Why Do People Have Kids When They Can

Why do people want kids?

I'm a 25 year old guy and have no desire for kids, My fiance does want kids but I don't see why and dhe doesnt know why she wants one. I just don't see the point of it going through 9 months of being pregnant and feeling bad,loosing your good figure( somtimes permently) then the massive pain of labor,just to be stuck with some little person who just lays there and cries and poops and is completely helpless for atleast the first 5 years. I just don't know why somone would want to willingly want to take on such a huge responsibility then once you raise them and do a good job you have to deal with the chance of them turning out to be drug addicts or criminals. I just don't get the point. I'd rather spend the money that rasing a kid anf sending them to college costs on a nice boat and a plane (I'm a pilot)
The whole needing somone to take care of me when I'm old reason is dumb because even if I had kids I don't want to be burden to them and will put myself in a home if it comes to that.

Why do people have kids they can't take care of?

You look at most people on welfare or government assistance and they probably have kids or too many kids then they can care for with their resources. If they were without children they could probably get by pretty well. People don't just get pregnant without their consent or knowledge. Don't people sit down and think "maybe I should use birth control or not have sex. God forbid I had a kid by accident. I don't want to bring a child into the world I can't provide for. I can barely provide for myself why bring another person into this world?"

I am surrounded at work by attractive high school aged female employees. I have been hit on by them but I have to resists the urge, not date them or not have sex with them. I mean that is the difference between humans and animals we can control our urges and use reason and can think into the future and let that guide our actions in the present.

Don't tell me people can't control their urges, if some guy pissed me off and I shot him I would be arrested and convicted of murder. But when people have "accidents" and have children there is nothing wrong with it. It's not like the lady fell on the guys penis over and over again. It doesn't take one second to get pregnant like it can to kill someone.

I don't have kids and fall into a tax bracket where I have to pay for other people's kids cause the parents didn't use restraint and had sex and had a kid they couldn't provide for. It almost like we are penalized for being successful.

Why do people who can't afford kids make babies?

There are 3 reasons why I believe people do this, and I'm not here to sugar coat anything for anybody:Benefits, anyone? : Some people who are without proper financial standings are aware of welfare benefits and how they can be gained simply by…having a baby! Sadly, they don't plan to afford Jr. Because they don't HAVE to! WIC, EBT, section 8, medicaid, and government checks can be doubled just by mentioning that you have a child. Professional Free Loaders, pretty much. Some women even get knocked up by men JUST to have little piggy bank babies! Child support can make someone more dough than a career salary sometimes.Incompetence: unfortunately, alot of people are completely incompetent. They don't consider at all the burden of financial struggle on a child, they don't ponder over the little details of what it means to truely provide, they think that “love is all you need for children!”. Yes, you must love your children, but I'm sorry to say that love is inedible, undrinkable, and can't keep kids from frostbite in the winter. They have no desire for security for themselves or their offspring, and that's called being foolish, selfish, and inconsiderate. Some people even have babies just because their partner is attractive! Pretty isn't on the menu either, by the way.The famous biological clock: For some, it's a dream to become a parent one day…and for some, there's a smaller time frame to acheive this. Women who hit their mid 30′s are considered notorious for high risk pregnancies. If they have skinny wallets, but the pregnacy test has two lines, their going to keep it because that may be their last chance to have a child.

Why do stupid/poor people have so many kids?

I think that its more about not taking precautions to prevent pregnancy than actually trying to spawn a basketball team, and obviously, there is no consideration made toward the cost of raising a child. Poor women who are horny need to go find something constructive to do, like a j-o-b. If you're struggling with two, WTF would make you lay down and make more?

And men need to stop purposely inpregnanting women with no intention of being fathers to these children..

Why do people have kids before getting married?

@ Leah. No.. not all legal benefits are available without marriage or a lot of work and understanding by hospitals.
If you are not married you don't get any social security benefits no matter how long you were together or your will states everything goes to a specific person. It is only for spouses not for grown children.
Also you have no rights at hospitals unless there is a living will. This includes ICU visits. And not everybody has the chance to create a living will.
Some hospitals won't put the father's name on the birth certificate without the couple being married.

@ Why Can't I: Getting married is not expensive, it was 52 dollars to file and 38 to get a marriage license. Women do not lose their fertility when they are 30. It begins a very small decline at that age, goes down more at 35, then plummets around 40. They do not fully lose fertility until they fully lose periods after menopause.
Weddings are not expensive if you budget right. My wedding was about