Why Do Many People Dislike African-americans Is It Because Of Their Skin Color Or Their Behavior

Why do most africans and black/african americans dislike each other?

Reason number 1: Assimilation. Although black Americans have been here for a centuries now, b/c they are a minority they (we all) still have a desire to blend in with what is considered the mainstream culture, ie white american culture. The stereotypes applied to Africans are very negative (uncleanliness, lion hunting, speaking with tongue clicks, ugly etc..) and black Americans want to disassociate themselves with something so opposite American culture which is seen as positive.

Reason number 2: Africans before coming to the states hear a lot of negative stereotypes about black Americans (laziness, criminal like behavior etc...). The goal of Africans coming to the states is also to assimilate or at least have their children assimilate with mainstream culture, while maintaining some remnants of their native country's culture. By limiting interactions with black Americans they think they are actually benefiting to some degree. This doesn't apply to the African children who at an early age probably recognizes skin color similarities over cultural differences. Also reason number1 plays a role. "you don't like me, i don't like you either".

Reason number 3: Skin color: More than 200 years of slavery followed by Jim Crow and a largely white media seen today had a really negative affect on the esteem of some black Americans. To be dark skinned mean you're ugly and unintelligent. The darker slaves worked outdoors the light skinned slaves could work indoors. The brown paper bag aper bag test along with the so-called ruler test in common use in the the early 1900s among upper class Black American societies and families to determine if a Black person was sufficiently white to gain admittance or acceptance. If your skin was darker than a brown paper bag, you did not merit inclusion. Thousands of Black institutions including the nation's most eminent Black fraternity -- Phi Alpha Phi, Howard Univiersity, and numerous church and civic groups all practiced this discrimination. Some Africans and black American alike are disliked primarily b/c of their skin color. Its not uncommon to witness fawning over Ethiopian (generally lighter skinned) skin and hair although they are African. Attractive west Africans are told they "don't look African" b/c they don't fit the ugly stereotype.

All this is just my theory

Why do some people hate black people because of their color?

Stereotyping exists in all part of the society. As Aman has beautifully illustrated the points I am just going to add a few points.In almost all religious books black has been deemed as malignant and sinful , and as you know  these are the only fictional books in the world that are followed blindly by people. Also the world has been dominated by whites , I know the statement is controversial but if you think about it you'll understand.Discrimination comes natural to humans be it your color, race, religion , sexual preference, geographical locations we can just find a way to hate/love each other. Desire to become superior causes lack of morality which leads to discrimination like this.Also scientifically speaking , Black is a color that reflects no light in any part of the visible spectrum. This often leads into associations with the original emptiness and the unknown.People where black to mourn the loss of a loved one, people in the Western society often wear black to a person's funeral. So like it or not we humans are a recipe for disaster the only way this can stop is to prove our self worthy and avoid racist guys in our circle. PS:- I am Brown ; I am an Indian :)

Why do my grandparents hate African Americans so much?

im 16,My grandparents are Portuguese Africans. They've lived in Kenya forever and all my relatives are from Mozambique, Angola, and Cape verde. My grandparents are not racist at all because they are from Africa and i've always lived among black people. More than half my family is mestico(half african/half portuguese) and my 2 granduncles have been married to african women for more than 50yrs. My grandparents speak a creaol portuguese language and swahili and they dont even have words to define skin color and if anything they like darker skin because my grandmother keeps trying to hook me up with some african girls from Malindi. My grandparents always claimed to hate America because of what it did to African Americans and they also hate afrikaans for what they did to black south africans but when they came to visit us here they started hating african americans alot. It suprised me because most people in Africa generally look up to AAs but my grandparents especially my grandfather doesnt

Does Alicia keys dislike dark skin people?

well i was listening to the radio one day and they was talking about how many people dont like her anymore because of the comment she made. the comment was "light skin people are better off in the world then dark skin people because they are more successfull. I'm not for sure if this is true or not but I just have to know the truth because i really like alicia keys.

Why do many people globally hate black people?

I grew up in the Jim Crow south. my grandfather was in the ku klux klan. they defended ‘white protestant America’ in those days. they were the paramilitary enforcement for Jim Crow, strongly anti-immigrant, anti-catholic and anti-semitic. they hated everyone equally, regardless of race, creed or national dad was a patriarchal, ‘white man’s burden’ white supremacist. once he told me black people are like children and we must take care of them. but, compared with his father, he was relatively progressive.Jim Crow worked by pretending black folks were invisible. what black folks? I don’t see any black folks. do you see any black folks? of course we kids saw black folks every where and were a little confused, but we understood make believe. we were kids.before the sixties I never saw a confederate flag. then came the marches and you black folks refused to pretend you are invisible. and the white folks got mad because you guys threatened to take away the all-white world they pretended to see. people like what they know. and not only did you guys threaten to take away what they knew, you took it. and that really pissed them off. all of a sudden there were confederate flags everywhere and people singing ‘dixie’ who didn’t even know they words. I think the confederate flag flying over Alabama’s capitol was a souvenir beach towel. or at least that’s what it looked like.and shortly thereafter they all became republicans. in droves. and to this day they’re still republicans. and they’re still pissed. talk about holding a, and sorry to ramble, why do they hate you? they fear you. they always have. you show them their inhumanity. you show them their brutality. you show them the truth. and, as in ‘lord of the flies’, the truth is they are the beast. realizing you are the beast is unsettling business. we like to think we’re nice people. well mannered. genteel. we’re like blanche dubois. we want magic. we want illusion.

Do Republicans hate minorities?

I'm not saying they are, but their actions certainly imply it. Then again, Democrats aren't much better with this issue. But with Republicans, their entire platform seems to be obsessed with pushing back minorities or enforcing absurdly ludicrous immigration policies.