Why Do Republicans Feel That Healthcare Is A

What is the republican view on healthcare?

Do not get ill.

And if you do, die quickly.

Click the links and tell me that I am wrong. But prove that to be the case please.

Why don't Republicans believe in universal healthcare?

From the way the question is worded it appears to be little more than a plant to have a forum to rant but, on the off chance that it is genuine, I will attempt a response.First of all, it is not a question of belief or non-belief. It is simply a reality that universal healthcare is not economically viable and places enormous strains on national budgets and actually creates inefficiencies in delivery of services and tends to reduce the quality of care.There is not one example of an economically viable universal healthcare model or national healthcare system that demonstrates viability.Every major nation with a national healthcare or universal healthcare system has incredible deficits in their programs and is the single highest budget expenditure of government after defense spending and government itself. Virtually every one runs tremendous budget deficits and very substantial percentages of GDP that has to be expended to cover the costs of the systems in order to maintain them.And, every nation with those national health and universal healthcare programs have very long wait times for needed diagnostic and surgical procedures, some that run into years of wait time for patients to be seen.There are other factors that impact the viability of any healthcare plan and the primary one is the ability of government to control the cost factors of healthcare, something that does not exist within a capitalistic society/economy.Most of the existing universal healthcare systems are in socialistic nations and there is not one that does not have serious issues in sustaining their programs.And, if that is not sufficient evidence, just look at the disaster Obamacare has been and you will have more than enough explanations as to the reality of what I have provided in this response.And, one last point, can you name one program that the government has installed and administers that has not expanded in costs and inefficiencies and produced the need to increase taxes?

What are the Pros of the Republican health care plan?

Republican plan:

Lower cost
Higher quality service
Does not hurt small business ( AKA no job losses ).
Individual choice of service

Democrat plan:

Higher cost
Lower quality
Will seriously damage small businesses causing millions of job losses.
No individual choice

Why do Republicans oppose universal healthcare so badly?

There are two main reasons, several smaller reasons:

1. Republicans see the purpose of health care as being to generate profits for the handful of corporations that own our health care system. Providing health care itself is just an unavoidable business expense, the real purpose is profits. This is why Republicans won't propose any changes that might threaten the profits of the corporations. The Paul Ryan plan, for instance, gives Medicare funds to the corporations, so they can skim 25-30% off the top as profits and overhead before anyone gets any health care.

2. The Republicans get really upset when a Democrat wins the White House. They see it as never being in their interests to cooperate with a Democrat, because that only hands him a victory. So whatever Obama proposes, you can bet the mortgage payment the Republicans will disagree. There is actually nothing in Obama's plan that wasn't previously proposed by a Republican, but when a Democrat proposes them they're SOCIALISM.

In the US we have allowed money to become just too important in our electoral politics. Both parties desperately need money to run campaigns, and they both get the money from the same sources. So you can't realistically expect their true agendas to be all that different. This is one reason the Republicans make every issue partisan. Otherwise everyone would be on the same side!

In this case, Obama began his campaign advocating a single payer system, but halfway through the campaign, he said he'd changed his mind, that he didn't think single payer would work 'in a country like this one'. In the meanwhile, of course, he'd taken money from the health care industry. So his plan, like the plans of Bill Clinton and GHW Bush, had the US govt buying health insurance for the uninsured from the existing health insurance companies, at their going rate. Basically shoveling taxpayer money to these powerful corporations, just as the Paul Ryan plan does..

Why are Republicans so cold hearted?

It is sad that the party that lays claim to christian values cares little for the plight of Americans. In the last two weeks we have watched peoples retirements disappear before their eyes. Like wise I watch as republicans run around waving the flag yelling freedom over an unjust war. Mean while there kids are being saddled with unbelievable debt over a cause that makes no sence. Your selling out you kids to be able to say I'm right. I resent that 50 percent plus in this country feel that healthcare for every human isn't important. They don't understand that there should be no profit on human suffering. That when any human is sick he should get the same care as everybody else. How do you give a 5 thousand dollar tax credit to some one who makes no more than 11,000 per year. And even if you did, good health care cost $12000 a year in this country. What is Christian about any of this... It makes me sick that a segment of Americans can be so selfish and greedy and its OK with a major political party.

Why do liberals feel ENTITLED to healthcare?

"Millions of Americans dont have coverage and blah blah blah". Millions of Americans dont have a brand spanking new car. Does this mean tbe government needs to go out and buy everyone a new car? Why should the government pay for YOUR healthcare?

Do the majority of Republicans believe that access to health care is a privilege and not a right?

First, I would not dare to speak for or make assumptions about what a majority of Republicans believe. But beyond that, I believe your question sets up a false dichotomy. I personally don’t see healthcare as either a right or a privilege. It is a service that should be made available to anyone in need. To position healthcare as either a right or a privilege misses the point entirely.The reason I believe the U.S. should make healthcare state funded has nothing whatsoever to do with rights. It has to do with pragmatism. First, I see no reason for employers to be involved in the provision of or payment for healthcare services. The big tax break Republicans just handed businesses is, arguably, something that is warranted to help U.S. businesses compete in a global economy. But what would have helped them even more is for the U.S. to take employers out of the business of providing healthcare to their workers.Another issue with the current U.S. healthcare debacle is the use of hospital emergency rooms in place of a primary care physician. When people lack the means to see a primary care physician they often ignore minor healthcare issues until they become major. Then they use the nearest hospital emergency room as the source of first treatment. So, a problem that might have been resolved with a simple office visit at relatively little cost becomes an issue requiring the services of large hospital staff at a much, much higher cost.Finally, not guaranteeing access to healthcare sometimes puts people in the position of either losing time at work, and the pay that lost work entails, or risking exposing others to contagions. Guess which choice will be made most often by those with limited means.I will not purport to know what a majority of Republicans believe about healthcare. I will tell you that couching healthcare in terms of either a right or a privilege misses the point entirely. Healthcare is a service; one critical to the smooth functioning and efficient growth of a society. As such, it is the rightful role and duty of a central government to fund healthcare for all citizens.

Trump reveals the Republicans never had a health care alternative how do you feel about this?

It’s not exactly a surprise. The “health plan” they attempted to pass was simply a reversion to what already existed and was nothing but an attempt to repeal the ACA. If trump had any idea about a good, let alone great, replacement for the ACA, why would he wait until after the election, when disclosing it now would virtually guarantee his reelection? The fact is, the ACA is about as good as you can get without a single payer system. The republicans know anything else will require the loss of benefits the ACA provides. That’s why they are pissed off at trump for bringing healthcare to the forefront again.Another point: trump claims that, in order to pass the non-existent republican health plan, he will need the republicans to control the presidency, the senate and the house. That speaks volumes. It means that any health plan they ultimately do cobble together would be so bad and regressive that no Democrat would support it. In other words, it would be a replay of the republican plan that failed. Or worse. Which, or how many, of the 14 protections the ACA provides would you like to lose?

Do republicans take care of the military better? if so how and why?

It appears neither.