Why Does My Mom Think Shes Plain

Why does my mom think she is never wrong?

95% of parents think like this, and it’s incredibly frustrating; but think about it this way:You own a pet, and you love it with all your heart. One day that pet tells you that the way you have been taking care of it is terrible, despite you knowing what’s best for its wellbeing.You wouldn’t believe what you’ve been doing is bad, would you?It’s the same in a parent/child relationship. It’s a parents’ job to take care of their child and teach them about life, so they can survive. If a child starts attempting to prove a parent’s morals/beliefs wrong, even though they have more general life-experience. They wouldn’t believe their child, as no one likes to have their views challenged.

What advice would you give to a woman who doesn't think that she is beautiful because she doesn't fit into beauty standards?

I don't really care if a woman thinks she's beautiful or not. What I care about is how much she thinks her beauty has anything to do with her worth.If a woman thinks she's plain looking but doesn't care because she's confident and comfortable in who she is, and knows she's a rad person, then what's wrong with that? Not everyone is going to be as beautiful and so what? That's not unhealthy.If a woman knows she is beautiful but thinks it is the only thing about her that gives her value, and the only reason she is worth anything at all, and without her beauty she is nothing, then she'll be riddled with insecurities, she'll be in a dangerous place, she'll be anxious about her beauty and that's not a good thing.So who cares whether she thinks she is not beautiful? Compared to who? You might think she's beautiful, but you don't need to convince her that she is beautiful, just that you think she's beautiful.But more importantly, she should know that she is rad. Beautiful or not, it doesn't matter. That has nothing to with her value.

Why does my mom hate my guts?

Sweetheart, you should not have to experience that type of treatment especially from your parents. Is it possible your mom has depression? Many people with depression will either be very sad or they can be mean and hostile towards others. It sounds like she would have the mean spitited symptom, but then she gets sad so that would be the depressed portion of it. If you want to, you can look up depression to see if the symptoms fit. Please do not kill yourself because you need to remember your mom is just being rude. Like you said, she IS wrong to say those things about you. It is not your fault you have ADHD and it is not bad or wrong. And plus, you are like a GENIUS. Getting 90%'s and 85%'s on stuff. GOOD JOB! :) And you are NOT a retard. Obviously if your grades are that good you are not mental and stupid. I highly doubt that you are going to end up homeless with no money. When people do that well in school their futures are bright. Remeber, your mom is just being mean. I also want you to remember there are always those people out there who would love to be your friend.When you feel hopeless or feel sad, just do something that relaxes your mind. You could maybe draw or listen to music. I do both and it helps me A LOT! :) I am sorry and if you want to email me feel free to for advice. My email is: EVERYONE is special in their own ways! :)

Do you think it's ironic that my Mom is a dentist and she loves chocolates and other sweets and so do we?

I'm a dentist and i like chocolate and coke and all that bad stuff. But its all about moderation.

Sugar doesn't actually cause decay by itself. Its the Plaque (which is made of bacteria) that eats the sugar that causes decay. If you let plaque accumulate, the plaque wiill have a feast on the crap on your teeth. Then you're asking for trouble.

plaque needs to go to the toilet after it eats and it shites out acid all over your teeth and thats what causes decay.

Coke is bad of course.... VERY BAD. it has sugar for the plaque to eat and it has ACID as well which eats the teeth anyway/makes them softer... you ever get that rough feeling on your teeth after you drink coke? thats your enamel being eroded by coke. Don't scrub it coz it wears your soft enamel away. The other bad thing it does is dry your mouth out (it has caffiene which is a dieuretic:makes you pee) and saliva normally helps neutralize acid; no neutralization = more damage from acid

If you have it don't have too much. a glass at a meal time is ok. Not 2 Litres a day! (I have some patients who do that and boy they don't have much teeth left)

My mom always thinks she's always right just because she has more "experience"?

there is no convincing her. some parents have no confidence in their children's abilities to make the right choice.
my father was the same, i still think that it was just insecurity on his part, he couldn't bear the thought that he might know less than me about some things.
i know for certain that my 25yr old son knows more than me about a lot of things, but i have never felt threatened by that idea.

you will just have to grin and bear it until you no longer live with her, then you will be able to make your own decisions about your life, just don't repeat her mistakes with your kids.

but she will always think she knows better, however old you get.

I think I found drugs in my moms room?

Im 19 years old and mom is an alcholic (yes ive tried to help but my late father was an herion addict and you learn you cant help someone who doesnt want to be helped) but i suspect she's using other drugs.

Today i found a dime sized bag of white powder in it, in just plain sight, she has told me on very rare occasions while drunk how she has had done drugs with her boyfriend but doesnt elaborate what it is or anything just says that then changes the subject.
Only other time i found something i thougjt was cocaine or whatever was when i was 12 when i found the same thing.

P.S. today she was acting REALLY weird, i mean shes always unpredictable being drunk all the time but this was totally different she had way too much energy and not in the good way, she was just talking SOOOO MUCH ,not like she was jumping around just sooo much talking and she usually talks alot so thats saying alot, and she just couldnt stay quiet for one second, super aggressive which is normal but she hadnt drank enough yet to be aggressive every second at me for no reason. Like usually shes mean and like a demon with alcohol, but this was like a jumpy mindset like having ADD outloud. Its just very hard to explain. She has acted like this befoee but its very rare but i cant understand how someone can do a drug like that since say i was 12and not be addicted, she started drinking when i was 8 and got hooked the same year, so its just confusing, sorry for the long speech lol.

Tell me your guesses