Why Do Some People Have Fast Metabolisms.

Why do some people have a high metabolism and some have a slow metabolism? Is the energy turned into heat?

Metabolism is generally determined by how physically active you are and how much muscle mass you have. Those with high muscle mass need to eat more than the general population because 1 lb of muscle burns 30 calories while 1 lb of fat burns 10 calories. So people with high muscle mass would need to eat more calories than most people if they wish to maintain their sizes. As people get older, their bodies will burn less calories and testosterone level will drop thus making muscle building and maintaining more difficult.However, the term “high metabolism” is misused most of the time. Most people who think they eat a lot and claim to have high metabolism don’t actually eat as much as they think. If someone really does have a high metabolism, they would be able to eat 6–7 full plates at a buffet and get hungry again 2 hours later because no matter how much they eat, they can’t stay full for that long. Their appetite is almost like a bottomless pit. People with this big of appetite are actually very rare.A person’s metabolism has nothing to do with their body size nor does it have anything to do with their ability to gain or lose weight. Anyone can gain or lose weight regardless of their metabolism. Everyone knows weight gain is mainly caused by calorie surplus and weight loss is caused by calorie deficit.

Why do skinny people tend to have a fast metabolism?

They actually don’t.Skinny people will tell you they eat a lot but they never tell you exactly how many calories they eat per day. If you carefully count how many calories they eat per day, they actually don’t eat that much.Most of the times, skinny people will brag about their so-called “fast metabolism” just to make themselves feel special and make other people envy them. But realistically, skinny people can gain weight just like how anyone else can gain weight.If skinny people really do have “fast metabolism” and eat a lot, they would go to a buffet, eat 6–7 full plates and get hungry again 2 hours later. I literally have never seen a skinny person who has this big of appetite. They don’t eat that much. A person with a big appetite has zero problem with consuming 5,000–6,000 calories everyday. If this is too much for you, then you don’t have a big appetite.Every skinny guy who claimed they ate a lot, couldn’t gain weight, and blah blah blah gained a few pounds from trying GOMAD for 1 week, which is why I never take skinny people’s so-called “fast metabolism” seriously. Simply because they don’t have it.No skim milk btw.

Why do some people have a fast metabolism?

Great question!I DON'T KNOW... but here's some random info that may help.1) Differentiate between a "fast" metabolism & an "efficient" one. Fast means it burns energy during good times & bad. Efficient means that your metabolism doesn't let you get fat when you overeat, but will maintain a normal weight when you eat normally. (Unless you want to define efficient as holding on to fat most efficiently, which is very negative efficiency!)2) For an efficient metabolism, the best cause is "not coming from a group that had hunger issues in the past". People that come from certain Eskimo tribes (I think Inuits among them) have a heck of a time losing weight. Also, people that come from places like Northern Poland, where fresh sources of food were virtually non-existent 6 months out of the year, so people's metabolisms slowed to get them through the winter.3) For a fast metabolism, some of it seems to be personal - like people with more lean muscle mass, or people that fidget a lot, some familial, and some based on areas of origin (A better mix of gut bacteria? A cultural habit to stop eating when full?).4) I've never seen a clear causality study on fidgeting - do people who fidget speed up their metabolism, or do people with fast metabolism have surplus energy they dissipate through fidgeting?

What is fast metabolism?

your metabolism rate is how quick you break up food. Say if you just had a very big dinner and in two hours your hungry again, means your metabolism rate is very high (Not a bad thing.) I have a very high metabolism rate and im never full! hehe

How do you know if you have a fast metabolism?

