religiously backwards by many Europeans who often mock the stupidity of Americans on FOX news. I am guessing its FOX news, McCarthyism and the fact that most of them do not understand what Socialism truly is but an answer would be good.

Why are there so many silly right-wing questions on Quora being asked about the left-wing? Are the people asking these questions genuinely satisfied with the provided answers?

This is because here, there is enough respect amongst a reasonable percentage of our cohort for ‘allowing’ others to have a differing view. Whether we agree or agree to disagree everyone can have their point of view and share it too.For another collection of peers, this means they can ask whatever question they want. Anonymously. Like the cowardly concoction of misery and loathing they are, they also remind us why we must allow it as well, for when we limit their ability to pontificate their puerile poison, we limit ourselves to accept that there are those who have those thoughts.So do not decry the desecration of our deserted isle, find a way to create a civilization we can all be proud of.

Why can't you add questions about left-wing politics without them being marked as 'This question should be phrased with neutral and sincere language' by Quora?

None of the following questions are genuinely looking for an answer:Is the UK turning prudish or just moving towards Sharia?  Creationism has no place in schoolbooks, but so doesn't dogmatic believe in tabula rasa? How do we stop left-wing politics from polluting science?  Will the left ban the world 'blanc' for referring to native Europeans/whites in France like they banned 'blank' in the Netherlands?  Did Italy just decide to become a Chinese colony?  Was Ayn Rand aware of Charles Darwin? If so, why isn't that reflected in Objectivism?  Won't creating something like an Israel for white nationalists in some vacant lot of land resolve the extremes of racial tension?  How can we stop 'progressives' from rejecting evolution theory?  Are women biologically inclined to be less ethnocentric?  Why doesn't the constitution forbid hate speech against the existence of races?  Can I convert a lesbian with love?Whether you genuinely were, in your heart, looking for answers to these questions or not, these questions are all statements. You are indirectly stating your view by posting loaded questions.Posting loaded questions is a violation of the insincerity policy on Quora and will get your questions throttled.Question: Why can't you add questions about left-wing politics without them being marked as 'This question should be phrased with neutral and sincere language' by Quora?

When right wingers call Hitler a "lefty"?


Thanks for identifying the crass duplicity and warped thinking of Righties here on YA.


Why they do this is most interesting.

They belong to a Religion - Modern Republicanism has become a Political Religion.

Just like NAZI'ism.

Most 'normal' people understand that NAZI ism is a ideology of "Corporate Fascism" - - - in which the Corporation has more power over the INDIVIDUAL.

Any doubt that this resembles the Modern Conservative Movement - just look at the Conservative Supreme Court Decision in which they said Corporations are allowed to spend UNLIMITED amounts of money supported PRO-BUSINESS candidates.

A true recipe for Fascism.


Are birds right winged and left winged like humans are left or right handed?

Birds that fly toward Iraq are right winged.

Birds that fly toward Mexico are left winged.

Birds that sit and poop atop billboards are anti-capitalistic anarchists.

Birds that attack defenseless worms should be taken and tortured, then hung on fenceposts, for all to see.

Birds that don't sing should be ignored.

Birds that build nests should be required to get building permits.

Birds that just gaze down at our world, doing nothing to stop it... as it devolves into a Prison Planet...should repent, or they will face the Great Eagle in the sky and be forced to be human beings in the next life, to see if they still will let a wonderful place become Hell.

At least, this was my opinion when I started to answer this question.

Why does Quora keep sending me trolling-type questions from right-wing, conservative, Republican, or Trump supporters even though I never respond to them in any way?

If what this question asserts IS THE CASE, then listen to me: THE VERY SAME THING IS BEING DONE BY - APPRARENTLY - LEFT WING, ANTI-TRUMP, PRO-OBAMA OPERATIVES!Scores of questions like this one:Is it ironic that ‘you are your worst enemy’ really applies to Trump voters on how they managed to get so duped because they are so emotional and angry?And, this one:Do you agree with the statement "not all Trump supporters are racist, but all racists voted for Trump?"There are two answers to this question. The first is that Quora is playing a two-sided game where it feeds raw meat to opponents from the two warring parties in order to drum up business.The second answer is that the question: “Why does Quora keep sending me trolling type questions from blatantly right-wing, conservative, or ignorant Republican Trump supporters?” is FAKE. If this is the case, then the commentators on this thread are actually members of the RadLib team that is generating thousands of anti-Trump troll questions and comments in the Resistance’s ongoing campaign to destroy Trump, the Republican Party and Conservative political thought and vision.

Why do many European nations have problems to accept right wing parties as normal part of politics, despite not having a history like Germany?

People are ignorant, that’s why. Right wing can mean almost anything, of course taken to the extreme you get facism. Left wing taken to the extreme would be anarchism.You see this? Any government that went further than Liberalism or Conservatism killed multiple ( literally millions ) of people. Human’s rights were ignored and often minorities and intellectuals ( Especially in Communist China and Nazi Germany ) were the most persecuted.Liberals do the same tactics as Conservatives in that regard. Exaggerations.“ Oh the other guy is a liberal, he must be a Communist “.“ Oh the other guy is a conservative, he must be a Nazi”.This happens really all the time, and the sad thing is people actually believe it because of their ignorance of actual Communism / Nazism.And then the argument of, my ancestors fought Nazism/Communism I dont want that here so I definetly not vote left/right wing.Now to answer you question, you are misinformed, Eastern Europe is generally right wing because of Soviet Occupation until 1990. Western Europe is generally left wing because of Facist ( Spain, Italy, Germany ) Occupation. When you literally see, hear and are told in school about Extreme Right/Left Wing, then of course you are not going to vote for leaning Right/Left Wing parties, even though for example conservatism has about nothing in common with Facism ( except both are right wing ).