Why Do The Men Here Report More Than The Women

Are more men than women raped in the U.S.?

The numbers are accurate, but clearly make the distinction of males raped in prison, vs. women raped outside of prison.The areas of DV, sexual assault and rape are still quite muddy - many studies have been done, and yet somehow we are still arguing about who has it worse. Then when definitions change, the waters get muddied further - rape is defined differently in different areas, for example, in certain areas, men cannot be raped, because the definition is exclusively forceful penetration of a vagina. In other areas it is "consensual sexual contact while drunk that was later regretted". This is not helpful to anyone, as we are not comparing apples with apples.By that last definition, I have been raped, multiple times by one of my exes. Should I speak up? Should I go to the police? Well, if I was female, I would be encouraged to, but as a man, it seems no one cares. Many campaigns have been run to encourage awareness of the rape of women, but I don't know of a single one encouraging awareness of the rape of men.I hear feminists scoff at this, and say, "well men aren't/can't be raped!"Who decides that? And if that is the prevalent attitude, how many men are aware that they CAN be raped, and how many fewer are willing to admit that they were raped within their relationship, and how many fewer still are going to report it?Statistics between the genders are funny things. Men tend to be more stoic, and in general, women prefer them that way. But this means they don't open up as easily, and are far less likely to acknowledge openly the terrible things that have happened to them.

More men are raped than women?

Well, a person can play numbers and definitions games all they want with this. Let's look at it another way, has there ever been a rapist or a rapist/killer that has gone around sneaking into men's bedrooms at night to rape and kill them? I mean, even if all the male rape victims of such rapes didn't report them, the police would surely notice the dead male victims? There's not, and virtually all of what society would regard as pathological stranger rapes are male on female. Conflating the issue with date rape, paedophilia, and prison sex doesn't change the fact that in society at large, the predator rapists are male and their victims are female by an overwhelming margin.

What do you think of the Corston Report on Women in the Criminal Justice System?

Els and I have just read through this document which prompted our questions on UK policy for women in prisons. The executive summary is here:

Do you think the Corston report has good recommendations?

Are its assumptions sexist, and if so which?

Do you think she has a reasonable understanding of gender equality, or has she simply focused on womens issues without any understanding of the difficulties men face?

What is your overall impression of this document?

Who do you think does most of the reporting on Yahoo! between The women & The men?


While women get wrinkled easily here, especially ones that think they've been insulted -- they know what they're getting into by communicating with strangers/men, and catty women (if they're older than mid-teens, I mean). The boys, on the other hand... seem to be absolute little DWEEBS and I can tell you, by fact.. that I've been on here answering questions etc. and I'm reported by Men more than women at a 4:1 ratio, at least... I'm being serious. I've gotten more Penalties for trying to straighen-out young guys here, that can use to hear/learn advice for MEN (since Uncles have gone the way of the dinosaur in America... eh?)... WHEN A MAN's ego is BRUISED they lash-out and send wussy-emails to Yahoo.. who acts, without reading or questioning... Men do the reporting, because they want to be powerful about being judge & jury and attact women, this way.. too. I've seen it. More men, are yahoo Trolls.

I've had to Block trolls & goofballs that are men, and MEN that are pretending they're women.. (which happens, here, and that's really, really

What do you think the biological advantages for men and women actually are?

On the averages only, I would say that men are stronger and taller while women are shorter and better balanced. Female children are healthier than little boys biologically, even though they are more likely to be malnourished and neglected at birth. Women can bare life, while men can contribute genetic material for longer.

Besides that, all the reported "biological" differences seem to be at least partly, if not entirely, a product of nurture. Most studies cannot isolate the variables well enough.

Why is pedophilia only associated with men and not women?

Because of the toxic belief that women are naturally good.This belief leads to under-reporting of sexual assaults by women, and a failure to protect their victims.The unsurprising truth is that some women abuse children.A report by the UK’s National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children found that women were responsible for 6% of child sex abuse cases.Another report, by the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (USA), found that women were responsible for as many as 25% of reported cases of child sex abuse. The authors believe the real rate is much higher.Women abusers get away with it because no-one believes a woman could do such a thing.Just look at Tracey Lyons, Vanessa George, and Angela Allen, who raped and molested children and sent each other pictures of the abuse. George’s case made waves because she worked at a nursery, where she chose her victims among the kids she was supposed to protect — some as young as two years old.Men are still responsible for the vast majority of violent crimes and sexual assaults of all kinds. It’s not inaccurate to think of pedophiles as being (mostly) men.The mistake is to think that a woman could never do such a thing. Because women, like men, are human, with all the terrible inhumanity that entails.

Why do MRA's cite a FBI statistic to try to disprove the 1/5 women raped in a lifetime statistic?

Here is the FBI's statistic: "The rate of rapes (legacy definition) in 2013 was estimated at 25.2 per 100,000 females."

Here is what the CDC said: "Nearly 1 in 5 (18.3%) of women and 1 in 71 men reported experiencing rape at some time in their lives"

I don't know about you, but I see a subtle, yet very important, difference between those two. One is measuring how many women were raped in a single year, the other is measuring how many currently women have ever been raped in their lifetime with no respect to years.

If you are going to try and disprove something like this, one should make an apples to apples comparison. Show a statistic for how many currently-living women have ever been raped, not one of how many were raped in a given year.

Is it true that on average women get longer jail sentences than men do?

No the the complete opposite is true.Women often get shorter sentences than men and are less likely to be convicted than men also. Here's a easy to understand representation of the liklihood of getting a life sentence.(yes I know its rubbish data) But basing it on this men are 6x more likely to be given a life sentence.In 2012 the University of Michigan conducted a survey into this led by Sonja B. Starr.The study found men received a 63% higher sentence, to me that is a shocking statistic, a clear gender bias is perceived in the American federal courts.Equally finding female accused criminal are significantly more likely to avoid charges.Now there are clear real world reasons why this is the case. For example women generally have greater care taking responsibilities in terms of children.So no women do not get longer sentences, in fact they are positively discriminated in criminal law.On a side not, feminists of the world, this is a problem you are blind to and need to fix Men may occupy the highest levels of society using their glass ceiling but there seems to be a glass floor for women to.