Well metabolism is a serires of chemical reactions inside your body that keep you alive basically... it can be sped up by early morning excericise (when you get up) and slowed down by eating late at night or not exercising at all.. Your question is how do you know if it's fast? well the best way to describe it trying not to get too close to your detail question would be that how you feel inside, a healthy person would feel fit and great.. and confident on there health because the fast metabolism helps the bodys health and the mind. Oh yh... and a fast metabolism would mean the person would be less likely to be overweight :L. thats the best way i can describe it (:

Is fast metabolism a myth?

im a 17 year ols girl, 5'5 tall and i weigh 119lbs. sounds really skinny and yeah im skinny but im actually pretty curvy except i dont have big boobs lol and my stomach isnt super tight. anyways i heard some people say that fast metabolism doesnt exist some people just dont eat a lot. i eat healthy but sometimes i have about 3 month periods when i just dont care and i eat what i want. usually then i skip meals (not on purpose but with my schedule its hard to eat often but when im putting effort in my diet i make sure i eat 5 meals a day) and i eat frozen pizza about 3 times a week (it has like 1100 calories the one that i love eating lol) and i just eat unhealthy stuff mostly and i eat about 2500 calories a day and i dont exercise. STILL i dont gain weight. what explains that?? i have friends who gain weigh super easily even though they watch what they eat etc

How come some people have faster metabolism and don't put on weight unlike the rest?

The causes for the differences in metabolic rate between individuals are still being investigated. Some are quite obvious such as the age or gender of the person. Hormones also play a big role in metabolism, so the genes that a person has which control their hormones also influence their metabolism. The only way to permanently increase your metabolism, is to gain weight. As the body gets larger, it needs more energy to support itself, so if you gain weight, your body will burn more calories per day simply by being alive. Because of this, a morbidly obese person weighing in at 350 pounds could lose multiple pounds per week simply by eating 2000 calories, which is roughly what most people eat.Strength training is a great way to permanently increase your metabolism (it is permanent under the assumption you keep with it and never lose mass) as one pound of muscle burns twice as many calories per day as a pound of fat.While metabolism can play a part in gaining weight, it is not a solid indicator of who will be overweight or not. Even someone with the slowest metabolism can be skinny if they control themselves and do not eat more than they need.Fat is energy in the form of solid and if the body does not receive enough energy from eating food, it will burn off fat to fuel itself. Eating less calories than one requires each day is called a calorie deficit and results in fat loss. It is the only way for one to lose weight in the form of body fat.You might see some people eat a lot more than others and not gain weight. What you don’t see is how much they exercise, or how much they actually eat at home. Everybody overestimates how much they exercise and underestimates how much they eat. During early teenage years, many seem like a black hole of food which never expands. During puberty, hormonal changes are causing everyone’s metabolism to go out of whack, and add on the fact that many will grow a couple inches over night at some points, and it is easy to explain why the food people eat during puberty never affects their waistline.

Do taller people generally have faster metabolisms?

it is not because we have a better metabolism (5'11 - 155lb)
it is because the bigger you are (hight or width) the more energy it takes for your bdy to sustain life.
look up BMR calulators online. It will tell you roughly how much energy your body burns in a 24 hour period if you were just laying in bed not moving an inch.
your body uses energy to breath, cirulate blood, think, keep the heart beating, etc.
i am 5'11 and 155lb. My BMR is around 1500 based on what these calculators online say.
the suggestion is to not go below this number when you are dieting.
without AT LEAST this many calories, your body cannot function, you begin to starve and organs start to fail... (after a prolonged period of time with little calories).
the general rule of thumb though is women should not go below 1200 calories (5'3 woman's BMR (ish)). but the taller you are, the more body you have.. therefore the more energy it takes to live.
that's why i should stay above 1500.

then when you walk, sit, run, etc you burn more calories than this... most maintanence calories for a shorter woman is between 1800 -2000 calories, where mine would be between 2000 - 2400

Do ALL kids have fast metabolisms? or only some?

I really think i have a SLOW metabolism. I always eat around 1,400-1,700 calories a day, I am a vegetarian, I play tennis, I run, I eat plenty of fruits and veggies, etc.

BUT, I am a bit pudgy. I'm not fat, it's just that I have never been thin. Always a liiittle pudgy. Why is this? I'm only 13, 5ft 6in. but i seem to require alot of excercise and eat very little in order to stay at my weight of 125lb (I actually gained 10lb recently but THAT is due to me being away from home for 2 weeks and eating out EVERY DAY. very unhealthy)