Why Do Liberals Want To Give Special Rights To Illegals

Why do liberals give minorities special treatment?

liberals give non whites special treatment over whites and as far as religion liberals give minority religions special treatment over christians which is why muslims are growing in Europe

Do young liberals want to let illegal immigrants into the U.S. because it seems nice and fair?

I think most young liberals would ascribe to one or more of the following reasons for permitting illegal immigration. I’ve no real sense of the relative popularity of each argument, nor do I make any comment on each argument’s strength/validity.Fairness/social justice. I think this is what the OP had in mind. Summary: It’s not fair that some countries are wealthier than others. Therefore people from poor countries should be allowed to come to live a rich country like the US if they wish to.Internationalist/post nation-state. Summary: The idea of countries as nation states is old hat. Anyone should be allowed to travel and live wherever they want.Post colonial justice. Summary: Mean northern countries oppressed southern countries in the colonial era. Immigration from the south is pay-back for this injustice.Kind-hearted. Unlike most of the other items, this is not based around a particular political philosophy or policy agenda. Summary: I feel sorry for people who are caught up in war/political violence, natural disaster or chronic poverty and think the US should care for them.Social/cultural leveling. Summary: The US is too rich, too polluting, too racist, too aloof, too arrogant, too individualistic. More immigration will reduce these negative aspects and make it more like other countries.Partisan. Summary: Immigrants are more likely to vote for liberal candidates in elections.Cultural variety. Less overtly political/tendentious version of #5. Summary: Americans, let’s face it, are a little bland. Immigrants bring color, variety and vitality to the community.Heritage. Summary: The US was founded and built by immigrants and their descendants. Who are we in this generation to say who can or cannot immigrate to the country today?Open borders. Summary: illegal immigration is a victim-less crime: give them a break. NB: there are economic arguments for open borders too, but I don’t think a young liberal would be interested in those.Practical. Summary: Whether we like it or not, in this connected world where travel is easy, immigration (legal and illegal) is going to happen. We should go with the flow and focus on other concerns.

Is it hypocritical that Liberals who want to give illegal immigrants a free pass into America on humanitarian grounds can only come up with "picking fruit and other things Americans don't want to do" when asked what they would contribute?

No, hypocritical wouldn't be the correct word. Liberals don’t want to give illegals a free pass on humanitarian grounds. That would be refugee status and has its own set of laws and regulations. It often seems that people don’t think we have immigration laws and that anyone can walk in now, but we’ve had laws for years, for legal immigrant, illegal immigrants and people here on visas which would cover migrant labor, and people working in fish canneries and chicken industries. Of course those are limited, and often only the well connected get the workers. Not exactly giving the others a chance in a free market. No wonder they want to keep it that way.Many of the proposed laws are already on the books, illegals are already being deported and have been for decades. As to what else they contribute? They live in places we wouldn’t put Americans, because Americans can complain, they will work in conditions Americans would not put up with, because they can’t complain without being deported. They pay taxes on their incomes, the IRS will come down on the employers if they don’t withhold taxes from their employees.Their money stays in this country and supports the small businesses that thrive where the big corporations won’t go. Some goes home to help families keep from going hungry. That’s humanitarian.We have a newer problem with the ones who were brought here as children and now are in limbo, we have had rules in place about that, they have to be in school or served in the military, no criminal record and they’ve been turned into a political football by Trump’s overturning of DACA.Trump’s followers often don’t seem to know exactly what it is they’re protesting about when it comes to immigration. They don’t know that there are rules, and they seem to believe that Democrats want open borders which would require changes to the present system. I’ve never met one who wants criminals to be allowed to enter or stay. They are not all murderers, rapists and drug dealers.

Are Liberals soft on illegal immigration?

They want the votes. Illegal immigrants need money, housing, food, education and health care. The Dems will gladly trade votes for those items at the taxpayers expense.

Why do liberals seem to feel we should give to all immigrants, but not to our own people first?

Why do liberals seem to feel we should give to all immigrants, but not our own people first?Because US conservative leaders have found that convincing their viewers of that is much easier than convincing them US liberal's actual beliefs are wrong.First, liberals do want to give to “our own people” first. Unfortunately, US conservative leaders have convinced their followers that any individual example of help the government gives “our own people,” is government waste and/or government overregulation. As a result, a lot of liberals have taken to arguing that we should help anyone they can convince US conservatives to help.Second, US liberal's don't want to help everyone else. US liberals do want to help people fleeing the same terrorists we are fighting. If you watched a terrorist group destroy your home and kill members of your family, would you join them? For some reason, right wing, US news outlets assume you would, without any backlash from their viewers.Liberals also want to help people who are genuinely struggling financially. Most US liberals also want to do this as cheaply as a possible: which includes programs to keep people from cheating the system. For most US liberals, spending a million dollars to stop people gaming a hundred thousand dollars isn't worth it. After all, you lose a net of nine hundred thousand dollars doing it. But for some reason, the same US conservatives decrying government waste keep yelling for programs like that.But some some reason, “let's help the working poor and attacked by terroists” and “let's help at least someone,” magically become “let's help everyone except our own people,” when a US conservative is arguing against them.

Why do liberals love taxes? Why do they want to give more money to our government that has been wasting money for more than 8 years?

Two things about liberals: they either don't work and pay taxes or they "work" for the government.

Is illegal immigration a moral blindspot of liberals?

In the US? Absolutely. And it’s closely aligned with the blind spot that cost Clinton this election.Illegal immigration is a means by which American companies get away with the same human and worker’s rights violations common in other countries. Which is exactly the same thing offshoring our manufacturing is. Our laws protect American workers, but they don’t protect illegal immigrants or offshore workers.All of this is symptomatic of a prevailing attitude among the left (not everyone, but enough to make Hillary a viable candidate) that people who work with their hands are hired help, best not seen or heard and, if they are smart, glad to have the scraps their betters leave for them. Because, you know, if you went to college whatever you do must have real value.They say they support all immigration because everyone should have a chance at a better life. They say offshoring manufacturing is ok because Americans should all go to college and pursue highly skilled careers. It’s all bullshit. They support illegal immigrants and offshored manufacturing because they like paying lower prices. We know this because they don’t boycott Tyson, and they don’t protest against Apple. They buy shoes made by Indonesian child slaves, hamburger processed by $2 an hour Mexican illegals, and iPhones manufactured in what amounts to a prison. And all the while they claim to be making the world a better place.The left is just as blind, and just as hypocritical, as the right. The conflict between them is primarily due to different blind spots and hypocrisies.