Why Do Right Wingers Living In Trailer Parks Keep Voting For Politicians That Keep Them In Trailer

Do right-wing Republicans have a different Jesus than the rest of us?

Supplyside Jesus.

My trailer park wont let me keep my pitbull what to do?

My grandparents ended up breeding their dog with the neighbors and it had some beautiful pure breed pups. He's only about four months old and I just recently got him before they decided to sell them all and I couldn't get myself a little baby. Well I registered him with the park and all seemed good. Well, turns out they called and asked for the breed, I told them and was quickly told it's in the hand book you can't have "vicious" dog breeds. This is a pup! She's not old enough to hurt someone, and I was never given a handbook about pet details, it's a whole separate booklet! Is there any way I can keep her or is there nothing I can do.

Why are Republicans so rich?

I know they're stereotypically bankers, military men, evangelicals, etc. But seriously, almost every single republican I've met was financially very okay. And I mean very! Now I'm not saying all republicans are rich, and they're obviously a lot of rich democrats but why do republicans have the propensity to be so rich?

Why do most Rednecks tend to be Republican?


What is the difference between British Conservatism and American Conservatism?

American conservatism is more supportive of leaving things to the free market than their British counterparts. The right in the U.K. supports their nationalized, government controlled health care system (Winston Churchill essentially invented the NHS). Heck, the welfare reform enacted by Bill Clinton and the Democrats in the 1990s would be too right-wing in Britian to get even the support of their conservatives. Americans are also more guarded in their idea of international verses national soverienty. For example, the British conservatives are mostly behind tethering the U.K. to the E.U. while their U.S. counterparts scream bloody murder at the idea of a North American union.

Social issues seem to me to be a wash. Part of this is because a lot (prehaps most?) of American conservatives are Roman Catholics, whereas the U.K. conservatives have a legacy of anti-Catholic policies due to the Northern Ireland issue. The thing that sticks out most of all is guns, since handguns are banned in the U.K and noone wants to mess with that law. Part of that is the U.S.'s frontier, cowboy like culture in the west and south that encouraged more firearm ownership than the shopkeeper, clerica worker-like culture in middle England.

Does the left see education as the right sees money?

I think you miss understand, or perhaps I misunderstand. Both the right and the left want to see everyone in America succeed and increase their wealth. Both side wants every last person to become wealthy, even people born in trailer parks and homeless. The right doesn't really want to say fuck the poor, give me money money money.The difference comes from how to achieve this equalitarian utopia. The right believes that regulation is what stifles people's ability to “move up.” They see most actions by the government as perversion of free market capitalism. For example, are you poor and want to start a taxi company? Well you can't because you need to get your cars inspected, you need to have licensed drivers (taxi licenses, not drivers licenses), you have to register with the government. All of this costs money and makes it harder for a poor person to start a cab company. They also believe that regulation hinders existing companies ability to hire those poor people.The left, on the other hand, believe that education is the way to “move up.” Education is the way to make a better living. Go to college, learn to be an engineer, or doctor, or lawyer. Of course you can only afford to go to college if you are moderately wealthy. Otherwise you are saddled with debt or don't go at all. They believe that education will give you the means to start a business, or make your self hireable enough to get ahead quickly. It's kind of like the “teach a man to fish” proverb.Of course, there are problems to both approaches. The right doesn't seem to understand that some regulations are what keeps businesses afloat and monopolies out of our economy. The left doesn't seem to understand that not everyone can or should go to college.*Right here is referring to fiscally conservative voters, not evangelical single-issue, hardcore social conservative voters, and especially not republican politicians.