Why Do People Migrate From Central America To Mexico

Why do some people try to illegally migrate to the U.S.?

In true!The US has a huge blame for illegal immigration, taking into account that a part of the American economy depends on it and employs the illegal ones.In Canada it is prohibitive to hire illegal immigrants and there is punishment, when this fails, there is something called social number that literally is your life, without this you can not have housing, health, education, employment or an identity. In the USA the only punishment is deportation or there is simply nothing!Instead, the orange donkey wants to build a wall!The US could learn from other countries and make some obvious reforms to keep the illegals away without closing the wall.The problem is not the person entering the US, the problem is the person staying in the US.The key point is that the US does not do this because they do not want to! Immigration should be considered more than serious, but in the US it is used as a political campaign or just as an economic factor.

Is it wrong for Mexican immigrants to want to come to America for a better life?

No. Most people would be economic migrants if they could find a better place to live, including Americans.Hundreds of millions or billions would come to the U.S. if the border was opened.The question is: What do Americans want America to be like? They can look at the world map and look at dozens of countries, such as Brazil, Venezuela, Nigeria, South Africa, China, etc. America can be more like any of those countries and in fact, has been trending towards Brazil. On the current trend, it will be like Brazil in approximately 100 years.Is Brazil currently a better country than the U.S.? That’s for Americans to decide.Few people are flooding to Brazil. So maybe after America becomes like Brazil, fewer people will flood to America.CNN explained that 3rd and 4th generation Mexican-Americans are still uneducated and a drag on the economy. CNN published this in 2010, before they started attacking Trump non-stop.Ending illegal Immigration Benefits Economy Americans want to help the world? If so, they will need to pay.Mexican immigrants compete against and hurt black and Hispanic Americans the most, by depressing their wages. Do Americans care about black and Hispanic Americans?Companies try to hire the best people and exclude most applicants. If Apple hired anyone that applied, even those who are uneducated and have few skills, will Apple stay great? Does America want to be like Apple or let anyone get in?

Are families from Mexico still trying to enter the U.S. illegally, even with the deplorable "welcome" they're being given? If yes, why?

Yes. There is a long list of why Mexicans go to the United States. Most of those reasons are perfectly correct and honorable. Here are several:The number of Mexican-Americans in the United States is huge. It’s about 38 million; over 11% of the total population of the United States. That’s getting close to the entire population of Spain. And, this number usually does not include legal residents from Mexico (green card holders), and certainly not illegal residents from Mexico. How many do you think the total is?Anyway, Mexican families tend to be big, and they are close—devoted to each other. A huge number of Mexican families are split between Mexico and America. When families want to get together they have to cross the border. Got it? Families.Work. The minimum wage in Mexico is something like 89 pesos a day. That’s $4.68 USD at the current exchange rate. Even in a remote Mexican village a family will be hard pressed to live on that. If they don’t have work, they don’t even have that meager sum. Many come looking for work, looking for a way to feed their families. (And, by the way, I know personally from long experience that Mexicans are very hard workers, and sometimes surprisingly skilled.)The third big reason is security. After food and shelter the thing all families need is security. Lots of Mexico today is violent and very insecure. That has been caused by the huge and very lucrative drug market in the USA. The drug cartels in Mexico fight among themselves, with guns bought in America, and innocent people are often hurt or killed. So, many Mexican families are fleeing for their safety. There are no longer many secure places for them to go, so many head for the nearest safe harbor—the United States.Those are the three big reasons Mexicans want go to the USA. Then, of course, there are many Mexican tourists that enjoy the United States—huge numbers go to places like Miami, New York City, or Los Angeles just to shop. Got news for you: Mexico has a large and relatively wealthy middle class.

Even though America is evil,what is wrong with a wall to keep out Mexican immigrants?

Far from evading authorities, most of these migrants from Central America want to be caught by the Border Patrol, so they can claim asylum. This is very different from the immigration crisis that Trump imagines, where undocumented Mexicans cross the border and go into hiding. In fact, fewer Mexicans are doing this than at any time in the past few decades. We don’t have a border security crisis or an uncontrolled flood of people coming from Mexico to take our jobs. Instead, we have a humanitarian crisis.

Native Americans: Why didn't the Mesoamerican civilisations spread further north?

I'm not an expert but I suspect one big part of it was Aridoamerica.Basically a huge swathe, millions of square kilometres deep, cutting right across the continent, of very dry ecosystem with very limited water and minimal rainfall that puts a huge brake on human travel, settlement and agriculture. (Maybe similar to how the very dry, insanely high Tibetan plateau and Himalayas acted as a barrier that helped keep Chinese and Indian civilizations relatively separate, despite their seeming proximity on a globe.)Even getting across this huge very dry area doesn't necessarily you gift lots of water as on the other side you reach Oasisamerica, where water is limited to restricted areas, allowing only much smaller, more isolated civilizations, like the Pueblo.To this day, pressure on limited water supply limits development (residential, agricultural etc) throughout Aridoamerica and Oasisamerica. (I was looking at the property market in Albuquerque, New Mexico and discovered that expansion of the city in certain directions has hit a "wall" because there just isn't enough water for more people to live there.)Without transport technology like, say, wheeled vehicles and draught animals (especially donkeys and mules, much better suited to arid climates than horses), I imagine it would have been extremely difficult and a huge waste of resources trying to expand Mesoamerican-style intensive-agriculture civilizations into those arid areas, let alone reaching beyond Aridoamerica and somehow still staying connected to the motherland back in Mesoamerica.Looking at the map, I guess one tempting possibility would appear to be boats cutting across the Gulf of Mexico to reach past Aridoamerica but:I have no idea about the progress of boat-building technology in Mesoamerica but I think it's fair to presume it was much lower than that of the Europeans who built ships capable of crossing the Atlantic.The maps & knowledge of today make it clear it to us that there was territory worth settling far to the north, but for Mesoamericans (who didn't have these maps), they wouldn't have known about what lay beyond and it must have seemed like all there was to the north was just desert, desert, desert and more desert.

