Why Do My Kitties Like To Be With My Boyfriend When He Naps

Why doesn't my cat sleep with me when my boyfriend is here?

I've had my cat Elmo for a few years now, and when I was single he would sleep in the bed with me at night, or next to me on the couch when I would take a nap. I've had a boyfriend for almost 10 months now and Elmo has stopped sleeping by me but only when the boyfriend is here. When it's just me and him Elmo is right up under me, even at night he'll cuddle next to me and sleep. I'm wondering what made Elmo change? I miss snuggling with my baby.

Why does my cat lay on my boyfriends lap?

Cats choose their 'people'. Does not mean that your cat does not love you, she just feels more comfortable on your bf...

One of my girls is the same. She will never go on my lap but when my bf comes over, as soon as he sits on the couch, she goes straight on his lap and could sleep there for hours. She also only sleeps in my son's bed, never mine. I think she prefers men:)

Why does my Girlfriend act like a cat? (Females are better to help)?

Well we started dating about 9 months ago. We are really close and the relationship has never been better but recently, she has been acting like a kitten/cat. She tends to curl up and nap, she tends to meow at me and others that she knows. She has started to play with ribbons in her hair that she put there. And she recently put on a collar she wears when she is around me. My friend knows about it and he says that she might just like being a cat with me. Her friend says it is normal for her because she gets really hyper when she gets to come see me, like how a cat reacts when her favorite person comes to the house. Right now she is going to college and it is a 3 hour drive for me to her. So according to her friend, she squeals when she hears me answer her I.M.'s on Windows messenger and she meows when I don't answer back. She tends to curl up on my chest and sleep, she also has been walking on all fours sometimes to me while I am in the living room and she is coming from the bedroom. On top of that she tends to take my shirts and 'just' wear that....and I mean JUST my shirt. It might be a sexual thing or maybe a secure thing. Hell It might be part of what she is doing now.

So my question is why does she act this way? And is it a good or bad thing? My feelings haven't changed for her but I am a little confused. So any females know if this is normal?

Why does my kitten want to sleep with me?

First of all, I’m not an expert on cat behavior. I will say, though, that after bringing any small animal home, dog or cat, it needs to get its bearings, and use to its surroundings. Also you can, like I’ve done, put a new animal in it’s own room:- ie bathroom, to make sure it gets to know where it’s litter tray is. This is first on the list. Then again, they may know already. I’ve recently purchased a kitten from our cats home. She is litter trained, and well socialized . She loves to cuddle, and sleep on my bed. I guess, this keeps them warm, and also they may miss their litter mates who are often hosed together. Also I think, this is part of the bonding process. All kittens love to climb, especially on their new owners lol. That is another way of getting to know you, and to snuggle with you.If however., your kitten seems stressed, and needs to be near you, and cries, she may be showing signs of separation anxiety, due to being taken away from its mother too soon. I do, however, wish you luck with your new kitty

Why do some cats like sitting in people's laps?

I can think of four immediately practical benefits for the cat who sits in a person's lap. First, the lap is the ultimate pillow, roomy, soft and warm. The cats can easily curl up and go to sleep there. Second, from the comfort of that pillow, the cat is in a perfect position to be stroked and petted. cats have a natural desire for us to do that for them. Third, by sitting in that pillow the cat says to the world, this person is mine. Nobody else can sit here while I am and so my territorial needs are being met. And finally, if the cat is heavy and settled in enough, it can prevent you from getting up from your chair and can practically pin you there where you can do nothing but give it the attention and safe feeling that it wants. The lap facilitates all of that. It's sort of like a little human toddler grabbing onto his mother's leg and refusing to let go.

Do you like taking naps?


What do YOU call it when your cat pumps it's paws?

Do you have a name you call it?

The cats do this because at birth they had to pump their mommies to make the milk come out, so it's comforting to them. (Courtousy of Kimè)

What do you call this action when your cat(s) are doing it?

(I'll post my offical name for it when I pick best answer.)

Why is this cat obsessed with my boobs?

My boyfriend and I started dating a little under a year ago, and he has a couple month old kitten named Morgan. She's adorable, but she has this weird obsession with my boobs. If I'm sitting down, she tries to jump up on my boobs... If I lay down, she tries to sleep on them... When I wake up in the morning, she's curled up in a ball on my boobs... When my boyfriend and I are sitting together, she wants to sit on my lap and knead my boobs... WHY DOES SHE LOVE MY BOOBS SO MUCH?!! And for what its worth, does anyone have any advice about how to break her of this very annoying habit???

Taking a nap with a guy you really like..?

There's this guy that I like and he likes me a lot back. We've made out before and cuddled a lot but thats all. I'm not going to take it further anytime soon. Would it be okay to take a nap together? All of our clothes would be on and we wouldn't do anything at all besides maybe make out a few times.

Also, what are some cute things to do or say before the nap or after? :)

Thanks you!

Why does my cat sleeps under my bed? How can I make him stop?

My cat is always under my bed because she is scared of something or is being playful. Sometimes she sleeps under there and I have no problem with it at all. One thing you could do its find an abundance of pillows and blankets to stuff them in between the bed and the floor, but it won’t be the best alternative to that. You could screw together some wooden boards to go in between the bed and the floor. Cats hate walking on these surfaces. Smells: citronella, perfumes, solid air fresheners, citrus, aloe, eucalyptus oil, and oil of wintergreen are all aversive smells to cats. Soak pieces of cloth or cotton balls in these smelly substances and place them where you don't want your cat to go. (Cats hate to cat to go was copied from Maddies® Shelter Medicine Program at Cornell)