Why Does My Personality Keep Changing O

Why has my personality changed?

Either you're ISFJ or you're going through a difficult time in your life and have switched to your shadow functions of the brain.If you took the mbti test, your shadow type is the one opposite to your type (for me as an INTJ it would be ESFP). What happens is that in times of stress, you may find that you acted extremely out of character. The brain is quite complicated, and this is common. It doesn't last forever, and the reason it happens is that the usual brain preferences (Ni-Te, for example) isn't working in your environment, so the brain tries to adapt for you. Once you've gotten over this difficult period of your life, your natural tendencies should return to normal.

Why does my personality and mood changes all the time?

You are very, very young so I can see why you may feel so lost.You have mentioned what outside influences have meant to you, what do your insides say? What I mean have you considered taking control of your life from what you can control? The only thing you can control is you. The only truth in your life is what you feel and are inside. Seeking answers to your needs outside yourself in religion, philosophy or drugs is putting your life in the hands of outside forces. What are your talents? What do you know that you could use to propel your life forward? What can you do to better yourself? These are deep internal seeking questions.Don’t give up on life yet. I am 57 and I am in college and publishing books. No, I’m not getting rich or anything like that, but I enjoy learning and spreading information I have gleaned from life. Find your talents and work with them. Don’t fight so hard. Life isn’t fair or easy, but neither is it a toilsome never-ending journey.

How do I know my real personality if I'm always changing it depending on who I am with?

Figure out who you are when you’re alone. Pay attention to your late night thoughts. What annoys you? What are your favourite things? Where do you feel most at home? Think of your favourite books, movies and music. Sometimes they can reflect our feelings.Every once in a while it is necessary to take some ‘time out’ to enjoy your own company, to get to know yourself truly. As we grow, our personalities are changing constantly due to new experiences, feelings and ideas. This is normal. If you really have no clue who you are, you need to pay more attention to yourself and learn about yourself. It can take a while, but we all must learn about ourselves in the end.Best of luck on your endeavours. :3

If I get my cat declawed, will his personality change?

people here will suggest softpaws but they are a pain to put on a cat who doesnt want to cooperate.
same with trimming the nails.
i got both of my cats declawed in the front paws ( i think it might have been by laser which is supposed to be better) because they were tearing up everything, and i noticed no mood changes at all. they are both happy, loving cats, so for the most part dont worry about it and try to go for just the front end by laser. its much less painful

How can I stop forcing myself from changing my personality?

Personality is built with proper education, grooming, and culture. Improvement of personality can be realised only with the improvement of yourself. Because yourself is your personality. Any other forced endeavour to change your personality will end miserably   1. You are unique in this world with your merits and demerits. You have unique and different genetic configuration. Hence you are neither inferior nor superior to others. You are yourself.  2 As a human being, you are the highest of the species. You are offspring of the respectable parents. You are carrying their developed DNA. There is no end to self-improvement. You should utilise your capacity and resources 100% to develop yourself. You cannot embarrass your parents and ancestors.  2. You have enormous power and unlimited possibilities to excel in your life. You can achieve and maintain anything in the world, only if you so desire with the utmost determination, The sky is the limit. No one can deter you.  3. Develop yourself by way of proper education, grooming, and hard work. There is no alternative to hard work. Hard work has the unique power to surpass all deficiencies.  4. Further, discover and develop your inherent qualities. Find out the field of your natural dominance and develop it.  5. Develop yourself all out, both mentally and physically through physical exercises, yoga, and meditation. There is no end to self-improvement.  6. Involve yourself in different creative activities like games and sports, art and culture, social welfare activities, etc  7. Get mixed with only positive minded people. Negative people divert you from your track to development.  8. Improve overall to take the challenge of the world with equal terms. You must have 100% positive approach towards life.  9. The last but not the least comes the question of dress code. Use dresses as per the situation. But, don't' forget, you should dresses which you can carry comfortably matching your figure and taste. Well fitted dresses make one look smart.  10. All these developments in your life will be reflected in your personality and no other artificial change is required.

What is wrong with my sister? Personality change?

