Why Do People Self-harm

Why do people self harm on their face?

Anything that brings someone pleasure can become addicting, as you may know. Self-harm can start as a coping mechanism and relieve stress for some, but after awhile the behaviors can escalate and become unconscious, sometimes to the point of becoming uncontrollable. The person may not even be aware they're doing it. If they are, they may do it as a preference or if they want others to see it on purpose.
There is also the matter of those who suffer from disorders such as body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), where the victim perceives a flaw(s) on their body and does all in their power to "stop" it. The reason I put quotations around "stop" is because often times the flaw(s) that the person perceives are either relatively mild or not there at all. So for example, if someone with BDD thinks they have severe acne on their face, they may obsessively pick at their skin to try and "get rid" of it but in actuality make it look worse. A classic case of someone with BDD is Michael Jackson. He was told, when he was young, that he was unattractive by his father, which may have been the cause of his excessive surgeries and cosmetic enhancements.
Another disorder that often comes from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), called dermatillomania, is characterized by obsessive picking or scratching of the skin. Again, this can be because of a perceived flaw a person may see, or is a source of relief for someone with OCD. There was one person I was talking to recently that had OCD and they got rid of their habits and routines, but channeled all their energy in their newly-developed skin picking habit, dermatillomania.
So there you have it-there are many reasons why people self-harm on their face, and not all of these reasons are just because they want attention.

Why do people brag about self harm?

I don't know, but you've got to take a second to wonder - if people are openly admitting & flaunting that they're hurting themselves, that they might not be 100% mentally stable.

I surely understand where you're coming from. I'm a recovered self-injurer, too. I haven't shown anybody that wasn't a professional in the health field. It's frustrating to people that have actually genuinely suffered, to have to watch these people flaunt something that was an extremely difficult, and secret part of their [our] lives. It's a private part of mental illness, and not something that should be flaunted at all.

I can offer up a possible reason why they might be ''showing it off'', though. Remember, self-harm is a difficult thing to have to deal with, especially on your own. It's something that people work incredibly hard to keep secret, and trying to hide it, alone, is extremely stressful & often times you can feel completely alone. The people that appear to be ''showing it off'', might be desperately seeking for somebody else to share their problems with. At one time, I felt so alone & all I wanted to do was talk to someone, and show someone. I was sick at looking at my scars and dealing with the prospect of them, I just wanted to show someone and let them know - maybe help would have been offered. I never did, however, I'm suggesting that this is what people are doing. They need help, regardless.

At the end of the day, I agree with you. It's not something to be bragged about. It's serious - nothing to be shown off, certainly nothing to be proud of. It's not something to be ashamed of, but that's no reason to show it all of to the world. If you're recovered, sure, wear your scars with pride, because you've recovered! If they're cuts, and you're still doing it, don't show people. For some people it can be damaging, or incredibly disturbing to see what they've done to themselves.

I despise sympathy-seekers & people that treat self-harm as something that isn't to be taken seriously.

Why do people self-harm with a razor? How can we avoid this from happening?

I don’t think you could ever avoid people self harming, if they are determined to do so then they will find a way. If you are specifically asking about razor blades then you would have to consider removing all instances of bladed objects in your household / workplace / general environment, which I imagine would be rather difficult.During my experience of self-harming, a favourite implement of mine would be the blade out of a pencil sharpener. I would use a butter knife to remove the blade (as I didn’t know where my parents kept a screwdriver) and then proceed to inflict shallow cuts to my upper and lower arms. Why did I choose to use a blade? Because it was sharp and relatively easy to draw blood with minimal effort… I didn’t want to be “sawing” away at my arm for minutes on end… I might as well use a spoon if that’s what I wanted.When I didn’t have access to a pencil sharpener then I would use my Swiss Army knife (which I used in the Scouts). The very tip of the knife was incredibly sharp which again made it very easy to draw blood with minimal effort. Ironically I didn’t relish in the sensation of pain and therefore a well sharpened blade was ideal in reducing the overall trauma which would likely have been inflicted if I tried to use a blunt instrument (which would require greater pressure and repeated cuts to achieve the same effect).I never received any help or intervention for my self harm and it eventually stopped once I’d left school and lived away from my parents. Every now and again I get a niggling desire to cut myself (usually during highly stressful situations), but I haven’t acted upon these thoughts for well over 10 years now.

Why do people commit self harm?

Yeah, depression and all that but I seriously don't see how cutting oneself is solving any problems or making anyone feel better. Sure, I've been in plenty of positions in my life where suicide seems like a viable option, but at least suicide is a way out, what's self harm going to do?

Why Do People make fun of others about self harm?

It makes me really angry when others make fun of self harm, and cutting. Because I cut, I just tend to hide it very well.

Example: Like today at work a couple of people where like talking about Video games, and saying they can beat one another and I can make you feel so bad that you would want to cut your self.

I got wicked made, I mean I know it happens all the time, and it still makes me angry...To be honest I don't have a voice at all, I can even say stop I don't like it, I just tend to ignore it, but sometimes it makes my cutting worse, if I don't talk it out..

What I'm really trying to say is.... why do people make fun of others when they don't even understand the kind of pain they're going through. it still does not give anybody the right to make fun of them for it, just like calling people EMO or cutters...because I am one...& It kind of hurts, me. =(

What is your opinion about people who self-harm?

I wrote a feature article for Houston Family Magazine on the topic of self-injury. After the research I did for the article, I have to say I think that people who self-harm are misunderstood and mistreated. The public at large assumes that self-injury is a ploy for attention. As a result, the people who self-injure end up being judged for their behavior, rather than treated for the cause(s) of their behavior.As I report in my article, “SI statistics are notoriously hard to peg, partly because so many instances of SI go unreported. There is a shame factor associated with self-harming, strongly tied to the public’s inability to sympathize, much less empathize, with those who engage in these behaviors.”The public perception must be changed to recognize SI as an illness, not a tactic. The stigma needs to be wiped so more cases are reported, enough to fuel research, approaches to counseling, treatment, and a cure.

Why is self harm 'bad'?

I'm curious to know why everyone seems to think that self harm is such a bad thing. You're harming your own body, not someone else's. You're not bothering anyone, you're not causing anyone else problems. The only real problem I can see with why people freak out about things like cutting is possibility of death. But why is that? Why is harming yourself a 'bad' thing? Think about it. And don't just jump to the typical, "Because it's hurting other people around you." Or "Because it's just not healthy." If you self harm, and don't cause life threatening injustices, therefore not having any risk of dying, why do people even care about it at all? It makes no sense.

Most people will argue that it's because 'people don't like seeing other people in pain or hurting themselves". But why? Human nature?

Sincerely, a chronically sleep deprived unicorn.