Why Does My Kitten Scratch And Bite Me

Why does my cat scratch and bite me?

How are you playing with your cat? If you think it’s “cute” to let the cat wrestle and bunny kick you, then you are asking to be bitten and scratched. Play should include wand toys and things they can wrestle with that aren’t body parts. Cats wrestle, bite, and swat at each other when fighting. I’ve seen this in my five cats. My one female loves to wrestle but is selective. She won’t go after a bigger cat. She does wrestle with our kitten. And if she can, she will with me. However, I don’t normally do that. She was a rescue at 3 years and I’m willing to bet as a kitten someone thought it was “cute” to let her bunny kick and bite their arm.If you want a gentle cat, be gentle with it. Play and love your cat. Remember it is a living being, respect its boundaries, and don’t try to bend it to your will. Also, cats are not dogs, no matter how much they act like it at times. But they can learn. You get what you give.


please help me i cant get her to stop, she loves me and is very affectionate sometimes i just want to learn how to get her like this all the time, oh and she also doesnt just sit in my lap she goes up to my face and bites my nose.

Please help me i would like this to stop

she is 7 monthes old

Why does my cat scratch and bite me?

So I have a kitten. He's very nice and plays a lot with me but recently during at night or in the mornings, he would randomly start biting and scratching my hands/ arms. I have had other cats and they don't do that. I think that he wants food or he wants to go outside, but no he just wants to scratch ,lick and bite my hand. It's so weird and when it really hurts i take him off but he meow and whimper.
Any help will help on why he does it.
He purrs alot while he does it i mean alot

Why does my cat scratch and bite me for no reason?

Sometimes when you pet a cat, you overstimulate them, and that can result in a bite or a scratch. So the thing to watch is the position of their ears. If they start to fold back, that is an attack sign. So simply stop and wait for her to relax.

But also think back. When she was a kitten, did you play with her using your hands, like reaching in and tickling her? If so you taught her that your hands are toys to be swatted, etc.

So if she swats you inappropriately, you train her not to do that, by a short hiss. A hiss is how her mother would have trained her. In fact, a hiss is good to stopping a lot of behavior you don't want her to do. So when she got too close to your smoothie, to simply say NO and a short hiss would also have worked.

Why doesn't my cat scratch or bite me?

To be fair, you've only had him a day. He's still adjusting at this point.

That said, not all cats scratch and bite. It depends on their temperament and how they were socialized. Of my 3 cats, the only one who bites is the one who was taken away from her mom and littermates too soon, but even she doesn't bite often and I can always tell ahead of time so I can avoid the situation if I choose to.

One of the nice parts of adopting an adult cat is that you get to skip all the play biting and scratching that comes with the first year :) Congrats on your new kitty!

Why does my cat want to bite me or scratch me when I touch him?

Kitten do this. Your cat thinks your fingers are toys and wants to play with them. If he is a kitten, this is something he has to learn not to do. Usually they learn not to bite hard from their litter mates who will stop playing with them if they get too rough. If your kitten was separated from his litter too young, he might not have learned this lesson.

A young cat may also be teething. They will chew on something until a tooth pops out.

You have to teach your cat that biting fingers is not acceptable behavior, Don't allow him to bite you. When he starts to play rough, stop playing with him immediately. Some people suggest hissing at the cat and you pull your hand away (as another cat would). He will learn you will not play with him when he bites. You should also give him some toys he can bite. Buy one of those long "log" toys. They are sort of a soft cylinder. The cat holds them in the front paws while scratching them with their back. Offer him these toys when he gets into a biting mood. A lot of cats like to chew on cardboard boxes so get him a few to play in. So when kitty bites pull your hand away and offer him a substitute he can bite.

Sensitive cats do this. Your cat may be telling you he does not want to be touched right now or that you are not touching him in a way he likes. Respect that and stop touching him. Some cats are more sensitive to touch than others.

Injured cats do this. If this is something that just happened out of the blue, I would have him checked over by the vet to make sure some area of this body is not hurting him and that is why he is biting when you touch it.

Keep his claws clipped. There is a scratching toy that will actually file down your cats claws when they use it.

We adopted an adult cat that bites like this. Sometimes she wants to be touched and sometimes she doesn't. I let her determine when she is in a petting mood.