If Mexico had paid to build President Trump’s wall in 2017-2018, would it have deterred the Central American migrant caravans from heading north?

Any wall Mexico constructed would not have been completed in time to stop the caravans. Any construction project takes time to plan and execute. Some estimates of the intended Trump wall estimate it could take at least 10 years or even longer. It could be argued that the deterrent effect of the wall construction might actually lead to an accelerated flow north to beat it’s completion.The caravans are an indication of how serious the problems are in Central America. Their arrival on the border has also shown the inadequacies and cynicism in the handling of immigration on the southern border, not good in the past and brought into focus by the current administration. If the current strategy is intended to make the caravaners go home, it ignores the fact that most of them spent their assets getting to the border and so have no real choice but to keep trying. Incarceration only works if you have enough facilities to do that and the children’s prisons are a clear indication that there was no planning before implementing the “strategy”, another example of a dysfunctional administration propelled by the President’s “gut” and his lack of a cohesive administration caused by his vacillation. The deaths of children and feckless vindictiveness of tactics like tear gas etc create another image of “do as we say, not as we do” to the rest of the world.

How many people in the United States actually want the Wall to be built?

I have mixed feelings myself. The wall SHOULD NOT be necessary.Our current system of catch-and-release makes a mockery of our immigration system as well as our national sovereignty. Additionally, if you are illegal and have a kid in America, that kid is a citizen, fully entitled to welfare and other benefits. The child also helps prevent the parents from being deported.One of my close friends married a woman with a shaky immigration status and 3 kids born in Mexico. My friend’s wife and two of her kids are great. The third started hanging around with gang members and was steeling cars. My friend and his wife sent that boy back to live with his father in Mexico. In Mexico he got a girl pregnant and brought her back to the U.S. in time to have the baby. So now the U.S. taxpayer is saddled with a gang member we cannot deport and a baby who has to be supported. The legal immigrants in the family knew this was wrong. That’s why they sent the boy back to Mexico in the first place.If we closed these loopholes and made it quick, cheap and easy to deport undesirables, we wouldn’t need a wall.

Why do some Mexicans and Indians look alike?

Edit:I found another reference that supports this answer. This also covers the laws which came into play at that time:Punjabi Sikh-Mexican American community fading into history—-For this answer, I am assuming that the OP is referring to Indians from India and not Native Americans.This is just a recollection from one of my US History classes. I do remember reading in one of my history books that many East Indian men arrived in the US in the early 1900s to work at the plantations. I believe it was mostly in California and the nearby states. Due to some changes in the immigration laws, they were prohibited to request for their wives and families to move to the US. The new law also made it hard for Asians in general, both men and women, to immigrate to the US. With no Indian women to marry, the men who were already here were forced to intermarry.Many of the Indian men married Mexican women and adopted the Mexican culture. Many of them even took up Spanish names. I’m also guessing some of them or even their children moved to Mexico. This, I believe factors into the reason why many Mexicans look East Indian.My answer is from what I remember from history class, so please forgive me for not having enough references. If anything is incorrect and you can provide some references please let me know and I will update my answer. I’ve spent close to an hour looking for references but I could not find anything specific. I did, however, find a couple links which mention information relating to my answer:Punjabi Mexican Americans - WikipediaAsian immigration to the United States - WikipediaI felt I should contribute this information since I do not see any mentions of this yet. I thought it might provide the OP another possible answer to look into.

Why do 85percent of Democrats believe it to be a positive thing for white people to become a minority, is it just anti-white attitudes?

Have these people even seen white countries compared to nonwhite countries before? Why would anyone look at Haiti, Mexico, Equatorial Guinea, Nepal or Saudi Arabia, and say “I want America to be more like this?"

"You know, 11 million people live in the shadows. I believe they're already American citizens. These people are just waiting, waiting for a chance to contribute fully. And by that standard, 11 million undocumented immigrants are already Americans in my view."-Joe Biden

"An unrelenting stream of immigration. Nonstop, nonstop. Folks like me who are Caucasian, of European descent, for the first time in 2017 we'll be an absolute minority in the United States of America. Absolute minority. Fewer than 50percent of the people in America from then and on will be white European stock. That's not a bad thing. That's a source of our strength."-Joe Biden

The Democrats do not even believe that citizenship makes someone an American, much less a persons worldview, aptitudes or even dare we have a blood bond. Being American is literally nothing at this point.