Why Do People Here Ask For Predictions Like

Why do people like to make doomsday predictions, such as 2012?

there is not any concept. this is basically better halves memories. Your notice asserting that the historic previous Channel did a prepare explains why this has arise in all probability 25 cases right here interior the final few days. as a great way because of the fact the validity is going, exhibits like this strengthen the rankings. we've 2 or 3 ends of the international each and every twelve months. The solar and the earth isn't interior the process the Milky way. i don't be attentive to how they are able to assert that. sounds like somebody in midsection college invented that till via midsection they propose galactic airplane and so a great way as that is going, so what. We orbit 2 thirds of how out. The magnetic container of the earth does turn yet on this is own. The galactic magnetic container is amazingly vulnerable. otherwise it would impact out compasses. Wow, I do exactly no longer have confidence this variety of nice channel actual broadcast this variety of crap, yet then they do have alien deliver exhibits on claiming they''re actual. 2012 is while the Mayan calendar runs out and that's the place this all began. actual the international ends on the tip of February next twelve months. that's while my Barnes & Noble calendar with the dogs runs out.

Mostly because other people listen to those predictions. It's a good way of getting attention, even if the people doing the predicting don't realize that's a large part of why they do it. Every "expert" on TV has to predict something or he/she wouldn't be on the air. We very rarely hold anyone accountable for bad predictions, so it will continue. People naturally want to believe we can predict all sorts of things. The ability to predict the outcome of SOME things is a key part of human intelligence -- we are the predicting animals. We're great at predicting where a thrown ball will land, or what will happen in a particular social situation, or when to plant crops, or any number of other things that were useful skills for early humans. We find patterns and expect the pattern to continue -- we extrapolate forward and naturally assume the future will be like that. In a simpler world before stock markets or presidential elections, that worked really well for us. So we believe our predictions are pretty good. However, the modern world is extremely unpredictable. There are no real patterns in things that can only happen once, like specific wars or great inventions. But we still look for patterns, and imagine we've found them, and assume those imaginary patterns will continue. That's where bad predictions come from: people overestimating their ability to find patterns in the random progression of history.

People love to think they've found a big secret that everyone needs to know. This is true in general, but especially so when it comes to the end of the world.In the US this most often happens with the Bible. Every so often, someone will do some interpretive gymnastics, calculate some numbers from various passages that may vaguely relate to the end of the world, and then publicly proclaim that they have found the secret of the end of the world. It gets them lots of attention and publicity. Sometimes, when their prediction fails, they can even stretch this out by saying they were wrong the first time, but they're FOR SURE right this time. Jehovah's Witnesses managed to get away with this several times before they finally gave it up. Harold Camping managed to pull this off in 2011 too.Even as a Christian, this is bogus. Jesus said no one knows the day or the hour when he will return. So as we can continue to expect, the success rate of doomsday predictions will remain exactly the same as it always has been: 0%.

I wish I could react to this question.I really wish I could.Dear Adam D’ Angelo sir !!Please introduce the reaction feature as they have in Facebook.*Hovers cursor over question**Reaction menu pops up* ——(Thumbs up (y), HAHA ;D , Love <3 , Wow :o, Crying ; ( , Angry >: [ )This question would have received HAHA and Angry reactions.Then questions like these won’t need any answer.Now,People ask silly and useless questions on Quora because of three reasons.1. They completely ignore the use of Google, Bing, Duck Duck Go, etc. search engines.2.They are dangerously (and chutiya-stically ) curious. They genuinely want their curiosity to get satisfied and would go to any level of stupidity for that satisfaction.Trust me, I know the kind because I belong to the lot. I do it in my daily life (not on Quora) to provoke some brutally honest and quite lucidly explained answers, because once people consider you stupid, they answer in the most simple way they can and most of the times the explanation is quite good.3. They want some entertainment as people would be really pissed off and most supposedly use sarcasm in their answers.The reaction of the mass entertains them.*Ponders*Why the hell am I even answering this question ?:/ :/ :/ :/*Reacts HAHA*

Why do some people here ask questions in their answer to you?

I am glad you asked that question.

Often it is because there is not near enough detail to answer the question in the first place. Not all TVs, VCRs, computers, monitors, cities, countries states, provinces, and so on, are the same. Yet, questions are asked of a vast audience of possible responders that imply that the questioner appears to think everyone one of them lives in his or her city/state or province/country. There is a huge YA community just in the English language. That is why I often ask questions back. It is because that, with more information provided, a good oir better answer could be provided.

Besides the e-mail to a specific responder who asks a question, it is also possible for a questioner to add additional comment and information to his or her question. It is called 'Add Additional Details'. More on that process is here:

Why do people on here ask such stupid questions?

hahahah, and

--Is it ok to touch yourself when you hear your parents have sex?
_How turn computer monitor into mirror? This one is MADE in the guy's description of his question:
"Hi. Does anyone know if it's possible to use a background that would essentially turn my computer monitor into a mirror? Scanning a mirror doesn't work."
--Girlfriend aint had period since?
- "ok im kinda worryed here since my g/f got pregnant and all she isnt been havein her period do u think the baby is drinkin the blood??? she 6 month pregnant"
-Why are the holes in cats fur always in the right places for their eyes?

Why do people here ask so many stupid questions?

There are many people who are inherently stupid. But that question sounds too stupid to be true. You have to realise that ridiculous said question may have been a troll to get reactions. Questions or troll answers from this website are often shown on funny websites, showing how stupid/gullible people are and also, how people react when they see such nonsense. You should really cite that question so people know someone actually asked it.

Moreover, you have to realise that some questions may seem tedious or stupid - but some generally just don't know. Some people are lazy, very stupid or can't be bothered to search things up. Google isn't always helpful because maybe you don't want 1 opinion from 1 website - so, if you ask many people then you'll get many answers.
However, if someone asked that question legitimately and they're not trolling - WOW.

I can put it down to the following reasons:They are extremely prolific Question Writers and for the most part, their purpose is to ask many questions, seek diverse answers and upvote plenty of them, thereby encouraging different viewpoints. Such prolific writers could also be inundated with too many notifications to have the time to engage with everyone who answers their question.They’re rather infrequent users of Quora who may all of a sudden develop an interest in Quora for a day or two and subsequently ditch the app once the euphoria dies down quickly.They’re mostly passive users of Quora who, once they’ve put their content out there (whether it’s an answer, a question or a comment), simply forget about it and move on to the next answer.They’re (Indian) females who, due to their bad experiences interacting with people over Quora have stopped responding to users either via replies to their answers or replies to comments.They’ve got their perfect answer and, having nothing more to say, upvoted and / or thanked the answer writer and moved on. In such a case, any further answers are less likely to be even read, let alone get any responses.They were not satisfied with the answer and don’t see the point in engaging with the user. This could be due to different reasons such as a remarkably unexpected answer, a completely diverse opinion or response, or some incoherent writing upon which the asker simply gave up.

Why do people here ask questions that they can easily Google up?

I agree with the first answerer, its human nature! Although if their is a question that i can easily google up without many problems i would do it.

People just want others to do things for them, i would say laziness is the main factor. But some people are not that good with computers and like te first answerer mentioned, they might not know, what google and sites like wikipedia are!

But never mind, thats why we are all on here to help other people, well most people are anyway!

It it wasnt for those questions that we could easily google up yahoo answers would be half the place that it is!

Its a very specific question. Which can be answered by one who accepts that did this. When faced with a question which asks what is wrong with society, everyone answers like a saint. Like me. I am saying all this as if I am a know it all and a very reasonable person. C’mon not everyone behaves according to you. Maybe you are the one who flips on this answer.