Why Does My Right Side Hurt Is It My Appendix

Why does the right side of my stomach hurt?

If the pain is just under the rib cage on the right side, it most likely is your gallbladder. Bad bile made in your liver from eating bad fats like Vegetable oils (canola, soybean, cottonseed, and corn oils) and fried foods, hydrogenated oils, trans fats, etc. all contribute to very bad bile. The liver makes this and then sends it to the gallbladder. The gallbladder is a storage tank for bile. If the bile is viscous from these bad oils, it will crystalize and form stones. When you eat any fatty foods, the gallbladder squeezes and the bile flows down the bile duct to digest the fats. If stones are present, the bile has a hard time getting down that duct. This causes pain.

The most active time the bile is made is between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. in the day time. If you are on a LOW fat diet, this diet exacerbates the problem and makes it definitely worse. These very stupid people that recommend low fat this and low fat that have no understanding of how the body works. It's very important to understand fats and how they play a very important part in regard to your health.

If you were having a gas problem, that still relates to your digestion. Don't let some surgeon convince you that you need your gallbladder out until you understand completely the whole process and how you can make yourself healthy with a diet change first. 99% of all gallbladder operations could be avoided if good nutrition was applied.

good luck to you

My right side by my appendix hurts but what else could it be?

Another person here seems to be suggesting that if you have pain on the lower right side, you probably have appendicitis. That is not true. It is true that appendicitis pain is usually felt in the lower right quadrant of your abdomen (if you draw a line up-and-down through your belly button and another across your abdomen), but appendicitis is not the most likely explanation--by far.

If you do not have a fever and don't feel progressively sicker every few hours in addition to having the abdominal pain, it is unlikely that you have appendicitis. People with appendicitis usually look and feel horrible AND are generally going rapidly downhill. If that's not you, something else is most likely going on.

There are many causes of abdominal pain in the lower right. For every one person with lower right abdominal pain who actually has appendicitis, there will be well over 100 (maybe even 1000) whose lower right abdominal pain is actually due to constipation or some other gastrointestinal issue. Since you've had problems with constipation lately, that is much more likely to be the cause of your pain. Females with lower right abdominal pain are also much more prone to have a pelvic or genitourinary problem than appendicitis. For you, Alex, a urinary tract infection is also a possible explanation for the lower-right pain.

To find a long-term fix for constipation, you need to be eating healthier food. You need food with dietary fiber and more liquids. Do some websearching.

To get tested for and fix any urinary tract infection, see a doctor.

If you do have lower-right abdominal pain that is worse when the area above the appendix is pressed firmly, feel not just achy but *really sick*, have a fever, if people take one look at you and ask "What's wrong with you??", if you feel worse now than you did early this morning and worse this morning than last night... if ALL of that is true, THEN okay, time to head for an ER to get checked for appendicitis.

My right side hurts and it kind of hurts when I pee. Could this be my appendix?

It could be, but any answers here are just a guess.  Need to take a look inside to see what is really going on.  As all the others have said, go see a doctor.

What causes pain on the right side of the appendix?

It means dont self diagnose. Your appendix is about 5-6mm in diameter. The likelihood that you have the neural structure to feel it at all when it hasnt already burst or close to it, much less differentiate one side of it from the other is infinitesimal to the point of discounting it as a possibility.That very thin thing hanging off the colon is the appendix.I dont know if you have identified some other part of your body as your appendix or if yours is about to burst but either way just go to a doctor.

My right side hurts?

Take your temperature, if it 100 or above, do this test for referred appendix pain:
Press down on your abdomen, and then release quickly, if it hurts MORE after you RELEASE than it did while pressing down, that is a symptom of referred appendix pain.
If it is your appendix the pain will localize to the right side and will be low, just above the hipbone. It can take a few days to localize and the pain can be through out the abdomen until it does become accute and get to the point that even walking will hurt.
Keep checking your temp.,even if you do not have one now, for as long as the pain persists. If you have a fever with the referred pain call your Dr. or go to the ER.
Be prepared to wait while they draw your blood to check your white blood cell count, it will be elevated if you have an infection. The surgeon that treated my daughter made me sign permission for exploratory surgery, even though she was sure it was appendicitis, because until they are actually looking at it they can't say for sure that is what it is.
You need to get treatment if you have these symptoms for if the appendix ruptures,it can cause a potentially fatal infection called peritonitis.It is much harder to treat, for the infection from the appendix dumps into the abdominal cavity and spreads throught out,and must be removed surgically as well.
Do not eat anything if the pain keeps getting worse, for if you need surgery food in your digestive tract will delay it or complicate it. Stick to clear fluids, jello is ok.

These are all instuctions for determining if you have appendicitis.You may have something altogether different going on.

The thing to keep in mind is your temperature.If it climbs to 100 or above that is a clear sign of some sort of infection and you need to get to the Dr.

Pain in side? Could it be my appendix?

Bottom line: See a doctor - never take chances with your health - good health is what keeps you here.

Lower right side abdominal pain may be present or occur elsewhere in the abdomen. Appendicitis pain is often accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, appetite and bowel changes, yet this is not predictable. Given the life-threatening potential of a ruptured appendix, this potential emergency needs to be ruled out expediently.

Non emergent causes include: fever, appetite changes, pain fluctuation, vomiting, nausea, bloating, changes in bowel habits, relationship to the menstrual cycle, and if the pain is affected by food, pressure or bodily position.

Good Luck and get it checked out please!

Why does my appendix hurt when I am running?

No, i think you are merely experiencing a stitch. I will however put your mind at ease about the appendix, appendicitis itself has very rapid onset symptoms, A sharp stabbing pain in the side that does not go away, accompanied by high fevers , nausea and in-coherency. As i result i would definitely suggest a stitch as you have stated it only occurs during hard periods of exercise and it goes away afterwards.
Regards, Burnsy

I have a pain on my right side near my appendix.?

well i think the fact that it starts hurting right after you ejaculate is just a coincidence... it could be very well be appendicitis, and i think you should go to the doctor to get it checked out. the sooner you do it, the better. believe me, i know.. i had to have my appendix removed a few years back, and it's not good to wait, if you know you're having problems..

My side hurts around where your appendix is but on the opposite side...?

You should not ever ignore an unexplained pain in your stomach. If you are female, it could be ovarian cysts. That could make you feel very sick and have a lot of pain, especially if one ruptures. A urinary tract infection can also cause abdominal pain. A kidney stone or a kidney infection is another possibility. If you have already had this pain constantly for more than a day you need to get it checked.