Why Does My Cat Twitch/shiver

What does it mean when my cat’s tail shivers?

My cat does this all the time, usually when I’m opening catnip or the door for him to go outside.If it’s the quick wiggle like a rattlesnake shake that I am thinking you are asking about it means he’s excited or anticipating something.My cat has a very long tail and when he uses it it’s pretty easy to read his mood. A quick wiggle before he goes outside for him means he’s going to hunt and he’s excited. (Think of it as salivating).If it’s a fast stroke back and forth he’s annoyed and best to leave him alone.

Why does my cat shake/twitch when he is sleeping?

Cats and dogs have sleep cycles much like our own. The twiching is usually a sign that they are in or near REM sleep. In humans, when we are in REM sleep, our eyes are rapidly moving. It's also the time when our brains are most active, sorting through information learned during awake times. It's the same thing for our critters. When they sleep, not only is the body getting rest, but thier brains are processing information learned, and reinforcing what they already know. The more active your pet, the more likely they are to dream. The twitching is much the same as when we toss and turn. The younger the animal is, the more likely they are to dream too, as most of what they experiance is new.

Why does my cat's lower back shiver when I pet him there?

Yea, every time I pet him on his hind quarters(just above his legs) I raised Bobo from 2 weeks old. He is my baby (only child I have) And I would take a bullet for my baby. I got up every 2 hours to mix his KITTEN milk, because they say people milk will kill a kitten, so I didn't want to take any chances. He was 2 wks old when I got him. I am his mama, daddy, and he is MY bestest buddy!

Cat shivering like he is cold?

My fiance went in the room and got my cat he was shivering like he was cold but it is warm in the house. He was still shivering when he was awake he eventually fell back asleep on my lap and stopped shivering. I was wondering if maybe he had a bad dream that scared him bad enough to cause it. Its never happened before and he is healthy.

Why do i twitch when i pee?

yeah its happened to me before. happens to me when I am not peeing too. i think its just a natural reaction from the release of piss.