Why Do People In My School Hate Me

Why do people at school hate me?

Ok where to start... I am a proper Aussie girl and i am nice to everyone, sometimes being too nice has got me in trouble (i have had a boy wanting to date me for over 2 years and now stalking me).. I am probably above average looking, everyone says i should do modelling and people always want to do photoshoots with me... At school i hang out with the aboriginal girls as the are so nice to me and include me in everything, they dont judge me and just accept me... I have a few white friends.. well only a handful id actually say friends my own age... I get along ALOT better with people older than me like 25+ i am 16 now... My boyfriend is also alot older than me and we have ben dating for over 2 years. (no one really knows though only a few people) I love animals, especially reptiles and birds.. The main age group i get along extremely well with is people aged 30+.

I like school when i have a friend in a class i am in but i dont like when teachers treat me like a kid (i know technically i am but i do NOT act like one). I treat people how i want to be treated and in return everyone is an a$$hole back to me. I've heard people judging me about what i wear (sunnies, make-up (i dont really wear make up too often though), shoes, how i do my hair ect ect...

I am fairly quiet in school and dont big note myself or attempt to be better than anyone else.. I dont understand why so many people hate me and make fun of me? I good at pretty much everything and probably have more than other people but i dont brag.. No one really knows so i dont know why people hate me :(

Please answer, i will award 10 points to best answer!

Why would people hate you in high school?

People always hate the smart kid in the class.Background:I say “"people always hate the smart kid in the class” because I really was, and by a long margin. Now this is not me saying I'm really smart or anything, let me explain.So I moved to the USA when I was 8 and did not speak much English. I was out in classes with people who where REALLY far behind. And once I got the hang of English I stayed in those classes until 7th grade (not high school I know). I was always getting 100s and everyone hated me for that. People kept accusing me of cheat, including the teacher. It was just an overall bad experience.I'm glad to say that I'm in AP classes in high school now, and I get normal grades compared to the kids in my class.

I hate the people in my boarding house at school. What to do?

I am the butt of every joke they make. Whenever I say something they always find a way to make me feel bad or ridicule me. Whatever I do gets laughed at and I end up wishing that they have permanent crippling injuries so I can laugh at them. BUT I love my school outside of my house. The people I know outside of my house are great but I can't move house. And I can't just make new friends in the house because even the ones I find okay spend their time with the ones I hate.

How come my school hates me?

How can we possibly know? Ask your school.

People at my school hate me for no reason?

So at my school there's I guess a few handful of people that hate me. I have no clue why but they just do. Anyways I'm really a nice person and I always treat people nicely but for some reason there's quite a bit of people who hate me. Idk why though. I have never done anything to them. Yet they just say **** about me. They say that I think I'm too good for everybody and that I think I'm better than everyone else. Honestly I don't think that at all and I don't even talk to these people so wtf. Also some people just stare angerly at me while I walk by. I don't get why they hate me... Do you guys know why they might? (Btw most of these kids are popular)

Why do kids in my school hate me so much?

I was never bullied, but I had a best friend who was kind of poor and didn't always dress the best or have the best looking hair. Also she was very dark skinned, her chest was very very small, pretty much flat. She never said anything back, she just stood or sat there and took it. I could tell that it hurt her feelings very much and I always used to tell her to shake it off and that those people were insignificant. She would try and do things to get her less picked on, like she would try and use my face powder to make her skin lighter so the kids would stop calling her "black as night" (I'm caramel complected). I would let her. She also came to my house sometimes and I let her have things (pads, body wash etc.) and sometimes more expensive things like shoes and stuff. One time I asked her to hold my purse, which had a small amount of money in it, and when she gave it back the money was gone. I knew she stole it, but because I knew what she had to go through, despite stealing still being wrong from someone as good to her as me, I let it go. Her mom refused to buy her bras saying "she didn't need them" so sometimes I spent my own money to do things like that for her. My whole point is, sometimes kids are mean to other kids without knowing what they have to go through, so ignore all those people and remember that they don;t know you and more importantly, the mean things they say to you are wrong and untrue and that people love you no matter how much others are mean to you. It is unfair by a long stretch. Remember that no one is universally ugly, as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so no matter how many people call you ugly, there is someone who thinks you are not. Keep your head up, go to college and be successful.. maybe one day they will wish they had been nice to you. Good luck girl!

A lot of people at my school hate me. It’s mostly because of racism. What should I do?

First, I will say it’s very easy to get a me vs. them mentality or vice versa if you don’t try to understand people and situations. People are naturally selfish creatures! Most don’t spend very much time at all considering what someone else is doing or thinking if it does not effect them.However, many spend much more time focused on others. Ask yourself why would somebody take time away from their “important” life to find reasons to not like you? Are these people worth worrying about? Chances are, you’re mis-reading lots of situations because it’s really easy to do when you spend your time worrying about other people and what they might be thinking about you.I understand that wanting to be liked is fundamental, because as humans, we want to be accepted by other humans. Well, sometimes the best way to point c from point a, isn't necessarily point b. Be dynamic. Adapt. Do things for you without worrying what other people will think. Don’t compromise your happiness because of something you might be wrong about.You want to attract people to your life that think like you and have similar values. This is easier when your being yourself. Nobody wants to be around somebody that’s “gloomy” and “complainy”. Strive to be somebody that YOU will be proud of.