Why Does Adolf Obama Want People To Go To Jail For Not Getting Healthcare

Why do people keep saying that socialism takes away freedom?

Just to clarify for the ignorant Republican-voting masses, Socialism is an economic policy, and has nothing to do with the taking away or giving of freedoms. It is purely a fiscal policy, and if you want to look at who will really be taking away your freedoms, you may want to look at the party that has introduced The Patriot Act, illegal detention and espionage towards American citizens, and the reduction of rights for women and homosexuals. That is the loss of freedom.

Please point out the facts that back your idea that socialism takes away freedom, without including Stalinism, Maoism, Leninism, etc. (which are all dictatorial corruptions of Communism, which isn't Socialism either) (look up the difference, if you don't understand, before answering, so as to look smarter)

I'm guessing nobody will though, as that takes analysis, logic, and knowledge of politics.

How do universal background checks catch or stop people who aren’t allowed to have guns from getting other people to buy the guns for them?

To put it simply, they don't. What stops people from buying guns for “prohibited persons” is enforcement of the penalty for violating the laws against such straw purchases. Unfortunately, fewer than 1% of the prohibited persons who try to buy guns are ever prosecuted, and that's assuming they fill out the paperwork themselves. Even MORE disturbing are the numbers of people who SHOULD be prevented from obtaining firearms, but aren't, due to the fact that states aren't doing their jobs and reporting individuals to the federal database. That's exactly how the animals in TX and SC were able to buy the firearms they used to commit their horrific crimes. The problem is that the NICS, while ABSOLUTELY necessary, is broken. It's under funded, under staffed, and there are no penalties for states and organizations that fail to report the information they are legally required to provide to the FBI.Unfortunately, actually DOING something about the problem will cost quite a bit of taxpayer dollars. Funding and staffing to maintain the program will not be cheap, and that doesn't even consider enforcement costs to bring criminally negligent states like CA in line with the current requirements. It's FAR cheaper to simply grandstand and demand action than it is to convince “we, the people” to spend the money for meaningful reforms.Interestingly enough, some of the biggest mouths screaming for “common sense” over the last few years have been the most complicit in allowing guns into the hands of the exceptionally dangerous individuals. Holder, Harris, Newsome, Bloomberg, and Obama are at the very top of that list.

What are the primary reasons you’re seeing so much seething, open hatred of all things related to President Donald J. Trump?

I am getting weary of the idea of unfair bias against Donald Trump.If a person mistreats and harms an animal and 90% of people and news outlets condemn the act and the actor, is this biased or is it a reprehensible act?If a person intentionally runs over a little old lady crossing the street and 95% of people and new outlets declare this act criminal, is this biased or is it accurate reporting of disgusting behavior?When an official does something reprehensible and against commonly held values and behaves like a vulgarian, is it okay to point it out? Are we supposed to get the other side of the story and “be fair”? If someone admits to possessing the right to pussy grab any pussy they want, is there another side of the story? You heard it with your own ears.The reason so many in the press and so many people are complaining about Trump is simply there is a lot to complain about. It's not bias, nobody is picking on him. He really is an ignorant, narcissistic, bloviating huckster who has installed a bunch of uncredentialed billionaires and his family dynasty to destroy our democracy.The real question is, how were so many people in the 99% persuaded to vote for the 1% candidate?Sub question: has something gotten into our drinking water that has erased logic? Is it a death wish? A crises of education? A TV monitor induced psychosis?

See a similarity between Hitler and Obama?

Hey just look at the facts. I am talking about personality likeness. Not actions. You cannot deny that there is a personality connection between the two. I am assuming that you know about the enabling act. Hitler basically said that vote him in for complete power, and he would do what it took to get Germany restored. Look at what Obama Is doing with health care. It is the same type of thing.

In what ways are Adolf Hitler's and Donald Trump's rise to power similar?

I don’t see any similarity. Hitler served in the German Army in WWI and reportedly received an award for bravery. Trump never served in any armed force of his own country despite the Viet Nam War. Hitler originally aspired to be an artist, while Trump was a spoiled rich kid who settled on a career as a real estate mogul. Hitler founded his own political movement and spent time in jail for it. The Donald contributed to both parties and switched parties until he found a base. The Nazi party was Hitler’s creation, whereas Trump managed to take over the well established Republican Party. Hitler was a mesmerizing public speaker, whereas Trump is a somnambulant speaker capable of little more than repeating tired phrases. Hitler was a virulent racist with a despicable plan to rid Germany of those he considered subhuman. Trump may be a racist, but he is hardly a virulent one. He has no plans to physically exterminate any fellow citizens he dislikes and prefers to go after non-citizens who are in the country illegally. We may disagree with his methods, but we are supposed to be a nation of laws. If that is the case, then Trump should be indictable for any crimes he has committed, while illegal immigrants are shown the door and told to come back when the petitions for immigration are granted.An alternative for those illegals who have obtained jobs and already established themselves might be to levy fines upon them based upon their income and the time they have been here, and put them under a moratorium that makes their wait for citizenship to date from their receipt of permission to remain in the country. The frank truth is that we need a variety of immigrants willing to do the jobs that many Americans avoid, and not just Ph.D’s.

Why are liberals so arrogant?

You want more examples of Liberal arrogance?

If a Conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a Liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a Liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a Conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a Liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A Liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a Conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A Liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.

If a Conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A Liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

What similarities are there between Trump, his administration, and his policies and that of Hitler and the Third Reich?

Hitler had a longstanding political organization. He entered office with a cadre of loyal, relatively talented people he could insert into government.Hitler was, apparently intelligent. His “populism” was justified — apparently the treaty following WWI was destroying their country. He built a powerful military and impressed leaders of other countries.Sorry, those are all differences. Finding similarities seems like such a cliche. Both Hitler and Trump called for unity in their inaugural speeches.The National Government will therefore regard it as its first and supreme task to restore to the German people unity of mind and will. It will preserve and defend the foundations on which the strength of our nation rests. It will take under its firm protection Christianity as the basis of our morality, and the family as the nucleus of our nation and our state. Standing above estates and classes, it will bring back to our people the consciousness of its racial and political unity and the obligations arising therefrom. It wishes to base the education of German youth on respect for our great past and pride in our old traditions. It will therefore declare merciless war on spiritual, political and cultural nihilism.