My younger sister is 14, almost 15 years old. Lately it seems like her whole personality has changed. She's always negative, talks less, and is always hiding in her room. Now some of you would say that all teenagers hide in their rooms. But I never see her at all. The only time she comes out is literally for meals. Other then that she is always in her room with her door locked. I'm not sure what she does. Sometimes I hear music, other times she's typing on her computer.

She's easily irritated. Sure that would seem normal for a teen to be irritated, but she gets really mad about little things. My younger brothers will be playing with each other and she will tell them to shut up. Once they were just running around the house and she "bumped into them". Now I know she pushed them out of anger, but she denied it and said she accidentally hit into them.

But what scares me the most are some of the things she says. Once I told her she should have put sun block on and she'd get skin cancer for not doing it. She responded with, "Good, maybe I'll get skin cancer and die". My mom and I ran after her before she could close the door to her room and questioned why she said that. She just kept saying nothing and leave me alone. We tried and tried but never got an answer out of her and gave up. When we ask her things like "what do you want to do" it's always "anything. i don't care." or "whatever, doesn't make a difference". It's never a straight answer and she doesn't take interest in anything.

All summer she didn't hang out with anyone. Maybe she sends them messages on her computer, but that's not the same. The only friend i've ever heard her talk about was a Jen. That's it. I think she only has one friend, and in the beginning of the year she was always hanging out with people. Should I be worried? Or is this just a normal teenage thing?

Why do people's personalities change after a drastic weight loss?

I've had quite a few people I know over the years transform their bodies by having a drastic weight loss. I'm very proud of everyone I know who changes their lives in such a huge, long, hard way.
But it seems to me that in every case these people's personalities have changed...big time.
My aunt and my MIL both went from very very overweight to very slim and in a short period of time. With both of them I saw they started to act younger, but not in a good way. More like wearing low rise jeans and going clubbing younger. And their whole personalities changed into those people as well. When my MIL gained a bit of weight back, it seems like she's a bit more balanced now, lol.
And my best friend 2 years ago went from a size 24 to a size 12 in about 9 months. She's still the same in many ways, but now she is a little more...abrasive? I don't know how to explain it. Like she was always an outgoing, super fun girl, and now she's like...annoyingly outgoing. Like in your face. And before she lost weight she would have boyfriends and now that she lost weight she's been sleeping around a lot more.
I have more examples but I don't want to make this question super long.
Now, I am not trying to be judgemental. I love these people dearly. I am just trying to understand why everyone I know, when they go through a drastic weight loss, their whole personalities and so on change drastically too? And why is it sooo opposite of what they used to be? Is it something chemical in the brain, or is it just these are the people they always were but now are showing it, or something else?
Thanks in advance.

Will becoming a police officer change my personality?

Sounds good. Yes, it will change your life and yes you will have some personality changes. Which you will have to learn to turn on and off. Just as a Correctional Officer learn to be a Correctional Officer when he/she here the gate shut behind them as they enter the compound of the institution, then as they leave the facility turn back into a normal human being. We all in law enforcement in a way live a double life. It all as to do with the train you get and the stuff you see during your experience. It will make you a different person, and you just have to learn how to deal with it. Just as military personal have to deal with combat, just we fight crime and it take a strong person to manage. I think as long as you got a strong head on your shoulders and willing to learn and listen the training will take control. The best way to turn your other personality which is the police person is not get wrap up in the job and to have hobbies and do thing away from work and to have a life outside of work. The rookie year is a tough year but it will mold you into the person you need to be for the job.

May this be a poem be a light.

“Behind the Wall”

I walk down halls, of concrete and stares.
Among the monsters, worse than nightmares.
With endless exposure to shanks and disease.
And to all of these felons, I still must say please.
The public is sheltered, kept safe from any harm.
While my heart is racing, I respond to the alarm.
An man is lying, face down on the floor.
Inmates are yelling, cut him some more.
With bare hands, and courage from above.
The disturbance is quelled without raising a glove.
We clear the compound, and lock down the range.
For us inside, this is normal, not strange.
Behind these walls I’ve seen my share.

To the most horrible acts, I don’t seem to care.
Violence and bloodshed are now part of my life.
I pray to God, don’t let me take this home to my wife.
We spend our lives working in Hell.

Our stories are secret, we’ve no one to tell.
We serve in silence, no cheers or parades.
Yet the country is safer, by the service we made.