Why Does Everyone Use Me For Their Selfish Needs

Do I have the right to be selfish with my money and refuse to participate is the Marxist socialist program of Obamacare?

I have enough money to pay my bills. With having to pay a high premium and high deductible. The poor, the sick and the Marxist socialist liberals will need to Mooch of someone else's deductible. No penalty for me, thanks Trump. Even if I didn't vote for him.

Why do some people use others for their own selfish needs?

There can be a number of reasons.They are incapable of achieving or doing something on their own and dread to ask for help. May be because they were denied help earlier or because they think people might refuse and they will not be able to achieve whatever they want.Same thing has been done to them.They don't value people. They are narcissistic and see people as materials rather than beings of heart and soul.On a positive note- Because either you live your dream or are forced to work for someone else's. They prefer to be of the former category.If their motive is driven by the first three reasons, all such people deserve is pity.However, if it's the last one, I believe that all great miracles are based on the magic of individualism.Thank You!

Why is everyone so selfish these days?

I have always been way too nice and giving my whole life letting people walk all over me and meeting their needs before my own. Now that I am 22 years old I am realizing that no one goes out of their way for me. People rarely answer my texts. Only one of my friends is there for me when I cry. Many times in my life I have cleared my whole day for someone and they either didn't contact me to hang out all day or something just magically "came up" so they couldn't hang out with me. So now I am the same way. I just don't care. If I don't want to do you a favor I won't. If I don't feel like answering your text I won't. If I don't feel like listening to my roommate's problems I simply walk away and go in my room. I am not used to being this way, but I now feel better about myself. So why is it that everyone is so selfish?

Why do I feel like everyone is using me?

It could be an issue with low self-esteem.If you feel that people around you are using you, that might be because perhaps you don't feel that you have anything of personal value they'd be interested in and so they must only want something selfishly. If that doesn't sound precise, I'm sorry. I can't think of a better way to put it.If you do feel this way, I'd suggest you make a mental list of your positive qualities and keep an optimistic attitude. Of course, if you really feel someone is using you then talk about it with them. But definitely don't let it simmer because that might cause a bigger problem.One last thing, you might just need to be close to the people you feel value you.

Why are aries woman selfish?

Is it me or are aries woman selfish???? Not selfish as in selfcentred but selfish as in they tend to think of them selfs alot and not look at the situation fully???? Also is it me or they always have to be right no matter what the situation is?

I'm a capricorn so I like to use logic and I understand things really well and my gf is a aries...we get along really well but when it comes to debates she always has to be right even when she's it just her or are all aries woman like this ??

Why people are so selfish?

when I was schooling everyone was selfish in my class, then my old friends who were in my street were selfish they bullied me, teased me, ignored me and helped nothing but I helped them a lot whenever it's possible, now I had a couple of friends and they are also selfish, I recently found my girlfriend and apparently she is selfish too. why everyone is damm so selfish like this? it seems I am the only one who care about people. It's me who always help people, in college it was me who helped other students to get higher marks, in the relationship that I had it's me who sacrificed everything while she did nothing for me. as far as I remember I have helped a lot of people but barely someone steps up to help me. no one even cares to ask how am I and no one even cares to see whether I even exist or not.I have to go and talk to them. I currently have a friend on a penpal site she sometimes asks me how am I but she barely can speak English (English isn't my native language too but still her language ability is worse) so it's impossible to communicate with her.

I don't understand why people are so selfish , I try not to help people but my empathy doesn't allow me to do that,my conscience pushes me to help someone when I feel like they need a help. >.<

Does everyone prefer the more spacious handicapped toilet stall over the standard stalls?

Because people are inherently selfish and forget that what looks like luxury is something others actually need ... People have all kinds of reasons.1- they are disabled, but you can't see it2.They have a child with them and need space3. they have an appliance that needs room to clean (eg a bag that collects feces or urine)4. They want to change clothes5. they have bags or luggageBut, in my opinion, taking disabled parking or using accessible toilets when you dont need them is ignorant, selfish and I hope, the subject of karma.I can't use the toilet unless I can use the accessible one, and practically peeing myself because someone wants spacious toileting for the sheer added comfort makes me angry... and sometimes I admit I will say "Did you forget your stick?" - People who make excuses are the worst ("Sorry needed to change my shoes") and I usually reply something like "Gee, and I thought a toilet was for elimination. Silly me. Here I was thinking you were just selfish." I know people need to change babies bums and all that, but just be considerate... I actually was asked once to let a child go with me into the accessible to keep them safe! Yeah... she said "well everyone knows you people don't hurt kids..." as much as I would love that to be true, its not... but at least she didnt try to use the accessible.Research says we prefer the toilets on the end- company on only one side- and space to insulate us from the sounds others make, and from others hearing or smelling us... so the accessible toilet has real appeal- its usually on the end, and you have extra space to insulate you and any stall neighbours. Here in UK we have a national key scheme where accessible toilets have special keys that disabled people can easily get- they help reduce abuse. Not everywhere uses them but they help.IMHO its best to say "Does anyone need to use the accessible toilet?" and allow anyone who needs it to go first, to not linger beyond need, to do only what the room is there for,and to be apologetic without excuses if you get caught.  Coming out with new clothes on and saying "these look better!" is a sure way to get your foot run over.

