Why Does My Dog Keep Peeing All Over My House

Why does my dog keep peeing on my husband?

My Cocker Spaniel puppy is 10 months old and has been house trained for months now without any problems.

However, just recently he has started this new habit and I'd love to know the reason for it. When my husband comes home, Frank (the dog), lies at his feet, opens his legs, takes aim and literally pees all over my husband. The first time he did it I laughed so much but it's now becoming a habit and is going all up the walls, doors etc. Any ideas what would make it do it and how to stop it? He hasn't been neutered yet as he only has one testicle and the vet is waiting to see if it drops down first.


Why does my 6 month old puppy keep peeing all over my house and me?

Okay, it's not "territorial marking", nor a housebreaking issue. From how you describe it, sure sounds like submissive urination to me. I recently worked with a dog who did something very similar - would climb into his owner's lap and immediately pee a bit. My guess is your guy is a submissive dog who for whatever reason feels the need to continue to show you that he does indeed defer to you - that he understands he's submissive. Dogs use a bit of pee to show submission sometimes - it's instinct. Dogs are amazing at reading body language, and sometimes we humans give messages we don't intend and the dog reads us and feels a need to show submission.

Thing is, if you make a big deal about it, or yell at him etc, it's going to make it WORSE not better. It is NOT something he can control (it's a subconscious instinctual reaction), and it's not a housebreaking issue.

You have a submissive dog and you need to build his confidence up. Whatever you do, don't over-dominate him. Have you done anything like group obedience classes? A training class would likely do wonders for his confidence. (Make sure it's an upbeat, FUN class that's big on praise - no heavy handed stuff with this dog.) Don't do things that are interpreted by dogs as you being dominant, like leaning over him (kneel/crouch down to him instead of bending over him) or staring at him. You CAN train this out - but it has to be done by building his confidence. Do training in such a way that you always find things to praise.

And until it stops, just ignore it when it happens (hard as it is to do that), and quietly clean it up without him watching you.

If you Google "submissive urination", you'll probably find some decent articles and more suggestions, too. Note that there is a difference between submissive urination and excitable urination. Your dog is doing submissive urination. Excitable urination is that thing some puppies (and some older dogs!) do where they dribble a bit of pee when they're really excited or happy, like when greeting someone. That's not what you're dealing with.

Hang in there and build that boy's confidence. You'll get past this!

Why does my dog keep peeing on the carpet?

Karen Tiede is absolutely correct in saying that he has peed there before and therefore likely to keep peeing in the same spot again and again. Experience has taught me a few more lessons about dogs the hard way...We had a pup who was trained by a young niece to pee on a small piece of an old carpet. It never unlearned that lesson and treated every carpet and low level bed in our home as peeing and pottying territory. It was a nightmare getting her back on track and I shall remain indebted to the creators of 'Febreze' till the end of my life. This product, when sprayed in the spot where the pet has had an accident,  removes all previous smells and the pet is unlikely to repeat the accident in the same spot.Another pet that got used to peeing in the lawn, decided that the soft carpet was pretty much like an indoor lawn and, you guessed it! Febreze and rolling up of carpets till potty training was complete was the only way to work around that one.A recent sure fix way to get rid of smell memory that works well in the absence of having a deodorizer is to fill a spray bottle with a mild solution of coffee and spritz accident prone areas. Cheap and effective. Remember how perfume counters have jars of coffee beans to reset the smell counter in humans? Works with dogs as well. Of course, if possible and the carpets are rollable, stash them away for a couple of months till the pet is potty trained. So, yes, my carpets have actually been c(r)ap-pets for quite some time until these wonder measures were used!

Dog peeing all over the house after having puppies... What to do?

my dog had 8 puppies a month ago and pees in the house constantly now! It is to the point that my husband wants to get rid of her... Is this normal? (I don't think it is) How do I make her stop! She is let out more than enough in a day... She is pooping everywhere too. She has peed in the house 3 times today alone and pooped on our couch, just in the last 8 hours or so! Please help me! I don't want to get rid of her, but if this does not stop I don't see any other option.

