Why Do Some People Consider Rush Limbaugh Jon Stewart Bill Maher And Bill Oreilly Political

Why isn't there a liberal version of Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck?

Is there an opposite kind of hate? I suppose one can imagine some sort of pseudo-liberal who talks about, I don’t know, putting all white males in concentration camps. But that kind of talk is anything but liberal, and any real progressive would cry foul. (I’ve seen liberal Quora users go too far in this direction — perhaps suggesting that all white males just need to die right now. And if the user is sufficiently popular, there will be cheerleaders to say “you go, girl!” But that’s not liberalism; it’s hypocrisy.)Liberalism is about promoting the flourishing of all individuals, irrespective of sex, gender, skin color (or “race”), ethnicity, preferences in the boudoir, and even political views. People like Limbaugh seem to want to see liberals exterminated. Liberals just want conservatives to stop living all over everyone else and to stop being bigoted douchebags. It’s almost 2017 and that’s still apparently way too much to ask. No, instead we’re talking about Muslim registries.The acerbity of my last sentences — my intolerance of intolerance — is really as far as liberals go toward trying to affirm the supremacy of any one group over another.By the way, as awful as Beck has been, it’s interesting to see what he has to say about the president-elect’s Chief Strategist appointee — a man whose role will be as prominent as Reince Priebus’ (White House Chief of Staff):When Glenn Beck speaks truth, we must acknowledge that the world is upside down.

Why is Bill Maher so full of hate for the United States and religion and conservatives?

He's palying to a base, just like Ann and Michael. Each side has their trolls that stir the pot. Ever see Michelle Malkin? She's an immigrant, yet rails against everything she is a part of with know critical review of her. Maher knows he has the same kind of support. It's just the other side of the coin.

Why do Michael Savage and Bill O’Reilly sometimes interrupt their guest on their shows just because they have different opinions on things? It seems like it’ll be more reasonable to allow their guests to finish instead of interrupting them.

O’Reilly, Savage and others of his ilk have no interest in the actual information or argument that their guests are attempting to provide, and less interest in allowing their programs to be an honest platform for views that contradict or put into question their own narrative. Interruption is the simplest way to protect their own position against a potentially superior or provocative counter argument; just don’t allow the opposing view to get a proper airing.By having the guests appear on the program they can cynically but persuasively argue that they not only provided the opportunity for opposing arguments to be heard but that their own “superior” argument “won” the debate. Unfortunately a large percentage of their viewership do not either recognize or care that the opposing view was never really allowed to be fully and fairly expressed.Many of us unknowingly utilize a similar strategy in our own personal interactions. We believe that we are really listening to the opposing arguments on an issue expressed by friends, family or collleagues. However, rather than really seeking to understand the opposing thought process (i.e. listening) our brains “interrupt” that listening by choosing to focus its attention on our rebuttal. We never gave the opposing view it’s fair hearing.

Will 18-35 year old white males keep watching The Daily Show without a white American host?

Well I am just barely still in that demographic and like the Nightly Show I plan to give it a fair shake. Though with the Nightly Show I had no allegiance to the original because I found Colbert profoundly annoying. At any rate this for me means watching as much of the first season as possible. At first I really wanted Jessica Williams to take the helm, I still think she would have nailed it while actually shifting the show in vital ways. After thinking about it I believe Trevor can accomplish many of the same things. As much as I love Stewart to death I think his exit is well timed. Making fun of cable news has become simply too easy. Indeed the only time I see any cable news at all is on the Daily Show. I am a cable cutter and there are far better news options on the internet than those offered by cable networks. Cable News is for old people that are not savvy enough to find something more reputable to watch. For the last several years Stewart has been making fun of something I simply don't care about and as time has passed its all most entirely U.S. focused content has gotten tiresome. Trevor being not just from a different country, but a whole different continent is a huge asset. Further it being a place where Americans make massive generalizations about life there will prove to be a gold mine in my view. Based on his comedy I have seen The Daily Show just became a fake global news show, and for the first time in a long time that excites me. I have never wavered in my watching of the show, but its been some time since I was excited to do so. That is a very good sign. Due to the new hosts age, his international appeal, key changes made in on screen talent (notably the departure of the very tired Jones/Bee duo), and the possible format shifts there things bring I think the 18-35 demographic is safe. Further what else is this demographic going to watch? Its not like their are many other viable options out there. He might take a hit here in the U.S. but I think he will make up the difference on international markets.

Why isn't there a notable right wing comedian like Bill Maher?

The question answers itself (and the answer’s as obvious as it is politically incorrect).Over the years I’ve asked scores of conservatives who’ve turned up (and complained about how liberal this site is) why they thought there wasn’t a right-leaning version of Quora. I received two responses that were closer to insults than answers. The rest didn’t bother trying. (Not because they weren’t smart enough to figure out the implications but because they didn’t want to, since the question also answered itself.)You wouldn’t ask why it doesn’t snow in Key West because it’s understood that a key ingredient for snow (freezing temperatures) is lacking.With humor, the key ingredient is a form of creative intelligence that’s in short supply on the right. I’m not talking about Hee-Haw silly or slapstick hijinks or the I.Q. purportedly measured by standardized testing. And I’m not suggesting everyone on the right is intellectually challenged (because I don’t believe that to be true).If the right could make a similar case that implied the slightest superiority over the left based on humor, FOX would be reporting on it non stop. They don’t because they can’t. And liberals don’t harp on the implications because they’re liberals.To put it another way, humor has a liberal bias.

Who is The Biggest American Idiot? Here is The Short List , Take a Pick...?

Sarah Palin
Barack Obama,
Erick Cantor,
John Boehner
Nancy Pelosi,
Glenn Beck,
Keith Olberman,
Reachael Maddow,
Sean Hannity
Bill O'railey,
Jon Stuart,
Arrianna Huffington,
Dickey Chenney
Rush Limbuagh
Paris Hilton
Me: (Cut some slack will ya?)

Who is you least favorite news anchor/television journalist?

It would have to be a toss-up between Ollie North, a convicted criminal, or Sean Hannity, a subliterate bigot.