What is the fine line between saying no and being selfish?

There is no fine line. Saying no is not selfish.Let’s pretend I have a dark secret.I believe I am not good enough and therefore I operate under that assumption.I am convinced that in order to deserve love I have to please others.I have to work at getting people to like me.If someone else wants anything from me I am compelled to provide it. Otherwise, they won’t want to be with me.Examples of what other people might want from me vary broadly: help with their homework, keeping their secrets, liking what they like, wanting to do what they want to do. Sex.I’m almost pleading at first. I jump at the chance to give what I can.But then, wait a minute. This isn’t right.I feel used, become resentful, angry.Resentment is a symptom of poor boundaries. I shouldn’t have let it get this far.Another symptom of poor boundaries is the sense something is wrong with “everybody”.Why is everybody using me? Why does everyone lie to me? Why does everyone end up betraying me?Boundaries are hard to set – saying no is difficult – because the underlying belief is that saying no will cost me the relationship. It is an indication that I am not giving enough, that I am not loyal enough, not dedicated enough.It must mean I’m selfish.But setting boundaries is not selfish. It’s healthy. It’s how I respect myself.Look around you. Boundaries are why fences exist, and walls and doors and curtains. They are indispensable for our well-being.I need to honor myself enough to acknowledge that my boundaries can and will shift. They are mine, so they can do anything they want.Yesterday I was happy to help you with your homework. I am not willing to do it today. I had sex with you last night. I don’t want to this morning. I don’t have to explain.“No” is a complete sentence.Boundary setting is a life-long exercise that you often need to re-examine, re-establish. I am giving up my weekend to finish what my boss asked me to do. I’m working late, again.I’m saying yes when I want to say no to get someone to think well of me.I need to be brave enough to say: this is who I am. This is what I like. This is what I can do for you. But, you can’t push against who I am. You can’t get me to like something I don’t.You can’t get me to do anything that makes me uncomfortable.My discomfort for your benefit is not healthy for either of us.

Is being selfish a bad thing ?

you recently responded to my question about proving that people are good by nature before I die.
Let me tell you, I truly respect you for putting yourself last and helping people. That in itself answers my question..

But anyway...You HAVE to know how to please yourself..and don't feel guilty about it. I am not saying to completely forget about everyone else..

But If you do not strive to please yourself, then who will?

Being selfish is usually a bad thing. but in your case, I wouldn't even use the word "selfish"

Take it from me, you do not want to die knowing that you did not make yourself happy

Why do people always use and manipulate me for their selfish own purposes but whenever I try to unethically use someone, I always fail miserably?

It is a classic example of "Do unto others what was done to you" You have embraced the attitude of manipulation /deceit  and would like to pay it forward.For your information that's a parasitic approach to relationships. And a knee-jerk response to hurt. You get hurt and robbed, so you automatically start hurting and robbing. And so starts the cyclical expansion. Somebody you hurt or manipulate will react like you did. And carry the flame further. Until you are surrounded by sharks and vultures looking for dead meat. With nary a prey in sight. Stop this right here. Or you will go really far away from your original self. Any solution would be better than scavenging other people off their trust and loyalty. Even feeling horrible about being cheated is better than your chosen reaction of revenge on unsuspecting people. You are responsible for your own healing. So focus on repairing yourself. Instead of stealing energy from other people to replenish your hollows. You'll end up hating yourself for what you've become. Unless that's what you want. Which I doubt, since you're unable to pull it off.Don't fall to the level of a parasite. Be the bigger person and walk on my friend. Sometimes shit happens. That doesn't mean we make shit the new mantra.Check that doormat thing as suggested above. Being too good too trusting too willing is a personality disorder. And you need to check that out. It's already becoming a broken record and well on its way to becoming a life script. And those are not easily shaken off.