PS: She is perfectly healthy. We have already ruled out a doggy UTI.

How to discipline a dog for peeing in the house?

Don’t punish your dog. This is counter productive and will make things worse. Firstly, is your dog a puppy? Has it ever been housetrained? Is it getting enough excercise and attention? If it’s an adult it may have an underlying medical problem. Take it to a vet for a check up. Ruling out any medical reason, stick to the following plan no matter the age of your dog.take the dog outside first thing in the morning, after every meal, periodically throughout the day and last thing at night. Stay outside with your dog until it toilets, this may take up to 5–10 minutes-do not shut the door and leave it outside alone.each time your dog toilets outside, give it LOADS of praise, over excited happy praise, then bring it inside for a food treat. If your dog does not toilet outside, just bring it back inside, just say nothing. No treats no praise. But also NO telling off.when your dog toilets inside. SAY NOTHING, no shouting, no scolding and DEFINITELY NO SMACKING. These acts will either make your dog anxious which result in a scared (or aggressive) dog which is likely to House soil more often. Just quietly-saying nothing- clear it up.BE CONSISTENT. This is key. If you are, the dog will quickly understand that something nice happens when it toilets outside. This may take weeks, sometimes even months, but it does work if you stay consistent. Please don’t think that it will understand that something bad happens if it toilets inside therefore it will stop, that’s not how it works, fear and confusion make for an unhappy dog.Good luck!

How do dog owners stop their dogs from peeing all over the house at night?

From the time that my dogs were puppies, I let them outside frequently to go potty, and gave them treats for doing their business outdoors.It was never a problem. The dogs woke me on the few occasions when they needed to be let outdoors in the middle of the night.My mastiff only had one accident, but, boy, was it a doozy. I thought that there had been a major plumbing leak in my kitchen.It turned out that my big girl Mazie had emptied her bladder of what looked to be about a gallon of urine all over my torn up thirty year old kitchen lineoleum.

My dog wont stop peeing around the house!!! help!!!?

Well guess what i have a male pug also and i had the kind of the same problem. What i found out with mine is that he was marking territory towards the cats. So some more questions for you do you have any other pets (cats or other dogs)? If so he could marking his territory towards the other pets. Is he fixed? Once again if he is not fixed he could be marking his territory. If he is fixed, it could be that you didn't get the spots were he pee'd cleaned up well eught and he still smells his pee on that spot and thinks he can keep going there. Some tips to help stop going in the house, when he does go in the house, dont let him see you clean it up because then he will think that is your job to clean up his pee in the house. Also what every rag you use to clean it up with put it outside and make him smell it just to get the scent of thats him and he has to pee outside. I hope that helps.

How do i get my stupid dog to stop pooping and peeing in the house?

Its never too late. Buy a crate just large enough for your puppy to stand and lay down. If you get one that is too large, your dog will mess in one end and sleep in the other. Take your dog out every morning when he wakes up, every night before bed, 30 minutes after eating, after waking up from a nap, and after playing for 30 mintues or so. Feed your dog the same time every day. Do not leave food or water out all day. Time your dog eating. Allow your dog only 20 minutes to eat then put food away. This will make it easier to monitor when he needs to go out. You do not need to leave water out because he is indoors in an air conditioned environment. Everytime he does his business outside, quietly say "good dog" then immediately reward her with a treat. If she doesn't go, put her back in the kennel, wait a few minutes then take her out again. If she is taking too long to go, then take her for a walk. The exercise will get her system going so that he will want to go. Since your dog is still making a mess around the house, never let her out of your sight. This way, you can monitor her more closely to see when she needs to go. If she starts sniffing around alot, take him out before she gets into position. If she starts to get into position, make a loud noise to get her to stop and tell her outside then take her out. Once out tell her "go potty". If you ever find presents left behind by her, but didn't see her do it, do not scold here. sHe will not understand why she is being scolded.