Why Do Some People Have No Loyalty

Why do so many people have no loyalty towards anyone, they just want someone to boost their ego?

People use people even psychologically. A person who does this does not have much self esteem, therefore they become dependent on those who give them an ego boost. They use others as a drug to heighten their dopamine levels. If a person does not give them what they want, they become irritable, a withdrawal symptom. They are loyal to the high, not to the person. Some people cannot be loyal as they have yet to mature. Using others is their way to build their ego, instead of finding it within themselves.

Loyalty: Why are some people loyal and some are not?

Because some of them are loyal to their need of you and once their needs change so their loyalty.In terms of the rewards component, many shoppers expect, apart from a good product, special treatment and/or discounts for being loyal. Having a loyalty program makes this an easy and streamlined process. My company, Annex Cloud (formerly Social Annex), specializes in creating holistic customer loyalty solutions, integrated with advocate marketing programs. Check out our resources to learn more about the value of and best strategies for customer loyalty!

Which people with disorders have no loyalty to people?

Narcissistic personality disorder

Why do my friends lack loyalty, and how can I find people who are loyal?

It’s very hard. There are two ways you can do it.To find genuinely loyal people is rare enough that it’s only going to happen after meeting a lot of people and rejecting most of them for not being loyal enough. Basically, you can’t be desperate because such people are so rare that they’re just going to come into your life by chance most the time.Luckily, there are many thousands of “conditionally” loyal people who will be loyal to you as long as you can provide them with something. That’s not as bad as it sounds. Work hard. Do well in school. Do a good job in your work and career, and you’ll find plenty of allies along the way. Many such people would abandon you in a crisis, but many of them won’t.

What is your opinion about people who show a lack of loyalty?

I think there is another condition to determine for this question - Trust.If there is trust and transparency, then loyalty is a two way street.When trust is questionable (words and actions aren’t consistent) then loyalty may be lacking. Those who are loyal to someone who takes unfair advantage tend to operate in the herd/flock mentality.In a world where trust and transparency are becoming rare, we need some sheepdogs to keep the wolves at bay and protect the flock.People tend to follow their own paths. When loyalty is deserved (trust and transparency exist) and their is a lack of loyalty, I’d be loyal and encourage those who aren’t to consider their choices.

Why do BPD people feel no loyalty towards their former spouses?

Loyalty is earned, same as trust.Someone breaks trust, then why should loyalty be expected.I have zero loyalty to past spouses, once that ship has sailed its over & done with in my eyes.Do neurotypicals remain loyal to “former spouses”?Maybe some do, maybe some don’t.It’s the same with pwBPD, some will & some won’t.It’s nonsense to suggest that everyone with BPD is the same, acts the same or thinks the same way.

Why do Democrats have no values, no honor, no loyalty and no morals?

Your guess is as good as mine. I've never in my life seen a more backward, anti-American bunch anywhere. If it means doing something of low morals, they're for it. If it means defending this country against our enemies, they're against it. If it means doing something to help working class Americans, they don't.

They lie, steal, promote immorality, encourage abortions, coddle the criminals in jail, downsize our military, and tax the hell out of us. Why people keep sticking them back in office, I'll never know. The Republicans aren't much better, but at least they've kept the terrorists off our shores for the last 5 years.

Why does it seems that some people consider loyalty over happiness?

Loyalty is defined as faithfulness or devotion to an obligation, commitment or person. Having or showing complete and constant support for someone or something with an unswerving allegiance .“I’m very loyal when I’m in a relationship” but what does that really mean?To some that means they don’t cheat on the person.To others that means they’re committed but they still have their own group of friends which can include any number of guy/girls.To others, it means you go out of your way to let the other person know that they are your one and only.Whether it’s a family member, friend or significant other, there should be a sense of loyalty shown. Loyalty is earned, and it’s a two-way street. Being loyal means giving a relationship the higher priority.Some times there are people who can make you happy, but if they are not loyal what logic is there in keeping the relationship?You won’t be happy with someone who is not loyal in a long run.According to their studies the people who value loyalty — to their spouse, family, and friends — are happier and more satisfied with their lives.Why Relationships Change After Marriage and Why Loyalty Brings Happiness | World of PsychologyWhen you are loyal to a person and he betray you it will be really hard. You won’t be happy any more.