Why Do People Cut Off Heads Of Animals

Why do animals kick around after they get their heads cut off and humans don't?

I'm pretty certain it's real and the body was not restrained after he was decapitated. I have not yet seen a decapitation of a human in real life so I cannot say for certain if it doesn't happen. I would imagine a partial decapitation with the spine left mostly attached would probably keep the body kicking but a fast complete decapitation would cause the body to go mostly limp. Maybe some small twitches but no big movements.

Why do people say that if we dont kill and eat animals we will be overpopulated by animals?

Maybe because some of you vegans get so upset at this question they enjoy getting a reaction out of you!

And who says we don't need meat to survive, and that a "proper " veggie diet is "healthier", just another opinion,you don't want to eat meat, fish, dairy or eggs, well, don't but it is others people choice to eat them, not everyone thrives on vegan diets. You may "accuse" us of being a 'speciest',so what, it is NOT the same as sexism or racism.

I have watched Earthlings, so sorry was not impressed, just MORE vegan nonsense!

As a vet tech, would i have to cut off an animal's head if they might have had rabies?

Yes, the only way to test for rabies is on brain tissue, unfrozen. It's not your responsibility to prepare the head, it's up to the vet. Also, the head is sent to an agency that tests brain tissue, you do not have to handle the brain.

I think the toughest part of the job is aggressive animals. You need to be really sure of yourself, and be quick. It's best to train for a while on sweet animals, and you can practice a firm hold on an animal that doesn't resist restraint. This will prepare you for that aggressive cat or unpredictable dog.

My pay is similar to an entry level teacher's pay. If you have the certification, you should be able to find a decent job. However, with the economy the way it is, you may have to find something sub-par for now.

Good luck!

When eating animal crackers do you bite off the head first?

*lmao* yes i do, always!

How can someone be repulsed by watching an animals head chopped off but happily cut into a steak or chicken breast salad?

The same way that many people can be more afraid of speaking in public than death…Death isn’t that bad overall. If I were to suddenly die in my sleep, I wouldn’t feel it. I wouldn’t notice. I’d just be over. Death itself seems clean. Some people may even consider their own deaths to be kind.Death is considered so kind that many people fear public speaking even more than dying, and public speaking is mild compared to the thought of pain and torture. When we watch a living animal get chopped up, the first cut might not be clean, requiring multiple cuts to kill the animal. Limbs and bodies still twitch. It looks like pain and torture.Most people expect deaths on farms to be more reliable. People imagine animals to be dispatched with a shot to the head, killing them too quickly for them to feel pain.Most humans expect to die someday. Death is inevitable and a natural part of life. A quick shot to the head by an experienced assassin doesn’t seem so bad compared to being ripped apart by a pack of wolves, or dying by any number of viruses, bacteria, cancer, Alzheimer’s or other painfully lingering diseases.People imagine free-range food animals on organic farms getting free food and free healthcare for life, as well as a quick, painless death.Besides, food animals don’t have to speak in public.

Im confused when someone chops a turtle head off how come it can still move?

It's the nervous system keeping it moving. Cutting off the head doesn't make the entire body stop moving immediately. The nerve impulses still cause movement for a little while. Have you heard the expression, "He ran around like a chicken with its head cut off?" It's because the bodies are capable of moving just from nerve impulses. In places where humans were executed by having their heads cut off, witnesses have reported seeing the eyes open and close and the lips move for a little while after decapitation.